Tuesday, June 2, 2015

NASA Climate Change

Earth is an ever-changing place. How much do you know about your home planet?
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Today, June 1, is the official start of the Atlantic Hurricane Season, which runs through November 30. So far, it's quiet in the Atlantic basin. But remember: ...
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Flooding on the Arkansas River
Record-setting rain has sent rivers over the banks in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Read more at http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php…
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IMAGES OF CHANGE: Flooded Iowa (Sept. 2010 and Aug. 2011)
In the spring of 2011, heavy rains and snowpack resulted in record releases from dams in Montana and the Dakotas, and near-record flooding along parts of the Missouri River. One especially hard-hit community was Hamburg, Iowa, where levee failure in early June caused extensive flooding and the evacuation of many homes. By late June, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had rebuilt the levees and Hamburg was protected from ...
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What can you do with the energy saved by recycling one aluminum can? You might be surprised.
What can you do with the energy saved by recycling one aluminum can? You might be surprised.
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This hurricane season, NOAA’s Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research will work with NOAA’s National Weather Service to upgrade weather forecast models and c...
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Beyond rising temperatures, many other indicators of climate change have been observed in the United States—like reduced lake ice, earlier melting of snowpack, and longer growing seasons.  ‪#‎climatefacts‬
Learn more: 1.usa.gov/1IfjhlA

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