Saturday, May 30, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Edited by Werner D'Inka, JÜRGEN Kaube Berthold Kohler, HOLGER Steltzner

Latest news from politics, business, sport and culture 

"I forgive everyone, but I do not forget"

The re-elected President Blatter has Michel Platini and UEFA sharply criticized. There was hatred against him, Blatter said. The American judiciary attacked the Swiss. For their investigation against FIFA and its officials, he has a strange explanation. More  2

Diskiminierung of foreigners?EU apparently planning legal action against car tolls

The tooth and nail around the favorite child of the CSU continues. Whether as planned the car toll can start 2016 is uncertain, because the European Commission wants to sue Germany, according to media report. More   2

Life imprisonmentthe maximum penalty for the "Silk Road" founder

When the Internet was ever a legal vacuum somewhere, then probably to the "Silk Road". These specially protected niche in the network was also used for drug trafficking and other shady dealings. The founder has to pay now. More   7

Swiss cheeseWhere did only the holes?

Swiss cheese without holes must not give it - but the number is in the last few years been decreasing. Scientists have now found an answer. More  JOHN RITTER, ZURICH  5

Lufthansa pilotsto Tante Ju training camp on Usedom

The Ju 52 is a legend. Lufthansa flies you today. In order their pilots learn to master the nostalgic art, they are specially trained. More  By JÜRGEN SCHELLING  2

Reconstruction in Nepalwe need staying power

Unbroken structure thinking: In Bungamati on the edge of Kathmandu young artists help to rescue the traditions - for a responsible civil society more.  By CHRISTIANE BROSIUS  1

GreeceA Grexit is as close as away

As long as Greece spends more money than it earns, the "Euro-rescuers" going in circles. This Athens has failed to drive a wedge between the donor countries. More  By HOLGER STELTZNER  19  77

Entry bansEight German on Moscow's black list

89 Europeans are on a list of Russian entry bans, which was forwarded to several embassies of European countries.In the directory that exists FAZ.NET, there are also eight German. More   30

ARD / ZDF and the FifaOur money for Blatter continues to flow!

"We want to have," says the director of the ZDF. He said the right to show the World Cup Soccer Championships in Russia and Qatar. This will cost hundreds of millions of euros, of which the system leaves from which the Fifa lives. And it goes on merrily. More  By MICHAEL HANFELD  22

Slugfest in SingaporeAmerica will freeze in the South China Sea

Very much has America's defense minister urged China to stop its land reclamation in the disputed waters immediately. A German politician compares the scope of the dispute to the conflict in Ukraine.More   5

Real estateis still the rate for building loans record low

The interest on loans have recently risen.In addition, real estate is always more expensive. Nevertheless, some experts expect an easing in the housing market.More  By KERSTIN PAPON  2

Beautiful viewsThis is what the first visitors of the new New York World Trade Center

A view of Manhattan, did not exist more than 10 years, is once again accessible to all. The One World Observatory in the new Freedom Tower is open. Anyone who wants to save the security check, find the pictures here. More   1
  • Cameron's premature Dating
    Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger
    British Prime Minister Cameron is on a European tour to promote an EU reform. So far, he has hardly made ​​concrete proposals about which one could talk. More52
  • Rangnick with Rangnick
    Michael Horeni
    Lange Ralf Rangnick was looking for a coach for RB Leipzig. Now he has found him himself for this task sporting director Ralf Rangnick had simply can not choose a better than the coach Rangnick..Compliment. More11
  • Cloudy future of RWE
    Carsten Knop
    The financial industry was systemic importance in the crisis and the government had to rescue Commerzbank.Eternity costs of nuclear power can soon stumble the energy giant. Since the mental leap is not far off the nationalization of RWE. More3214
  • Blatter System
    Peter Sturm
  • Lift Adventure
    Heike Göbel
  • A defeat for the Church
    Daniel Deckers
  • A Grexit is as close as away
    Holger Steltzner
  • Merkel's British Formula
    Heike Göbel
  • Phrases heart
    Andreas Rossmann
  • The evil goes into extra time
    Evi Simeoni, Zürich
See video
60 students in 18 courses: Surprise in Chinese traffic control
© REUTERSEnlarge

Poland after the electionsHow did the victory morining

After the election victory Dudas in the Polish presidential election now be explained Kaczynski, the father figure of the Conservatives, as he has discovered it - this victory for him even a surprise MoreFrom KONRAD SCHULLER, BERLIN.  4

Nusra Front in SyriaModerate terrorists?

The Nusra Front in Syria itself as a partner to defeat the Syrian regime under Bashar al Assad. The al-Qaida offshoot was not only involved in the recent successes in Idlib. More By MARKUS BICKEL, CAIRO  10  6

Sarkozy's party renamedNew name, new style

For the UMP, the party of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the "Republicans". Sarkozy, the party chairman, wants to move away from the past also. More By MICHAELA WIEGEL, PARIS  5

AustraliaGreat Barrier Reef is not 'at risk' as applicable

The Unesco does not want to put on its red list of endangered world heritage threatened the Australian Great Barrier Reef for the time being. But Australia's government must soon return to repeat. More By CHRISTOPH HEIN  1  1

Bonanza footballWhere the Fifa billion come from?

