Translation from English

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Born/Died Today with Pithy Quotes-

"Have just read obituary in the Times. Kindly adjust pay to suit."
George Ernest Morrison
(02/04/1862 – 05/30/1920)
Australian adventurer , on the erroneus report of his death 
"THANKS to St. Matthew, who had been
At mass-meetings in Palestine,
We knew whose side was spoken for
When Comrade Jesus had the floor."

Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn
(02/04/1876 – 04/04/1959)
US writer 
"The first temptation, upon meeting an old friend after many years, is always to look the other way."
Ugo Betti
(02/04/1892 – 06/09/1953)
Italian playwright 
Nigel Bruce"That's a lot to see buggers jump."
Nigel Bruce
(02/04/1895 – 10/08/1953)
English actor , on the cost of ballet tickets 
Charles Augustus Lindbergh"If I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes."
Charles A. Lindbergh
(02/04/1902 – 08/26/1974)
US aviator (was married to Anne Morrow Lindbergh) 
"If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
(02/04/1906 – 04/09/1945)
German theologian 
Rosa Parks"All I was doing was trying to get home from work."
Rosa Parks
(02/04/1906 – 10/24/2005)
US activist 
Betty Friedan"Man is not the enemy here, but the fellow victim. The real enemy is women's denigration of themselves."
Betty Friedan
(02/04/1921 – 02/04/2006)
US writer, feminist (died on birthday) 
"After all, when you come right down to it, how many people speak the same language even when they speak the same language?"
Russell Hoban
(02/04/1925 – )
US writer 
George Andrew Romero"I'll never get sick of zombies. I just get sick of producers."
George A. Romero
(02/04/1940 – )
US director 
David Brenner"A vegetarian is a person who won't eat anything that can have children."
David Brenner
(02/04/1945 – )
US comic 
J. Danforth Quayle"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
J. Danforth Quayle
(02/04/1947 – )
US VP (44) (see other US VPs) 
Vincent Furnier"What turns me on? Tuesday Weld in a dirty slip, drinking a can of beer. I could use up a case of Trojans on that one."
Alice Cooper
(02/04/1948 – )
US singer 
Thelma Ritter"When a man and a woman see each other and like each other they ought to come together—wham—like a couple of taxis on Broadway, not sit around analyzing each other like two specimens in a bottle."
Thelma Ritter
(02/14/1905 – 02/04/1969)
US actor 
Louis Jordan"With my little band, I did everything they did with a big band. I made the blues jump."
Louis Jordan
(07/08/1908 – 02/04/1975)
US bandleader, rock'n'roller 
"We may be through with the past, but the past ain't through with us."
Bergen Evans
(09/19/1904 – 02/04/1978)
US educator 
"Nagging is the repetition of unpalatable truths."
Edith Clara Summerskill
(04/19/1901 – 02/04/1980)
English physician, politician 
Alex Harvey"Do you think Paul McCartney makes records just to annoy me personally, or does he want to get up everyone's f*ing nose with his f*ing antics?"
Alex Harvey
(02/05/1935 – 02/04/1982)
Sensational English musician (died near his birthday) 
Karen Carpenter"I'm just afraid I'm gonna miss it all... being married... being a mother."
Karen Carpenter
(03/02/1950 – 02/04/1983)
US singer 
Wladziu Valentino Liberace"John Gielgud is so camp! When he took home the Oscar for 'Arthur,' he said, 'Just what I've always wanted—a naked man in my rumpus room.'"
(05/16/1919 – 02/04/1987)
Hungarian-US pianist 
"All of Stratford, in fact, suggests powdered history—add hot water and stir and you have a delicious, nourishing Shakespeare."
Margaret Halsey
(02/13/1910 – 02/04/1997)
English writer 
Raiford Chatman Davis"College ain't so much where you been as how you talk when you get back."
Ossie Davis
(12/18/1917 – 02/04/2005)
US actor, playwright (was married to Ruby Dee) 
Betty Friedan"The feminine mystique has succeeded in burying millions of American women alive."
Betty Friedan
(02/04/1921 – 02/04/2006)
US writer, feminist (died on birthday) 
Erik Lee Purkhiser"I'm tired of seeing rock'n'roll being respectable. People when they think of rock'n'roll don't think of the negative; they have this image of Bruce Springsteensaving starving children somewhere."
Lux Interior
(10/21/1946 – 02/04/2009)
US singer (Cramps) (was married to Poison Ivy Rorschach) 

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