POLICE OPERATIONMissing Elias - more police on duty

Around 125 notes were received, the police are looking for with all our strength - but the six-year Elias from Potsdam remains far gone. more
Demonstrationen am Al-Kuds-Tag in Berlin

CITY WESTAl-Quds-demo - Motorists should avoid Kurfürstendamm

At the "Al-Quds Day" demonstrate today against Palestinians and activists in Berlin. Motorists should expect traffic delays. more

UPDATEDFOOTBALLRummenigge confirmed: Schweinsteiger to Manchester United

The era Schweinsteiger at Bayern is completed. After 17 years of national team captain goes to Manchester United. more

POLICE AND TRAFFICThat happened at night to Saturday in Berlin

Berlin never sleeps. Here you will find an overview of the last hours and the traffic reporter and weather. more

NEW FEE SCHEDULEpumping by firefighters is now charged correctly

Regularly the Berlin Fire Department has to pump out cellars and save animals. But who pays for that?A new regulation provides clarity. more

COMMENTAfD - the end of a party in times of euro crisis

In a time when the AFD with its basic theme Europe and Euro would have boom breaks the party says Jochim Stoltenberg. more

TRANSFERSThe problem with the shop keepers of the Bundesliga

Hertha is still looking for a buyer to climb hero Ronny.He is by no means the only case of a problem of this kind. more

So stellen sich die Macher von „Flussbad Berlin“ das Spree-Schwimmen an der Museumsinsel vor

PROJECT FLUSSBADathletes try swimming in the Spree in Berlin

Around 100 people are allowed on Sunday something that is otherwise forbidden: swimming in the Spree. It is a promotion for a river pool. more

BERLIN ADMINISTRATIVE COURTbuilding permit for the Freudenberg area lawfully

Nature Friends Club Germany fails in his action. The association wanted to achieve a much lower building. more

BERLIN-FRIEDRICHSHAIN"Action Week" - Links Extreme grip again policemen

On the Riga street in Friedrichshain there was again some violence by left-wing extremists. There were arrests. more

BGH JUDGMENTHelmut Kohl gets to keep his memoirs

The Federal High Court has ruled. Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl wins the tapes in a dispute with the publicist Swan. more

FINANCIAL CRISISGreek parliament votes in favor of Tsipras' savings plans

Tsipras has received authorization, the lenders agree to the reform plans. Now decide the Euro Group. more
Zwar rückte das SEK sofort an, doch der mutmaßliche Täter ist auf der Flucht. Noch bestätigte die Polizei nicht, dass es sich um eine Entführung handelte

RELATIONSHIP DRAMAPolice shoot hostage-takers in Baden-Württemberg

An armed man had brought the family of his ex-girlfriend in his power. SWAT officers stormed the apartment and shot. more

FOOTBALLHoffenheim defender Süle back after seven months

Seven months after his serious knee injury has youth international Niklas Süle the Bundesliga club 1899 Hoffenheim ... more

FOOTBALLGermany starts against England and Italy in the European Championship year

Football World Cup Germany starts with two international game classics into EM 2016. The DFB board confirmed on his ... more

FOOTBALLUpcoming events in the national team

For the German national football team following events have been scheduled in the calendar: more

FOOTBALL'SGOVERNINGpro Korte needs because of a hamstring ...

COMPANY"Horror House" is to be modernized

POLICEWoidke: new police agreement simplifies offender tracking

UPDATEDCRIMEman threatens family of ex - police shoot hostage-takers

UPDATEDCRIMEgunman from Franconia acted probably in Wahn

PEOPLEPrince Philip aligned with photocall

UPDATEDREFUGEESHamburg and Berlin examine genitals of young refugees

CONFLICTSwounds, tattoos, outfit: Who looks like a terrorist?

FINANCEfinanciers see reform package as a basis for negotiations

CINEMAThe Eternal Zhivago:

WhenCONSTRUCTIONStaatsoper-topping nobody talks about the breakdown

CINEMAWhy is it bad to be always young and beautiful

Blogs & Columns

TV SHOWwelding & Jealousy: Berliner "Bachelorette" distributed roses

MEDIADubious rituals to Honecker Jagdschloss: ZDF turns Crime

TV SHOWBudding Berlin teacher Alisa is the new Bachelorette

CLEANING SERVICESBerlin-based start-up Helpling fighting for the global number one

BIOTECHNOLOGYFrench pay 50 million euros for Berlin-based start-up

STARTUP INCUBATORRWE and Henkel are looking for innovation in Berlin

PEOPLEBenno Fürmann: manhood is stressful

PEOPLENicky Hilton are James Rothschild her consent

FASHIONFlowers and penguins: the completion of the Berlin Fashion Week

Gerrit Engel ist der einzige Fotograf, der den umstrittenen Abriss des Palastes der Republik über die gesamte Phase von 2006 bis 2008 dokumentierte.

EXHIBITIONUnique photos show the demolition of the Palace of ...

SurfacedSENSATIONAL DISCOVERYHitler bronze horses after decades back

"THE SITE"The enchanted way of a German memorial site


INTERNETReddit boss Pao resigns by revolt

INTERNETMusic Streaming: Tidal also introduces family tickets

SPACE"Philae" announces itself again - but experts wonder

Majestätischer Ausblick: Son Marroig war die mallorquinische Lieblingsresidenz von Erzherzog Ludwig Salvator – ihm gefiel es hier besser als in Wien

MALLORCAwho brought mass tourism to the island

CONTROL FREAK"She's fun, I have a problem"

INFIDELITY ON TRIPSlike German compatriots not a holiday romance

BERLIN DESIGNERSFashion Week - Michalsky ensures furious finale

LALA BERLIN INVIDEOFASHIONtest with Leyla Piedayesh: H & M or luxury brand?

HEALTHSports in home: suck online gyms for each?

EDITORIALSFashion Week in Berlin - A tribute to the fashion

COMMENTPetrys AFD stands against everything that is liberal and open-minded

COMMENTtopping-out ceremonies are undoubtedly a good trend for Berlin

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