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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Google: from Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

The power of Internet corporationsAmerica is burned, we now live in Google-land

Too slow, too expensive, too hostile to innovation: Has the state become obsolete in the digital age? And what happens when an Internet company itself swings open to legislators and law enforcement officers?
© APEnlargeThe governor of Georgia, Nathan Deal, announces the extension of a Google data center for $ 300 million.
Google's search engine has a market share of ninety percent, the Android operating system by 85 percent. Google sends satellites into space, developed autonomous vehicles, missed the earth to the farthest corners. And now the company wants to also offer insurance. His algorithms determine what is relevant, his cards, looks like the reality. Seldom has the function of a company was so great. The European Union and its Member States are trying desperately, the Internet giant to extract concessions. Most vain. The Google empire expands ever further.
Could Google be a state? The idea is oppressive. But so bold utopia is not. Ever heard the idea arose, California to split into six smaller states ("Six Californias").The investor Tim Draper made a proposal, to be voted on in the Internet."California is ungovernable," it says. The Silicon Valley would rise as an economic powerhouse in the same part of the state. Restarting like a computer would make the highly indebted state a sustainable community. The project was rejected. However, for some sound Draper as a visionary who wanted to break up the encrusted state architecture.

States are competing entrants

Basically, it was the only investor to selfishness. Its site of action, the Silicon Valley, finally should be able to self-regulate. Los Angeles would have to fight in this microstructure States alone with smog and would try to attract investors to the country, San Diego would have to cope with the migrants alone. On request Draper tells: "I would welcome a Google-state very. Governments need more competition, so that they can provide better services. "The venture capitalists thinking States as competing operators. His radical libertarian vision is more common in the United States than in Europe: If the state wirtschaftet unsuccessful, he should give way. And here Google comes into play. After reading the Drapers tech giant provides the same services as a government: information networks (Internet), insurance. What the welfare state continental European due to demographic change no longer to afford soon might be able to provide Google. But is it really conceivable?
File photo of Century City and downtown Los Angeles seen through the smog© REUTERSEnlargeIf Google another State, Los Angeles would have to fight alone with the smog.
The law expert Georg Jellinek in the 19th century the state as "Equipped with original ruling power body of a sedentary people (authority)" circumscribed, consisting of territory, state people and state power. Now this doctrine can hardly be transferred to Google. It is hard to imagine that Google turnpikes built and performs sovereign acts.The idea of ​​a nation state has become more blurred in an age increasingly define the citizens themselves as cosmopolitans and the ties between government and citizens are loose.Nevertheless, although Google has billions of users, but by no means binding as a state. More interesting is the element of state power and its inherent control thought. Michel Foucault called the statistics once the science of government. In the knowledge of the citizens is Google as a giant data collector in a sense state.Google always know better than us about it.
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