Translation from English

Friday, July 3, 2015

Born Today= Spanish Writer Ramon Gomez de la Serna

Ramon Gomez de la Serna

(Madrid, 1888-Buenos Aires, 1963) Spanish writer. Law degree from the University of Oviedo, devoted his life exclusively to literary activity, which was shown as a prolific writer and pioneer of a kind of literature that, in the purest art, stands as a personal construction great originality.

Gomez de la Serna
His early works will show a critical and innovative attitude to the Spanish literary scene, dominated by noventayochistas, and coincide with the direction taken since 1908, issue of Prometheus, receiving and diffusing the first overt vanguard in Spain, of which he was your first and staunch defender and promoter. Entertainers undeniable literary life of Madrid in 1914 created one of the most visited and famous that has counted Madrid talks, the Café Pombo.
His particular vision of literature, conceived within the budgets of art for art, no attempt to ideological reflection, resulted in a genre he invented, the greguerías,defined by the author as "metaphor more humor." Are short phrases of aphoristic type, which are not intended to express any maximum or truth, but depicting an unusual angle from everyday realities with irony and humor, based witty expressions, phrases disorders or phonetic or conceptual games.
His vast literary production ranges from articles and essays, some grouped in books, to dramas erotic theme and works more or less novelistic, many of them based on a gruesome plot, in the manner of genre serials, that inconsistencies in the narrative , images of surreal type or baroque expression become a form of nonsense that destroys all sentimentality and pathos and approaches grotesque.
In 1936, following the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War he went into exile in Buenos Aires with his wife, writer Louise Sofovich, and in 1948 published the autobiographical Automoribundia, testimony of his life and compendium of his style and his personal literary conception .

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