UPDATEDPERSONNELKirill Petrenko will head the Philharmonic

Kirill Petrenko soll einem Bericht zufolge neuer Chefdirigent der Berliner Philharmoniker werden
The Rattle-successor with the Berlin Philharmonic is clarified: Kirill Petrenko is new chief conductor. more
An der Berliner Charite beginnt ein unbefristeter Streik

INDEFINITE STRIKEstrike at the Charité - What you need to know

At the Berlin Charité is a strike for an unlimited period. The most important questions and answers about the walkout. more

WAGE DISPUTECharité boss recommends for strikes other hospitals

The Charité in Berlin is facing difficult days: The indefinite strike began. 200 OPs per day fall out. more
Demo / Totenmarsch vor dem Reichstag

"POLITICAL BEAUTY"91 arrests in coffin-action front of the Reichstag

4,000 people stormed the fenced Republic Square at the Reichstag, many actually dug in the ground to make to "graves". more

Kostenlos Surfen in Berlin: Noch in diesem Jahr soll es soweit sein

INTERNETBerlin enters into contract negotiations on Free Wifi

At hundreds of locations throughout Berlin it should in future give free Wi-Fi. The potential provider is found. more

Mitarbeiter der Technischen Universität Berlin (TU) bringen am Hauptgebäude der TU ein großflächiges Transparent zum Besuch von Queen Elizabeth II an. Die britische Königin wird am Mittwoch auch in der Universität zu Gast sein (Archivaufnahme vom 19. Juni)

STAATSGAST IN BERLINThe Queen in Berlin - where the downtown is locked

Motorists in Berlin have to expect these days with numerous traffic problems. The reason is mainly a high-level ... more

WEDDINGman running amok - several injured

A drunken man is obviously run amok in Wedding on Monday morning. He sprayed passersby with tear gas. more

UPDATEDTARIFFSLufthansa wants to prevent strike talks

Lufthansa plans to avert the threatened strike for July 1, their flight attendants with new talks. more
Da hatte er noch gut Lachen: Regisseur und Schauspieler Til Schweiger mit der „Lola“ beim 65. Deutschen Filmpreis am Freitagabend. Den Preis bekam er in der Kategorie „Besucherstärkster Film des Jahres“ für „Honig im Kopf“. Ein paar Stunden später schlug er Elyas M’Barek im „Borchardt“

DISPUTE ESCALATEDTil Schweiger proposes in Berlin "Borchardt" Elyas M'Barek

"Right heated discussion" with slap in the face. In Berlin "Borchardt" Til Schweiger went after fellow actor Elyas M'Barek. more

Kita-Kinder beim Basteln. Der Bezirk Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf will neue Plätze schaffen (Archivbild)

EDUCATIONIn Berlin City West are 1,000 new daycare spaces created

The number of inhabitants rises in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, the attendance rate of children also.New Kita places are needed. more

Polizisten führen in Berlin einen mit Handschellen gefesselten Mann ab. Immer wieder gibt es juristischen Ärger, wenn Dealer von V-Leuten zu Straftaten aufgefordert werden

COMMENTcrime in Berlin - prevention saves money

If now is talking about the crime statistics, it should go to investment in crime prevention, says Jens Anker. more

HISTORYFormer GDR currency traders Schalck-Golodkowski died

He remained many as one in memory, who negotiated the 1983 legendary billion loan for the GDR - in hard ... more

Die Polizei musste erneut zu zahlreichen Einsätzen ausrücken

POLICE AND TRAFFICThat happened at night to Monday in Berlin

Berlin never sleeps. Even at night happened in the capital about as much as a day. Here is an overview. more

MUSICTaylor Swift is forcing Apple to its knees: More money for musicians

What music labels only ausfeilschen in months of negotiations, Taylor Swift reached overnight via Twitter and Tumblr blog. The ... more

Gut gelaunt startet die Mannschaft des 1. FC Union in die Vorbereitung der Saison 2015/16

TRAINING STARTUnion is number one to six goal

With Unions Training Start 5,000 fans experience not only the first time the new players, but also the first goosebumps moment of ... more

Ab geht die Party: Für Bambergs Profis begann nach der Übergabe des Meisterpokals eine lange Partynacht, für die sogar die Sperrstunde aufgehoben wurde

BASKETBALLBamberg triumph leaves tremble Alba

Bamberg Bayern dethroned as champion. Now there are jockeying whether Munich or Berlin starts in the Euro League. With advantage for Alba. more

Kapitän Damir Kreilach, Torwart Daniel Haas und Zugang Benjamin Kessel (v.r.) präsentieren der Köpenicker neue Kleider

START TRAININGUnion in a new guise and with new goals

Zweitligist Union will start with the training. For the first time present all previously committed additions.Only record man Polter ... more

FOOTBALLHertha marketers confident: the new main sponsor to ...

ENVIRONMENTALbreakaways against ragweed Plage

HISTORYFormer GDR currency traders Schalck-Golodkowski died

PEOPLEinfection: extreme sports are Heukemes race

WEATHERauthorities: Around 150 dead in heat wave in Pakistan

PEOPLEFather's Day wishes for Caitlyn Jenner

UPDATEDINTERNATIONALIsraeli Prime woman insulted Obama

UPDATEDJUSTICEmanhunt requests against Mansur since October

PROCESSESZschäpe: Catching testify myself with the thought, something

KLASSIK"Staatsoper für alle" attracts 40,000 visitors

CONCERT REVIEW10,000 people celebrate carat anniversary at the Waldbühne

GERMAN OPERAbeauty and fragility - Stölzl inzeniert Faust

Blogs & Columns

Wird ab 2016 im deutschen Fernsehen fehlen: Moderator Stefan Raab

TV FAREWELL STEFAN RAABTotal without TV - Stefan Raab has emitted

TV FAREWELLRaab had always planned to Sendeschluss 50

REACTIONS TO FACEBOOKRaab to hear - "After Jauch the second good news!"

START-UPVisual to-do list app Trello comes to Germany

STARTUPSGerman Startups Group from Berlin goes public

NOAH 2015Google CEO Eric Schmidt is based on the self-propelled car

PEOPLEPrince William celebrates 33rd birthday on Father's Day

PEOPLEGermany prepares for Queen's visit

PEOPLEFrederick Lau has secretly married

Gerrit Engel ist der einzige Fotograf, der den umstrittenen Abriss des Palastes der Republik über die gesamte Phase von 2006 bis 2008 dokumentierte.

EXHIBITIONUnique photos show the demolition of the Palace of ...

SurfacedSENSATIONAL DISCOVERYHitler bronze horses after decades back

"THE SITE"The enchanted way of a German memorial site

T-rex-Schädel - XXL-CT

PALEONTOLOGYThe T. Rex in XXL X-ray machine - skull shows new details

SPACElander "Philae" warms up slowly

SCIENCEresearchers stuck giant dinosaur skull in XXL-X-ray machine

Laut Skytrax-Umfrage ist Qatar Airways die beste Fluggesellschaft weltweit

PASSENGER SURVEYThese are the best airlines in the world

CALIFORNIAWorld Record Attempt - 60 surfer on a board

ALCOHOL ON BOARD"Notorious are the Bulgaria flights"

RESIDENTIALlandlord may not tilt all caretaker costs

LIVINGleveling compound: Vorm carpet laying pave the ground

LIVINGout white, color pure!- We make the apartment colorful

DEBATEWhy Sigmar Gabriel will never be Chancellor

DEFENSE ALLIANCENATO chief praises Germany's role as a "lead nation"

COMMENTon Berlin stages holds a new leadership style collection

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