Although the Fifa officially an association is, it now operates as a large company. Where does the money? And why just a non-profit organization has $ 1.5 billion for a rainy day? More By JULIAN TRAUTHIG  14  14

G7 FinanceLittle progress in talks with Athens

The finance ministers of the G7 countries can not resolve the dispute between Greece and its creditors. And time is running out. More By KERSTIN SCHWENNINGEN and WERNER MUSSLER  5  9
Financial markets

Return on the dance floorA third of Douglas perfumery is on the stock exchange

Two years ago, Germany's largest perfumery chain withdrew from the stock market. Now bring investors back to the stock market Douglas. But not quite. More By KLAUS MAX SMOLKA  3

Daniel von Borries in conversation"Life insurance is increasingly unattractive"

Boring, predictable, solid: Daniel von Borries, Head of Investor Ergo insurance, concerning life assurance. Low interest rates could be the end - but shares he wants to still know nothing moreof DENNIS KREMER.  5  6

Market ReportDax closes 2.3 percent in the red

The temporary recovery of Dax seems forgotten. Fears Greece could leave the euro zone, grab back around and let prices tumble. More  2  3

The history of the RingstrasseYet we love the whole

Gesamtkunstwerk or the ugliest street in the world? Where magnificent buildings of Baroque, Gothic and Renaissance operate: The Jewish Museum Vienna examines the history of the Ringstrasse Moreby HANNES MEIER BACKGROUND.  6

Blog | Berlin ABCThe Ange rooted in Baumschulenweg

A heart for the silent green creatures that have botanist. Almost our Berlin blogger would also become a biologist - now she gets out at Baumschulenweg and looks professionally what blooms in Arboretum More By KATRIN RÖNICKE.

Sentenced"Gottschalk Live"to fail?

Suspected of WDR, that a flop would "Gottschalk Live"? Why then was offered Thomas Gottschalk, a cancellation fee amounting to millions to? The transmitter must be justified. More By MICHAEL HANFELD  15  15

Election Congress in ZurichBlatter is FIFA President - Heavy defeat for Europe

Joseph Blatter remains until 2019 president of Fifa despite the scandal in advance. Challenger Prince Ali bin al Hussein gives up before the second ballot. At the same time European Football must put a heavy defeat. More By MICHAEL ASHELM, ZURICH  59  13

Second division relegation0: 0 in Kiel - takes refuge in 1860 without risk?

Struggle and passion, but no Goals: In the first leg of the second division relegation play Holstein Kiel and 1860 München on security. The only goal of the day the referee whistles back. More

FIFA CongressNo request for exclusion of Israel

Emotional debate, but not vote on the exclusion of Israel from the Fifa congress of the International Football Association in Zurich. At the end there was even a handshake. More  4  1

BerlinNeukölln half of primary school children can not swim

In the Berlin district of Neukölln problem can not swim almost half of third graders. The district gives parents the debt and now wants to tackle yourself. More  10

150 years Lifeboat"against the North nobody swims on"

The German Maritime Search and Rescue Service will be 150 years old. The case of the fertilizer freighter "Purple Beach" shows how urgent it is needed today.Usually there are but rather sailors and frivolous hobby captains, where rescuers have come to the rescue. More By REINHARD BINGENER, CUXHAVEN 19

Fromawardfor LiebesschlösserLiebesmüh

Paris puts an end to love locks on the Pont des Arts. Vice Mayor Julliard can remove the "ugly" tag. More  5

"Noble Round" from Piedmontin the footsteps of Super Nut

The Common Hazel tastes quickly bitter and musty.Quite different is the "Noble Round", the José Noé harvests in Piedmont. His secret: the landscape and the will to perfection More By URSULA HEINZELMANN.  1  14

New homesA touch of Richard Neutra

It may not always be the four-walls-plus-roof scheme. This proves a villa in Berlin with her ​​idiosyncratic, anything but inappropriate appearance. More By BIRGIT OCHS  42

iOS software errorSiri helps against iPhone Bug

After a SMS with specific content throughout the world put iPhones lame, Apple had promised as soon as possible an update of the operating system. Until then, it is the voice recognition Siri judge. More 1

ObeysSmart LivingAt least the house

It looks like a light switch, but can do much more: "Synohr" regulates on call out the room temperature, open and close blinds or dims the lighting - but comes at a price more by WOLFGANG TUNZE.  2  3

Research travelpalm wine from Ganymede hand

As a researcher, Ernst Haeckel sat for a Darwinian evolution. As a traveler, he allowed himself to taste monkey meat in Sri Lanka. And did the island with skin and hair. More of BERND BRUNNER  1

New early human artLucy wild neighbors

How many people there are probably ancestors? Kiefer finds from Ethiopia to prove: the variety was greater than long assumed. But doubts remain. More By JOACHIM MÜLLER-JUNG  1  6

Blogs | PlancktonThe greedy

What drives fraudsters to internally? The guardians of Sciences studied the response in brain research - and suddenly even pretty to reforms More By JOACHIM MÜLLER-JUNG.

