Translation from English

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Buenos Aires Herald

February 22, 2015
Pre-candidate under the Radical Party (UCR) and current Mayor of Mendoza City Rodolfo “Rody” Suárez has got a landslide victory in Sunday’s primaries, the first of the 2015 electoral calendar in the country.
UNEN coalition Lawmaker Martín Lousteau and Confianza Pública legislator Graciela Ocaña will be competing in the PASO primaries for the Buenos Aires City mayor’s seat that will take place on April 26.
• Macri, Reutemann close alliance
Three years have passed since a train crash at Once terminal station killed 51 people and injured more than 700. This morning, families and friends of the victims remembered them at the same place where that tragic event took place and renewed their call for justice.
Foreign Affairs Minister Héctor Timerman assured the government signed the Memorandum of Understanding with Iran "in the name of the victims" of the 1994 AMIA terrorist attack, adding it "has nothing to hide" regarding the agreement.
Prosecutor Sabrina Namer, one of the members of the board of public attorneys set to replace late prosecutor Alberto Nisman in the investigation into the AMIA attack, has said the team will evaluate “why the Syrian line was abandoned.”
Greece's government prepared reform measures to secure a financial lifeline from the euro zone, but was attacked for selling "illusions" to voters after failing to keep a promise to extract the country from its international bailout.
• 'We won a battle, not war'
Nicolás Maduro has ratified his administration’s positions against opposition leaders saying their “game” was “over,” participating in the democratic system but planning coup attempts at the same time.
• Video shows detention of Caracas Mayor
President of Uruguay José “Pepe” Mujica considered Argentina “should accompany” Latin American integration but instead cares not about strengthening regional ties. “When things go right for it, Argentina forgets about integration,” he said.


Dollar (Official price)DOLLAR (Official price)$ 8,665$ 8,715
Dollar Blue price)DOLLAR ("Blue" price)$ 12,92$ 13,02
EuroEURO$ 9,830$ 10,490
PoundPOUND$ 13,335$ 13,421
MervalMERVAL$ 9.436,740$ 0,51
Dow JonesDOW JONES$ 18.140,440$ 0,86
BovespaBOVESPA$ 51.237,700$ -0,11
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Grupo ámbito    ámbito financiero    Docsalud     Premium        El Ciudadano    El Tribuno    Management
Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4408 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA 

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