Saturday, May 30, 2015

Der Spiegel

The Rebel of St. Peter's Square: Where Is Pope Francis Steering the Church?

The Rebel of St. Peter's Square: Where Is Pope Francis Steering the Church?
In the third year of his pontificate, criticism is growing of Pope Francis. Members of the Vatican establishment are turning against him and he even shocks his own staff with his free thinking. Where does this enigmatic pope want to steer the Catholic Church? By Walter Mayrmore... Comment ]
Wanted: Great Ideas for School
Information for Whistleblowers

A Man in FullTo Hell and Back in the Chinese Healthcare System

A Man in Full: To Hell and Back in the Chinese Healthcare System
When a farmer and migrant worker got thrombosis in his legs, China failed him. In the end, he had to saw off his own rotting leg in order to survive. Zheng Yanliang's story is an allegory of the struggle to modernize the Chinese healthcare system. By Bernhard Zand more...Comment ]

Cyber-Attack WarningCould Hackers Bring Down a Plane?

Cyber-Attack Warning: Could Hackers Bring Down a Plane?
For years, hackers have been warning that passenger jets are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Airlines and plane manufacturers have largely ignored the risks, but recent events are leading German authorities and pilots to take the threats extremely seriously. By Marcel Rosenbach and Gerald Traufetter more... Comment ]

Art World HuntThe Quest for Hitler's Lost Treasures

Art World Hunt: The Quest for Hitler's Lost TreasuresPhotos
A Dutch detective and Berlin police spent months searching for art commissioned by Hitler that went missing after German reunification. Officials finally recovered the dubious works in raids last week -- here's how they did it.  By Konstantin von Hammerstein more... Comment ]

Refugee AbuseTorture Scandal Rocks German Police

Refugee Abuse: Torture Scandal Rocks German Police
A 39-year-old Hanover cop allegedly abused two migrants, forcing one of them to eat rotten pork, and threatened a colleague with a gun. As the investigation grows, it is revealing deeper problems among German police. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

New Lives in UruguayFreedom Elusive after 12 Years at Guantanamo

New Lives in Uruguay: Freedom Elusive after 12 Years at Guantanamo
Six former Guantanamo prisoners have been sharing a house in the Uruguayan capital Montevideo for the last six months. The planned closure of the US detention facility could hinge on the outcome of this experiment. By Marian Blasberg in Montevideo, Uruguay more...Comment ]

Interview with Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei'The State Is Scared'

Interview with Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei: 'The State Is Scared'
In a SPIEGEL interview, Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, 57, discusses the continuing repression faced by civil rights activists in China, why he believes progressive change in the country is inevitable and shameful human rights violations in the United States. Interview Conducted By Bernhard Zand more... Comment ]

Emrah and his BrothersGermany's Struggle for the Soul of Returning Islamists

Emrah and his Brothers: Germany's Struggle for the Soul of Returning IslamistsPhotos
German Islamists are returning from war abroad, some reformed but others more dangerous than ever. Social workers, imams and extremists are fighting for their souls -- and for Germany's safety. Government officials have few answers to the problem. By Özlem Gezer more...Comment ]

Upwardly MobilePostmates Readies for Battle with Tech Giants

Upwardly Mobile: Postmates Readies for Battle with Tech Giants
Founded by German entrepreneur Bastian Lehmann, on-demand courier service Postmates is going head-to-head with Uber and Amazon. The company has big ambitions but faces stiff competition. By Thomas Schulz in San Francisco more... Comment ]

The Spy Next DoorThe Double Life of Agent Jack Barsky

The Spy Next Door: The Double Life of Agent Jack BarskyPhotos
An East German national spent two decades spying for the KGB in the United States before his capture, establishing two families in two countries and leading a complicated double life. The story of how a former communist became the guy next door. By Susanne Koelbl more...Comment ]

Interview with Iranian Foreign Minister'We Will Have Differences with US No Matter What'

Interview with Iranian Foreign Minister: 'We Will Have Differences with US No Matter What'
In an interview with SPIEGEL, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif discusses his optimism that a deal will be reached over Tehran's nuclear program. But he warns this does not mean the country is seeking rapprochment with the West. Interview Conducted by Christiane Hoffmann more... Comment ]

An Eye To IranEuropean Businesses Prepare for Life After Sanctions

An Eye To Iran: European Businesses Prepare for Life After Sanctions
In Germany, officials believe Iran has investment needs of $100 billion per year. German companies are eager to rebuild ties and business in a lucrative market once a nuclear deal is reached and sanctions lifted.  By Martin Hesse, Susanne Koelbl and Michael Sauga more... Comment ]

He's BackSarkozy Eyes a Return to French Presidency

He's Back: Sarkozy Eyes a Return to French Presidency
After an extended break from politics, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy is ready to make a comeback. Former advisors say he is more patient and a better listener. Critics, though, say he has drifted even further to the right. Is France ready for the sequel? By Julia Amalia Heyer more... Comment ]
Photo Galleries
Turning the Old Economy Upside DownGermany's Radicalized MuslimsThe Rise of Pope Francis
Zheng Yanliang's Tragedy
Dashed ExpectationsHitler's Bronze HorsesMysterious Nazi Art

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