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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Maryland Governor calls state of emergency

From anger over police brutality against blacks have taken place in the US city of Baltimore to riots and looting. Meanwhile applies a curfew. The Governor of the State of Maryland is calling a state of emergency. More 10

Online journalismGoogle and eight publishers launch digital initiative

The American Internet company and leading European newspaper companies, including the FAZ, enter into a pact for journalism. It should go to technology and innovation. Google puts it on a fund of 150 million euros. MoreBy MICHAEL HANFELD 9

TV review: tough but faircrooks must be called crooks

Burglaries are increasing fast in Germany. The discussion at Plasberg shows: Over the origin of the perpetrators will be discussed politically inadequate. To the delight of right-wing populists.More By RÜDIGER SOLDT 1

Risk of Alzheimer's diseasesuch as depression and diabetes ravage the brain

Depression and diabetes appear to significantly increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.But the role also plays the lifestyle? He forced the downward spiral? More By NICOLA OF LUTTEROTTI 3 17

Conflict over Old TestamentJob's message

Can this Old Testament simply cut out from the Christian doctrine, as a Berlin theologian suggests? Or testifies this proposal of anti-Semitism and ignorance? Moreby FRIEDRICH WILHELM GRAF2 20

Terminus-Klauseone you drink still

The Terminus-Klause in Frankfurt Bahnhofsviertel is a cult. Now the lease the landlord has terminated.For many guests a clear case of real estate speculation. So easy it is not. More By DENISE PEIKERT,FRANKFURT 4 19

Fitschen, Ackermann & Co.The German banker in court

German Bank CEO Jürgen Fitschen and four ex-board members have to answer from this Tuesday to process for attempted fraud and unsworn false testimony in court.Nothing like this ever before. More gave CORINNA BUDRAS 4

Crisis in GreeceTsipras is considering a referendum

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras expects an agreement in principle in the debt dispute until May 9 Should the creditors to demand harsh cuts, he could take a vote the people - a threat that is directed not only outward More 7.

Earthquakes in the Himalayas,tens of thousands flee Katmandu

Because there is little electricity and drinking water, people leave the capital of Nepal. As the Minister of the Interior grants, the authorities are completely overwhelmed. The death toll, meanwhile, rose to more than 4,300. More 2

Tugce processUnsettled by internet video

The girlfriends of Tugce be heard in the process of her death is a little more difficult: one of them can not remember previously made ​​statements - reason to be an Internet Video More From TIMO FRASCH, DARMSTADT 10 23.

If thechange of universityprofessor goes, the trouble begins

If the boss the university changed, graduate students and research assistants often suffer much from it.Either they go with their research or takes some getting gone.Does it have to be? More By MARVIN MILATZ 1

PrivatfernsehenWhere we are is down

Can not remember the Sat.1 anyone? What's going really today? As a near-interest channel has presented its last market shares. More By MICHAEL HANFELD 5
  • Cynical game
    Jasper von Altenbockum
    Germany provides incentives that empty in the Balkans with the help of tugs entire villages.A true moral stance would be to scrutinize these refugees.More19 186
  • Decision smacks
    Reinhard Veser
    Poland will accept the "Night Wolves" not switched on or by traveling. Your trip to Berlin for "commemorating the world war" is so fast to finish than expected. A little aftertaste remains, but the decision is rightly so. More28 20
  • New old German Bank
    Holger Steltzner
    The German bank was always among the best banks in the world. The stock price tells a different story. What is to be sold as a result of strategic considerations now, is partly a bid of need. More28 35
  • The only way out
    Heike Schmoll, Berlin
  • The growing child benefit
    Florentine Fritzen
  • Wolfsburg strife
    Holger Appel
  • Why politicians have to lie
    Werner Mussler
  • The verdict is the troops
     Johannes Leithäuser
  • A night for all
    Patricia Andreae
  • The digital Bank
    Holger Steltzner
See video
After the earthquake: drone filming the destroyed Katmandu from above
© AP, REUTERSEnlarge

ASEAN SummitUnited criticizing China

The leaders of the ten ASEAN countries have the regional power China sharply criticized at their meeting. The territorial claims in the South China Sea constituted a threat to peace, stability and security. More By PETRA KOLONKO, BEIJING 4 6

Resignations from the party executivebloodletting in the AfD

The AFD has experienced a further withdrawal from their apex body: Patricia Casale also resigns from the national board. In addition, the armed party escalated with their MEPs Marcus Pretzell. More16 9

Gaza warBan makes Israel responsible for attacks on UN schools

The United Nations has presented a study on the attacks on schools in Gaza. In this they criticize the Israeli army. But UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also confirmed that Palestinian fighters had holed up in the schools. More 1 3

Bankbranch closuresDigital

The verdict of the Exchange on the "new" Deutsche Bank's strategy is as bitter as authorized.Management and Supervisory Boards do not manage to give her back a compelling perspective. A comment. More By HOLGER STELTZNER 8 22

Collective bargaining failedVerdi threatened with indefinite Kita-strike

Care problems in perspective: The trade union Verdi said the ongoing collective bargaining negotiations for the time being to have failed and will call its members by the end of next week to strike more 3.

