"The Taming of the Shrew" heads to Prospect Park next Tuesday! Performances are FREE, as always!
No tickets or reservations are required.
For all details, visit: newyorkclassical.org
‪#‎Shakespeare‬ ‪#‎OffBroadway‬
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Rain, rain, go away!
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Thanks to our friends the "Minor Critics" for a wonderful review!
The New York Classical Theatre has a special part in the family history of the Minor Critics; every summer for the last 16 years they have presented their roaming “panoramic” performances, mostly o...
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  • Alison Beck, Christine Johnson, Amy Hutchins and 17 others like this.
"The Taming of the Shrew" performs tonight in at 7pm! Only 2 more weekends left in Central Park! ‪#‎Shakespeare‬ ‪#‎CentralPark‬ ‪#‎OffBroadway‬
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Thanks to our friend, Jedidiah Dore, for his beautiful work! "The Taming of the Shrew" in Central Park. ‪#‎Shakespeare‬ Ink & Sword
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Too funny for a rainy Monday! Thanks for the pick-me-up  ‪#‎GoodTickleBrain‬‪#‎Shakespeare‬ ‪#‎Selfies‬
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  • Sanya Popovic, Julio C. Peña, Kathe Rice Stanley and 15 others like this.
Bianca (Claire Saunders) made a new friend last night in Central Park! "The Taming of the Shrew" plays tonight at 7pm (West 103 x Central Park West).
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  • Abbie Getty, Carter Woodson, Lois Riggins and 51 others like this.
  • Mary Jenkins Wonderful moment during Sunday evening's performance. During the first tussle between Kate and Petruchio, Kate wallops him - it is a fake blow but it sounded like Joe Frazier. In the crowd, a very, very young voice hollers out "Owww!"
  • Mary Jenkins Wonderful!
Don't miss our all-FREE family workshops! Today (6/13) and tomorrow (6/14) at 5pm in Central Park (West 103 x Central Park West). These are our final workshops for the summer... and perfect for children 7-12!
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An exciting new interview with Artistic Director, Stephen Burdman!
This year honors William Shakespeare’s 451st birthday and seeing one of his plays performed in public is a fantastic way to pay homage to...
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  • Steven E Boone, Ian Antal, Lydia Gobena and 23 others like this.
Thanks to the families of Heschel School (grades 1-2) for joining us last night at the show! We look forward to grades 5-8 on Thursday!
If you are interested in having your *own* group night, please contact Mary Fulweiler at (212) 662-0760 or
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  • Claire Saunders, Ian Antal, Nancy Singer and 23 others like this.
  • Mary Jenkins Thank you, Heschel School, for providing such a good looking audience!
300+ at ‪#‎Shakespeare‬'s "The Taming of the Shrew" on a gorgeous Saturday night in ‪#‎CentralPark‬‪#‎OffBroadway‬
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  • Karen Colakyan Hagerty, Guilhem Harpey, Harrison Maung and 99 others like this.
Family workshops begin tonight in Central Park at 5pm! Then stick around for "The Taming of the Shrew" at 7! ‪#‎Shakespeare‬ ‪#‎CentralPark‬‪#‎OffBroadway‬
  • Ian Antal, Mary Jenkins, Steve Small and 5 others like this.
It's Opening Night!
And every performance, as always, is FREE!
No tickets or reservations are required.
For all details, visit: newyorkclassical.org
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A little ‪#‎Hamlet‬ humor for a gloomy Monday morning...
Thanks Mya!
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  • Rebecca Nunez, Sarah Packard, Mary Jenkins and 9 others like this.
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Beautiful Weather and a FREE Off-Broadway Show! Make sure to join us this weekend for our final previews of ‪#‎Shakespeare‬'s "The Taming of the Shrew"! ‪#‎OffBroadway‬ ‪#‎CentralPark‬ ‪#‎FreeNYC‬
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  • Kate Baragona, Allan Rios, Sophia Gutchinov and 15 others like this.
Previews for "The Taming of the Shrew" begin tonight in Central Park at 7pm! For more info, visit newyorkclassical.org
See you in the Park!
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  • Kelly Lemons, Kate Baragona, Andrea DiGregorio and 59 others like this.
  • Jeff Storer What role R u playing, beautiful!
Technical rehearsals for "The Taming of the Shrew" in Central Park!
  • Allan Rios, Eddie Edenfield, Neil McGarry and 5 others like this.
  • Marina Daiman New York Classical Theatre - Official Fan Page, I love the idea of open rehearsals, and will try to make it one day. But I would also like a bit more info on your upcoming family workshops; I believe they are announced but not described on your website. cc: Geoffrey
    • New York Classical Theatre - Official Fan Page Hi Marina: The family workshops are a series of fun games that teach about acting for classical theatre as well as plot points for the show ("The Taming of the Shrew"). It's quite a fun event and lasts about 45 minutes. Families then generally have dinner and stay for the show at 7pm. I look forward to seeing you in the park!
Special Summer's Almost Here TBT!
2010-11: "The School for Husbands" by William ‪#‎Moliere‬ ‪#‎CentralPark‬
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  • Charles Abraham, Kristina Gronseth, Maggie Whitlum-Cooper and 13 others like this.
  • Courtney Ward I miss you all!!!!! Xoxo Lisette tongue emoticon
Yes... this means that Anne Hathaway was 3 months pregnant before she and Shakespeare were married... how "Hollywood"!