Laborshortagegapchildren endangered the location

That this country is threatening a labor gap, is known. But a number of new studies underpinned now again the problem: In the meantime, Germany is the country with the fewest births around the world.Is that still capture? More  161  21

Mobilitiät at workThe Myth of the Global Manager

With millions of salary executives should be held by a change to the competition abroad. But is the business elite as mobile as she does like? More By SVEN ASTHEIMER  3  6

Peru culinaryThe secret of cucumber melon

Pisco and ceviche everyone knows. But the cuisine of Peru really exhausted in grape brandy and raw fish? We ate sample and exclaim: foodies of all countries, come here! Because between the Andes and the Pacific you eat now better than anywhere else in Latin America. More By JACOB STROBEL Y SERRA  4

Understanding when travelingwith their hands and feet

Ten travel anecdotes about the art to be misunderstand More  2

How do I explain it to my child?Why are some people against gay marriage

Unnatural, somehow not normal, and the Pope also do not like: Some people can not deal with homosexuality. Why, we are trying today to explain.More By ANDREA SERVANT  364  66

Ingeborg StadelmannThe midwife of the nation

Irresponsible herbalist or champion of a good thing? Ingeborg Stadelmann fights for forty years for home births and herbalism. Your remedies they sold around the world. More By SEBASTIAN BALZTER  8  5

Auction at Van Ham in Cologneroom cage

The auction house Van Ham offers modern art and the present in Köln. It is to discover a French oil sketch between German and Modern Zero. More By MAGDALENA KRÖNER

LuxuryNeverland Ranch from Michael Jackson is available for purchase

She has a movie theater, two lakes and even its own railway station: the former Neverland Ranch from Michael Jackson. Now is the luxury property for sale.More  1  4

Ex-MayorPetra Roth is simple in Kita-strike

The nerves of many parents are blank. For three weeks now now already strike the educators of the municipal day care centers. Now might Frankfurt former mayors act as mediator. More By HELMUT SWAN

School Development PlanMore high school courses for the Frankfurt south

The magistrate agreed to the school development plan. It will be created ten new schools in Frankfurt. But the growing number of students remains a challenge. More By MATTHIAS TRAUTSCH

Infrared imagemay roams further Wolf by Hesse

The black and white image is too blurry to tell with certainty can. However, the National Association of hunters means a Wolf in the photo can be seen. The hunters call a wolf strategy for Hesse. More 1  2
29. Mai 2015. Ein wiedervereintes Korea. Ein Traum vieler Koreaner scheint wahr zu sein. Aber es ist nur ein gestelltes Foto. Die Männer in der Soldatenuniform Nordkoreas (l.) und Südkoreas sind lediglich eine Touristen-Attraktion anlässlich der „Unfication Expo“ in Seoul.© AFPEnlargeMay 29, 2015. A reunited Korea.A dream of many Koreans seem to be true.But it is only an upside photo.The men in the military uniform of North Korea (l.) And South Korea are merely a tourist attraction at the "Unfication Expo" in Seoul.
The old man fell briefly shaken - but not rushed. Joseph Blatter enters his fifth term as FIFA President. There would have been only a message that would have been even worse than this. More 33

Filmmaker Andrew Morgan"My kids are just an ecological nightmare"

Secretive companies, large sales and inhumane working: Director Andrew Morgan has made ​​a film about the true price of fashion. In "The True Cost" the consequences of cheap fashion industry are shown. More  By CHRISTIAN AUST 2  11

The best of the webtoday I'm a hero

Chameleons can be everything they want: A movie-villain, a Disney Princess, a Beatle ... At least suggest that the illustrations of jazz Hutchinson. More 

Test Drive: Porsche 911 GT3 RSawarded to the Elfer wings

The 911 realized many sports car fans their wildest dreams PS. In its latest version, it's more than race car therefore, the accelerates from 0 to 100 in only 3.3 seconds. More  BORIS SCHMIDT 9  10

Current surveyworking parents are plagued by remorse

The Kita-strike shows all currently: children and career under one roof to get remains difficult.And often leads to remorse, as now, a study shows. Whether as part-time really helps? More 

Heiner Geisslerexplosives supplier Reluctant

Heiner Geissler transported dangerous cargo, Mariah Carey holds her time in "American Idol" for the "horrible" their lives and Ann Sophie would rather have no points - the Smalltalk more.  7

Chart of the Dayjob is not the same job

For years in Germany goes back to unemployment. That would be but usually only temporary positions, contact a critic. Is that so?And how is it elsewhere? More 
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