Quarterly reportApple stingy with details about the new clock

The electronics giant has once more presented good figures, but says little concrete to Apple Watch. The business of the company stands and falls further with the iPhone. And China now brings more revenue than all of Europe. More By ROLAND LINDNER, NEW YORK
Financial markets

Insurancefinancial sales organizations need to transform

In times of low interest rates, product sellers have difficulties - the state intervenes, the demographic change has an effect. In addition, customers are demanding a different approach. Despite sales growth, it remains a difficult task. More By PHILIPP KROHN

BanksCommerzbank increased capital by ten percent

Surprisingly, Commerzbank has announced a large capital increase. By tomorrow the capital is expected to grow by 1.4 billion euros. More 3 5

Financial markets,investors are hoping for progress in Greece

The financial markets have on Monday a good day overall. This is not only the most recent developments in Greece are in charge. More 1 1

Blogs | Pillars of SocietyThe game of the throne, the chaise longue and the wooden board

When idols fall and overthrow the Titans of the economy, you can let them be quiet and make yourself a nice day at the lake. The corporate executives of the world and their stooges are not thereby interfere with a safe. More By DON ALPHONSO

Album of the week,we do not belong here, are only accidentally born here

After eight years of break, the independent rock band Modest Mouse has a new album."Strangers to Ourselves" is waiting with whimsical sounds on sophisticated arrangements and dark lyrics. More By WOLFGANG SCHNEIDER 3

"Night shift" in ZDFastray are always the others

Angular, fast and excellent reception: Lars Becker's twelfth "night shift" shows how dangerous it can be to give his loved one jilted More By URSULA SCHEER 1 9.

Jürgen Klopp, BVB andThe Last Hurrah

An addition to the final? Before leaving Klopp BVB, he wants to have a dream come true with Dortmund - and win the DFB Cup. But before the final in Berlin is waiting with Bayern conceivable the most difficult task. More By RICHARD LEIPOLD, DORTMUND1 1

Second BundesligaBrunswick proposes Erzgebirge Aue outnumbered

The Brunswick can continue to hope for the resurgence: The Eintracht can turn a tumultuous match against Erzgebirge Aue yet - and wins 4: 2 More

Euro GoalsA silver wedding anniversary and three triple-contenders

While Bayern celebrate anniversary on the sofa, Juventus gambled the city government. Barca and Real remain head to head. And three of the usual suspects still dream of Triple. More By ACHIM DREIS 4

Zoos throughout the agesand every afternoon in paradise

A clear view of the tube slide: In the past year so many people have gone to the zoo as never before in Germany. Why is that?And how to change the new visitors the old zoos? More By CHRISTINA HUCKLENBROICH2 6

Organ Donation Process"Aiman ​​O. God has played"

The surgeon Ayman O. should have data from patients manipulated so that they continue to slid on the waiting list for a donor liver upwards. In the trial the prosecutor under his vanity and egotism. It calls eight years imprisonment. More of ANDREAS NEFZGER, GÖTTINGEN 6

Shipwrecksentenced to life imprisonmentin South Koreacaptain of the "sinking of the mv sewol"

The captain of the ferry disaster "sinking of the mv sewol" has a life sentence in jail. An appeals court has again increased the punishment. Lee Jun-seok had left the ferry as yet hundreds of passengers on board were. Relatives had demanded the death penalty. More 1

Google-evaluationThe tulle skirt is the next big thing

What is now in the trend? Google claims: tulle skirts and jogging pants. They include at least the garments that were often sought. And then there is a third trend that will not prevail hopefully. More4

Designer competition in HyèresWhere luxury companies secure the talents of tomorrow

In Germany the presence of Annelie Schubert has passed almost silently on Sunday evening. In France her name was in all the papers: The Deutschfranzösin won the 15,000 euro prize of the jury at great fashion festival in Hyères in southern France More of FLORIAN SIEBECK 2.

