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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Latest news from politics, business, sport and culture 

Blatter knew of bribes from Qatar

The challenger from Qatar had envelopes with cash to distribute, but in the end Sepp Blatter won the power struggle at the top of world football.Internal Fifa logs show now: Blatter knew what was going on - and it was handled with kid gloves More by JÜRGEN KALWA, NEW YORK.  4

Violence in the late evening100 masked riot in Leipzig

Violent offenders demolish cars, throwing stones at the American consulate and build barricades.Whether the violence have to do with the hundreds of kilometers from occurring G-7 Summit, is still unclear. More 

Debt disputeSchäuble of Merkel reprimanded

German Finance Minister Schaeuble suffer the fate of his Greek colleague Varoufakis. He is put in the Poker to the Greek debt in the second row. More  By MANFRED SCHÄFER  100  81

AirfareThe new Lufthansa-fee is a major bone

The plan Lufthansa to levy an additional fee of 16 Euro from September to numerous flight tickets, brings the group criticism from the travel industry. But not all booking channels are affected.More  TIMO KOTOWSKI  2  2

FractureWolf Management

A halfway house of asylum seekers and I-AG:. About the return of the wolf in German politics more  TIMO FRASCH  5  26

320 km for orphansNils running alone through the third night

FAZ Picture Editor Nils Thies has 200 km of cracked and goes into its third night. The first two he spent in society. The next he wants to tackle as a lone wolf.Why, can be found here in the live blog - and what else he experienced during his run more.   4  40

Greeks play poker with electionTsipras rejects claims of creditors

Alexis Tsipras, the creditors of his country asked to withdraw their proposals. At the same time the Greek Prime Minister called for a comprehensive settlement of the Greek debt problem with a haircut. More  By TOBIAS PILLER and HENDRIK KAFSACK  21  50

Armed with creditorsUkraine also wants a haircut

A state bankruptcy threatens not only in Greece but also in Ukraine. The creditors are impatient, the government hopes to cash injections. More 

Requests rejectedGermany deports more asylum seekers

Be returned asylum seekers who face no persecution in their homeland. That the number this year is higher, is not due to refugees from Syria or Iraq, but from Europe. More   4

Günther Jauch leaves the ARDThe late victory of Gremlins

Günther Jauch ended his talk show on First. This is especially for the home station, the NDR, a shock. But there were also plenty of critics in the ARD.Does the Jauch induced to go? Or it about money? More  By MICHAEL HANFELD  10

Garmisch before the G-7 Summit,the purest idyll - yet

The protesters are always more. But nothing, however, indicates to riot. For daytime make sightseeing or a swim in the Loisach. Locals barricade themselves anyway. And in the evening there is a realization that first demo. More  By RÜDIGER KÖHN, GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN  3

Hamburger SVThe doubts of Bruno Labbadia

After the dramatic rescue of the HSV in the relegation Bruno Labbadia speaks in an interview very openly about the toughest weeks of his life coach - and the questions that he presented himself before returning here.   1
  • Summer Sale for Kaufhof
    Brigitte Koch
    The Karstadt-owner René Benko and the Canadian retailer Hudson's Bay show two foreign investor interest. How good are their concepts?More3
  • Social tourism
    Joachim Jahn
    A mass immigration would threaten the "national social security systems," warns the ECJ Advocate General. One can only hope that this reference to the problems faced by many municipalities fall with poverty migrants from Eastern Europe on fertile ground. More75203
  • When FIFA will not fail to yourself
    Michael Ashelm
    In Fifa scandal the construction sites of the World Federation are visible. What is needed is mainly a term limit for officials.And even more. An analysis.More83
  • Authoritarian Lobby
    Jasper von Altenbockum
  • High yield
    Gerald Braunberger
  • What Iraq needs
    Nikolas Busse
  • School is the new Comprehensive School
    Matthias Alexander
  • Under Pressure
    Lukas Weber
  • What needs to be said
    Christoph Becker
  • A powerless World Board?
    Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger
See video
Spectacular time-lapse video shows the construction of One World Trade Center

Debate on immigrationDe Maizière: One will have more people reject

Interior Minister de Maiziere criticized once again the sanctuary. Given of about 400,000 refugees who allegedly came this year to Germany, he warns at the Church against illusions in the immigration policy. More By REINHARD BINGENER, STUTTGART  29  40

Turkeydead and injured after explosion at rally

Two explosions during a campaign rally of the Kurdish party HDP in Turkey two people have been killed. Over a hundred were injured. On Sunday is selected in Turkey. More  3

