Translation from English

Monday, January 5, 2015

Part Four: Ultimate Loser: That Shmuck from Massachusetts, Michael Dukakis

Michael Dukakis was the Governor of Massachusetts, of Greek American ancestry, and like a loaf of stale bread.

His major distinction was that he was inarticulate and was the cousin of the actress Olympia Dukakis, the kind of show business person who floated around in the same orbit as people like Jane Fonda.

Show biz types, particular homosexual theater people, loved her.

American women sort of liked her as an example of an assertive woman, but again she turned off the mainstream Democratic women.

She got as much or more publicity than shmucky Michael, who is remembered mostly for trying to make himself a more macho image and getting himself photographed driving a tank on some kind of weird military maneuver.

Sound ridiculous? It was.

And he was running against the smooth talking Ronald Reagan, a consummate actor of  small town American values who also appealed to the traditional ethnic base of the Democrats in the big cities.

What a disaster for the "Progressive cause." Progressives have never come to grips with this whole abysmal outing of their worst judgment ever.

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