Thursday, January 29, 2015

France 24- How the French see France


France in English: the latest news, features and video.

    Charlie Hebdo awarded special prize at French comics festival


    French police question 8-year-old over terror comment 


    ‘You will die alone,’ new French campaign warns jihadists


    French comics festival honours Charlie Hebdo cartoonists


    NATO jet crash due to technical failure, French army says


    French court allows gay French-Moroccan couple to wed

    Thousands of tourists every year use diesel buses to see the city

    Paris to ban the most polluting diesel vehicles by July 2015


    French unemployment hits new record high in December


    French town of Lunel under spotlight after terrorism raid

      'Who will follow in Charlie Hebdo's footsteps?'
      Searching for a 'blizzard buddy'
    • DEBATE
      New escalation: Cross-border shelling between Israel and Lebanon (part 2)
    • DEBATE
      New escalation: Cross-border shelling between Israel and Lebanon (part 1)
      'There have never been so many jobseekers in France'
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      Obama in Saudi Arabia: Oil diplomacy triumphs in face of human rights abuses (pa...
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      'Tsipras’s cumbersome ally'
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      Greece takes on Europe: Historic elections rock status quo (part 1)
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      Greece takes on Europe: Historic elections rock status quo (part 2)
      Paris Men's Fashion, Fall/Winter 2015: Freedom of speech triumphs
      'Syriza has opened a breach'
      Greece's political earthquake
      France tackles terror
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      Davos debate: Can big business agree on climate deal? (part 2) 
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      Davos debate: Can big business agree on climate deal?
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      'Super Mario breaks the bank'
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      Make or break moment for the euro: Will unprecedented bond-buying beat deflation...
    • DEBATE
      Make or break moment for the euro: Will unprecedented bond-buying beat deflation...
    • Europe - Lessons from 1953: The debt write-off behind Germany's 'economic miracle'

      Europe - Lessons from 1953: The debt write-off behind Germany's 'economic miracle'

      @milanzm The Greek government is composed of Greeks who are elected by the Greek people. It is not up to Chancellor Merkel to shoulder the responsibility for the Greek electorate's poor choices, any more that Chancellor Merkel is responsible for the poor choices of Hungary's electorate. Contrary to popular and cynically misguided propaganda, the EU is not a dictatorship. The EU does, however, make it possible for the Greeks to more easily get themselves out of their current predicament. 
      from Charles Smyth, 7 hours 24 minutes ago
    • France - French police question 8-year-old over terror comment

      France - French police question 8-year-old over terror comment 

      "collective hysteria has engulfed France "
      from rsainz, 8 hours 4 minutes ago
    • Europe - Lessons from 1953: The debt write-off behind Germany's 'economic miracle'

      Europe - Lessons from 1953: The debt write-off behind Germany's 'economic miracle'

      “Greek ties to Russia cloud EU’s policy”??? (WSJ, 01.29.15, p A7): Canceller A. Markel must show that she is “EU Mother in charge”: Greece should in principle stay in EU, but if Greece Gov. does NOT want to play by the rules, get out from EU! “Demands for debt write-off and spending binge are unacceptable”; I was shocked with a huge Greece delusion: “ The current view is that Germany is bluffing and the Euro Zone would collapse if we were forced out”???
      from milanzm, 8 hours 40 minutes ago
    • Europe - Lessons from 1953: The debt write-off behind Germany's 'economic miracle'

      Europe - Lessons from 1953: The debt write-off behind Germany's 'economic miracle'

      This is an utterly bogus comparison that is akin to demanding more WW2 reparation payments, from Germany. There is no similarity between the German and Greek situations. Via the Greek government, and political convenience, the Greeks deliberately borrowed huge amounts of money with which to finance the government spending towards which the Greeks refused to pay any taxes. Also, the Greeks refused to reform the Greek economy, so that the necessary taxes could be afforded and raised. 
      from Charles Smyth, 12 hours 30 minutes ago
    • France - Paris to ban  the most polluting diesel vehicles by July 2015

      France - Paris to ban the most polluting diesel vehicles by July 2015

      A minor nitpick: How can even France 24 get Paris's nickname wrong? It's not the City of "Lights" -- it's the "City of Light", as in The Enlightenment.
      from oroughy, 13 hours 19 minutes ago
    • France - French police question 8-year-old over terror comment

      France - French police question 8-year-old over terror comment 

      The path that the French government is set on will end with the interment,of Muslims ,without trial. 
      from Babeouf, 15 hours 7 minutes ago
    • Americas - Raul Castro lists demands ahead of restoring US ties

      Americas - Raul Castro lists demands ahead of restoring US ties

      Whilst there are interests over which to negotiate,, the Cubans are not in a position to make demands over how the US chooses to participate in those negotiations. Also, the political system in Cuba is a matter of compulsion, at the point of a gun, not the free will of the Cuban people. Which -- and regardless of the "democratic deficit" of unfortunate and inconvenient examples like Saudi Arabia -- is hardly anything of merit to be respected by the US, Raul. 
      from Charles Smyth, 18 hours 2 minutes ago
    • Africa - US, French citizens among dead in Libyan hotel attack

      Africa - US, French citizens among dead in Libyan hotel attack

      If there are any traders out there trading the Forex I wanted to warn you don't waste your time I've been trying to make money with it for years! Go to the website Emini S&P Trading Secret and get into trading the futures instead it's much better now I'm making money trading and very happy.
      from germally2, 1 day 17 hours 50 minutes ago
    • France - French unemployment hits new record high in December

      France - French unemployment hits new record high in December

      welllll? " Hollande has pledged not to seek re-election in 2017" okay.... that's always good to know..... but just in case he will run.. there 2 groups of people that will not be voting for him... one the muslim population, number 2 the jewish people they all going to be in Israel..... so.... what a comedy.... French Comedy....
      from rsainz, 1 day 9 hours 46 minutes ago
    • Reporters - Young Iranians living on the edge

      Reporters - Young Iranians living on the edge

      Perfect and Professional documentary Thanks for revealing the truth
      from NP, 1 day 9 hours 46 minutes ago
    • Talking europe - Fighting terrorism: Does Europe have a plan?

      Talking europe - Fighting terrorism: Does Europe have a plan? 

      Anyone ever take a stab at exchanging Oil some time recently? It's extraordinary I cherish it. I'm doing the Traders Superstore strategy, it truly works extraordinary. Simply Google "Traders Superstore" you ought to have the capacity to discover it.
      from parveen12, 2 days 23 hours 26 minutes ago
    • The interview - Colombia's Santos 'convinced' that FARC rebels 'want peace'

      The interview - Colombia's Santos 'convinced' that FARC rebels 'want peace'

      On the off chance that there are any merchants here I need to give you access on an incredible framework for exchanging I've found for the oil fates. Look at Traders Superstore, I went from an apprentice to productive in my first month. Oil exchanging is the most ideal path superior to the Forex or stocks. Google Traders Superstore to take in more.
      from parveen12, 2 days 23 hours 29 minutes ago

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