Parliamentary elections in TurkeyTreasure of the Lost Voices

Tens of thousands of volunteers have organized in Turkey to monitor in the parliamentary elections on Sunday, the counting and to prevent counterfeiting attempts. Erdogan's AKP they distrust profoundly.More By MICHAEL MARTENS, ISTANBUL  6  7

Debatefor socially acceptable tuition fees

Even from America now like students to Germany - because the study is free of charge here. But at German universities lack the money. Therefore, the topic tuition fees belongs back on the table, will find our guest authors. More By KATJA M. ROCK, CHRISTOPH M. SCHMIDT and MATHIAS G. SINNING  31 13

Sink the posts?Arbeitsagentur builds thick finance cushion on

On the labor market, it is going well. Therefore, the Agency is building work until 2019 on a financial cushion of 15 billion euros, says a paper that present the FAZ. Sinking now but the unemployment insurance contributions? More By DIETRICH CREUTZBURG  5  3

Greece's debt crisisWaiting for Athens

Now the Greek Syriza-left government must finally show their true colors. Towards themselves. And against its own people. Because not only the creditors are getting impatient - with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras More By ALEXANDER ARMBRUSTER.  62  23
Financial markets

Bond purchases,the ECB bought more and more market power

Pfandbriefe and securitization market dries up. Reason, the purchases by the central bank. Private investors feel displaced from her. More By MARK FRUEHAUF  2

DigitizationGerman banks are lagging behind

In Berlin, London and Silicon Valley Bank, the German young Internet company promotes as a pulse generator. When digitizing German institutes are lagging behind internationally - and innovative start-ups to challenge the established More From THOMAS KLEMM.  1

Marketprice slide continues

German shares continued to record losses in the markets. Investors remain nervous, mainly because of severe rashes on the bond markets and the euro. More  2  5

Martin Brambach in portraitinjustice makes him furious

Martin Brambach is an indispensable part of German television. Only one commissioner in "Tatort" he is not played. That is now changing - for the MDR he turns in Dresden More By UWE EBBINGHAUS. 1

Comedy in the first of thetalks with the dog

As soon as he retires, the wife coughs him one and dies. Not without the notoriously unfaithful man about to leave a verbal bomb: "One is not about you." A comedy in the First verplauderte More By HEIKE HUPERTZ.  2

New TV series "Sense8"Eight people sparks on the same shaft

What we share across cultural and other boundaries? The series "Sense8" testing it out and planted their figures have a direct line with each other in heart and mind. Does not that into chaos? More By NINA REHFELD, PHOENIX  2

Handball-BundesligaTitle Twenty for THW Kiel

The THW Kiel's handball champions. The club took the title after a victory over TBV Lemgo. Relegated to the second division are Bietigheim, Friesenheim, Erlangen and Minden. More  2

French Openmatch against Djokovic stopped Murray

Djokovic or Murray? Who has ran in the final of the French Open against Stan Wawrinka, decides only on Saturday. The game was interrupted, postponed the decision. More

Formula 1 in CanadaHamilton unfazed by tactics fiasco

The Mercedes duo also acts at the Formula 1 race in Canada again unbeatable. In the opening training sets championship leader Lewis Hamilton set the fastest time ahead of teammate Nico Rosberg. The competition is far back. More

Threats via FacebookSupreme Court verdict on lifts

The Supreme Court has revised the verdict against Anthony Elonis who had threatened the mother of his children with murder. The fundamental decision on freedom of expression in social media, however, did not come unexpectedly. More By CHRISTIANE HEALING, LOS ANGELES  1

German Wings-crashsurvivors angry about further delay in the transfer of

The families of the victims of German Wings crash still can not bury their loved ones. Now they make their anger publicly air.More

Abuse scandalheadmaster forced in France dozens of children for sex

A primary school teacher said to have abused more than 60 children in France. Under the pretext of a taste-workshops he lured the children to be. More  12

Jeweler Wempering for the Swabian province

From wax pattern on the mold for gem: An idea of the jeweler Wempe in the Swabian province into reality. Some jewels are crafted so complicated that they are not actually produce. More By STEPHAN FINSTERBUSCH  2  11

The Maria Sharapova markthe game of their lives

Maria Sharapova is one of the best tennis players. And it is the athlete who marketed on the most lucrative in the luxury industry. How does it do anyway? More By THOMAS KLEMM  3  12

Test drive: Renault KadjarMonsieur Leroc should now go Kadjar

With its new model Renault is entering the SUV segment of the larger. Even if the driving behavior like, it's just in terms of the acoustics still room for improvement. More By HOLGER APPEL  4

Driving Report: Land Roverfrom the rubber boots in the Sneaker

The Land Rover Discovery Sport moves into a new era, which is a more elegant. On his journey he likes to carry with the extended family. And now he gets even a clever engine. More By HOLGER APPEL  2  7