Fahrbericht MV Agusta Turismo'sLegacy Signore

MV Agusta is a small motorcycle manufacturer with a big heart and astounding zest. The latest new release is the most interesting for a long time: the Turismo Veloce 800. More By WALTER WILLE1 3

Standard equipment at ŠkodaMirror Link travels to the impasse

The idea is first impressively: It used a smartphone and builds instead of the Navi-system a just one monitor. But the connection for Android is already outdated and malfunctioning. More By MICHAEL SPEHR 5 34

Faulty forensicsin court and on the high seas

In crime he is a hero. But in the life of forensic is sometimes wrong. Not only that FBI has already allowed blatant mistakes.More By GEORG RÜSCHEMEYER4 9

Cause of the quakeThe announced catastrophe

Already years ago experts said the destruction Katmandu by an earthquake ahead quite well.Cause of the regular major quake in the region is a geological rarity. A huge tectonic collision More By HORST RADEMACHER, SAN FRANCISCO 7 24

Attention Deficit Disorder ADHDMethylphenidate is prescribed less

Consumption of methylphenidate, the classical means for the treatment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders in children has declined significantly in the past two years - after decades of increase More

CancerHow can I help my employees?

"You have cancer": For those affected, this diagnosis is only once a shock. But the return to work can help in the recovery. And employers and colleagues to do something. More By UTA JUNGMANN3 8

Popular foreign languageone speaks German

The Cambridge University will establish a research center for Germany-studies in China, India and Brazil is increasingly popular German as a foreign language. The reasons are pragmatic. More 20

Paris in the spring,full of clichés - but so beautiful!

City of love, city of fashion, city of art - Paris has many nicknames and a long list of world-famous landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Louvre and Notre Dame. But a trip includes a boat ride on the Seine River and a visit to one of the famous brasseries. More 10

Culinary above the cloudsflying Welcome to the wine cellar

We do our utmost together not only body and soul, but also passengers in the air in a good mood.That is why Singapore Airlines operates a so much effort to its in-flight catering as well no other airline - and precisely directed an unorthodox, northern Germany kale fans More By JACOB STROBEL Y SERRA 14.

ADHD and other shortcomingsChildren are often sent hastily for therapists

Parents should have more confidence, to defend itself against hasty therapies for their children, says the Düsseldorf pediatrician Michael hint: "They know their children best." More 19 28

Lostcycling as a childwho brakes first, has

On the first own bike hanging the most beautiful childhood memories of independence. And on the first wheel of the child's own fears of today's parents. More FRIDTJOF KÜCHEMANN 7 34

LetAdonis at Azzedine AlaïaHands free rein

In font and color: The graphic works of the Arab poet Adonis are in the Paris gallery of fashion designer Azzedine Alaïa to see - a versatile connection More By BETTINA WOHLFARTH, PARIS 1.

Plot RoofBuilding in the roofscape

On and under our roofs slumber enormous land reserves. Resourceful architects and builders, they know how to use. More By NADINE OBERHUBER 7

Students are "victims"demonstration against the settlement Odenwaldschule

The school and the boarding of Odenwaldschule be handled. She closes the end of the school year.By contrast, students have demonstrated, they see themselves as "victims for the mistakes of others in the past".More 4 3

Successor of Oliver ReeseAnselm Weber is directing drama Frankfurt

Looking for a successor to Oliver Reese at the top of the play Frankfurt the city has struck it rich - in Bochum More

Looking forFrankfurtlocation for further school

Frankfurt's Education Deputy Mayor Sarah concern sees no chance for current expansion of popular schools. The fact that the city would have overslept the planning of other schools, they can not find. More By MATTHIAS TRAUTSCH, FRANKFURT
The verdict of the Exchange on the "new" Deutsche Bank's strategy is as bitter as authorized.Management and Supervisory Boards do not manage to give her back a compelling perspective. A comment. More 8 22

Animal sculpturesUnmistakable Art

From auto parts, keyboards and other waste parts builds Bordalo Segundo oversized animal sculptures. His sometimes more than ten meters high 3-D installations often adorn whole house walls - and have made ​​their famous artists. A visit to Lisbon. More 3

Historic Post vehiclesFridolins friends

Here goes off the post: In Heusenstamm is located in the depot of the Museum of Communication, Germany's largest collection of postal vehicles. On May 17, she is open to visitors. More From PETER THOMAS 11

Retirementwork until you drop?

Many of the present professionals do not expect to be able to go with 63 retire. Most also believe that retirement is a private matter. In other European countries it thinks differently. More3 3

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenbergcomeback with Bart

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg was once again spotted with a new look, a royal Swedish visit sets the protocol at the Vatican incapacitated and Brad Pitt puts a stunt out on the domestic stairs - the Smalltalk More 14.

Chart of the Dayfounder Reluctant

In many countries, people start a business, because has a good chance. Unlike the situation is in Germany, where there is often a lack of alternatives More
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