Why did you, ( or still want to ) become a Firefighter?
  • Bud Kuhn, Joyce Phillips, Nicole M. Tugwell and 11 others like this.
  • Brotherhood of Fire To have a meaningful career, a fulfilling life.  

    Even though I was not fully aware of the toll it pays on your heart/body and more subtlety in your life... still, it's the greatest job in the world and wouldn't ever want to do it differently.
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    4 · 15 mins
    • Brian Robert Well said brother!
      1 · 14 mins
  • Jake Oakes 3rd generation firefighter. Lots of boys want to grow up to be like their dad, mine passed away when I was just 7 years old and I never really grew out of it
    1 · 8 mins
May God protect and keep safe some of the hardest working firefighters on planet earth... DETROIT FIRE !!!
So many fires broke out that Detroit ran out of trucks to respond, leaving the city dangerously unprotected.
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Firefighters... Available 24/7/365.25
Courage * Strength * Honor 
First In - Last out 
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The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) is a labor union representing professional firefighters in the United States and Canada. 
The IAFF was formed in 1918 and is affiliated with the AFL-CIO in the United States and the Canadian Labour Congress in Canada. The IAFF is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has some 300,000 members in more than 3,200 locals and affiliates in every U.S. state and in Canada.
According to the U.S. Fire Administration professional fi...
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* What are your thoughts about this?
Fire Critic Rhett Fleitz answers a mutual aid question from a Brother Firefighter : 
Question: I volunteer for a combination department. Today I read a post about the IAFF sticker. (Professional Firefighters of Concord, NH - Local 1045 ) The person explained her interpretation of what it meant to have that sticker. 
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Rest in eternal peace brothers and sister...
7/6/94 14 Fallen Firefighters, South Canyon Fire on Storm King Mountain - Never Forgotten.
* The 10 and 18
The "Ten Standard Fire Orders" and "Eighteen Watchout Situations" have been developed over the course of the last five or six decades by the wildland fire community. 
Sadly and tragically, each of the "Fire Orders" and "Watchouts" have been learned from incidents in which that specific situation has led to a fatality, entrapment, or near miss incident.  
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  • Tammie Saiki, Jeffery Soares, JJ Howell and 182 others like this.
  • Jordon Smith My fire science chief had drilled us all the past school year on them i finally mesmerized them
  • Casey Croninger 19 seasons now and they're just 2nd nature to me. Can't recite them verbatim but when I'm on the line I'm always on point. "Keep one foot in the black".
Today July 6, 2015 marks another tragic anniversary (21 years ago) of 14 brave firefighters who were killed in the line of duty from what is often referred to as the "Storm King Fire”.
The South Canyon Fire was a 1994 wildfire that took the lives of 14 wildland firefighters on Storm King Mountain, near Glenwood Springs, Colorado, on July 6th, 1994. 
On July 2, 1994, lightning sparked a fire near the base of Storm King Mountain, 7 miles (11 km) west of Glenwood Springs, Colora...
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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Happy Independence Day fellow Patriots !!!
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  • Joseph Silvay, Linda Haight, Adam Jett and 149 others like this.
  • Atticus Battaglia Be thankful for all that you have. Love one another. Remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our great country.
  • John Stalzer Remember now, more than ever!