+++ +++ Climate Ticker Junebreak circuit and eco-Apollo

What really makes the apocalypse? Our gloss Ticker with serious messages about climate change and its (less serious) punchlines. An update with two crashing swan songs: the climate change on the break and on the coal More By JOACHIM MÜLLER-JUNG.  2

Attention Deficit Disorder ADHDteen parents have hyperactive children

If a mother or father at the birth of the child under twenty are rising for the junior obviously the risk of developing attention deficit disorder, is a large-scale Finnish study. More By CHRISTINA HUCKLENBROICH  5  4

Protection against Alzheimer?Gout instead dementia

The serious illness gout, an inflammatory condition, has apparently also something of a silver lining: For those affected, the Alzheimer's risk drops More NICOLA FROM LUTTEROTTI.  1  4

Remedy for lack of timemore clutter, please!

What helps against the lack of time? Against the eternal conflict between job and family? Divided life differently! After all, who says that we should not learn the age and may not recover in youth? MoreBy JUTTA ALLMENDINGER  1  2

Chart of the DayBewerbungsmappe Facebook

Anyone who applies for a job, comes at a Facebook account in the future probably no longer ignore.HR managers look increasingly to what candidates show there so. More  4

Kur in CarinthiaFrom miracle water the Nockalm

Get out of bed and into the vat: In Karlbad can cures like a hundred years ago - and missed all this newfangled Wellness no bit more of SUSANNE SCHABER.  2

MoçambiqueThe story of the old Baptista

Ibo is an island in the north of Mozambique, which has been forgotten by the world. Good thing it has a historian. More By DAVID KLAUBERT  21

How do I explain it to my child?Why take the Government at the G-7 Summit

Do they really sit for so long on the plane? All are afraid that anything happens to you. And what the cost! Why the G-7 leaders meet still prefer instead to skype. More By KATRIN HUMMEL  8  1

Current State of Education (1)high school graduates until it crashes!

Never was the rush to high school as massive as today. The consequences for parents, students and teachers are grueling - and the policy know better More by JÜRGEN KAUBE.  45  137

Auction LempertzTwo good shepherds

Christian motives enjoyed keen interest during auctions Age art at Lempertz in Cologne. The results of the paintings, drawings and sculptures from the 14th and 19th centuries at a glance More By PAULA SCHWERDTFEGER  3

The assetsintoquestionnow home!

Very low interest rates make it possible: Despite many places of higher property prices it is worth even now, to take into their own four walls More By VOLKER WOLFF.  25  19

Frankfurtmeat giant Vion includes cutting plant

The meat group Vion will close its operation in the autumn in Frankfurt. 102 people lose their jobs.Cost pressure is too great, they say. More By JOCHEN REMMERT

Frankfurt city Elternbeirat"Before wailing parents caved"

Because they ushered in legal action, to eleven families get the place at the desired school: This decision of the Frankfurt School Office was unfair, criticized the city Elternbeirat More By MATTHIAS TRAUTSCH.  1  2

Up to 33 degreeslast summer

He had to wait a bit to be - but now the summer is equal to what he can do: The 30-degree mark could be cracked on the weekend More By PETER BADENHOP.
Strange acts of some protest when it includes the disparaging opinion, the G7 have anyway nothing to report today. So why then the fuss? Whether the income to justify the cost of the meeting at Schloss Elmau, is a different matter. More  2  5

Rose breeder David AustinThe creator of two hundred roses

Briton David Austin refined for more than 50 years, the "queen of flowers" and thrilled with his creations rose lovers around the world. 1961 brought David Austin his first Rose 'Constance Spry' on the market - have been added since then some more.   6

The best of the webfrom the cool water!

When a heat wave it comes to moose as people.More 

A day without InternetThe world called Offline

A router that routes nothing? A home without Internet? Fate has played our Author ill. He describes what he has missed most bitterly to the network without access. More  By HANS-HEINRICH PARDEY  8  9

Schulsozialarbeitturnaround in CV

Refugees do not speak German convicted offenders and traumatized adolescents go to school here. Tries as the Don Bosco Vocational School in Würzburg to transform weaknesses into strengths. Is that possible at all? More  By HEIKE SCHMOLL

Award for "Muppets" figureMiss Piggy as flagship feminist

Miss Piggy is honored for their exemplary role as a strong woman, Enrique Iglesias' tussle with a camera drone is not without consequences, and Sofia Hellqvist must cram properly for the wedding with Prince Carl Philip - the Smalltalk more.   8

Chart of the DayBewerbungsmappe Facebook

Anyone who applies for a job, comes at a Facebook account in the future probably no longer ignore. HR managers look increasingly to what candidates show there so. More   4
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