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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What Will We Be Like in 2065, Singaporeans Ask Themselves-- The Straits Times

As Singapore turns 50, it is a good time to look ahead and imagine what the country will be like when she turns 100. With Singapore2065, we indulge in some blue sky thinking, and invite Singaporeans to help imagine what our homes, our neighbourhoods and our city will look like.

Our future city – will it be greener? More sustainable? More urbanised? Share your ideas for Singapore’s built environment in the next 50 years.
Let’s #BuildSG2065
IDEA #  132
Being filial is part of our Chinese Culture! Naturally living with them makes a Family as One. Them being Old, elderly movement is to be taken care ..Read further
Submitted on 02 Mar 2015
IDEA #  123
The idea of the going to the office would be completely transformed by 2065. Most adults would work from home in a cosy home office pod and attend mee..Read further
Submitted on 01 Mar 2015
IDEA #  122
I envision that in 2065, residents will be able to have a say not only in decorating the interior of their HDB flats but also the exterior. This could be in the form of a resident committee discussing and voting on their preferred HDB exterior - be it the paint colour of flats, the design of windows and even aesthetically pleasing paintings that could be contributed by talented residents. This will give everyone more ownership in their flats and build a greater sense of community!
Submitted on 01 Mar 2015
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