Thursday, January 29, 2015

Buneos Aires Herald

By Luciana Bertoia
Attorney General Alejandra Gils Carbó will postpone until next month the appointment of a team of prosecutors that will take over the investigation into the terrorist attack against the AMIA community centre.
A funeral procession amidst heavy police protection led AMIA special prosecutor Alberto Nisman's body to the Tablada Jewish Cemetery, where he was buried in a ceremony held by Rabbi Marcelo Pollakoff.
By Federico Poore
Defence Minister Agustín Rossi talks to the Herald about the new federal intelligence agency.
A gas truck explosion decimated large parts of a maternity hospital on the western edge of Mexico City, killing one woman and a child and leaving dozens injured, Mexico City Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said. The death toll was revised down by Mancera.
Iran said talks with France, Germany and Britain on its nuclear programme were "promising" but more work was needed to settle the 12-year standoff, the official IRNA news agency reported.
Former bodyguard of Venezuela’s Socialist Party heavyweight Diosdado Cabello Leamsy Salazar, said late president Hugo Chávez did not die on March 5 2013 but on December 30 2012.

Editor-in-Chief Sebastián Lacunza on recent dramatic events


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The complexity of ideas

Silvio Waisbord

The complexity of ideas

Damián Pachter and  the Herald’s dignity

Sebastián Lacunza

Damián Pachter and the Herald’s dignity

Editor-in-Chief Sebastián Lacunza on recent dramatic events
Free Leopoldo López

Patricio Navia

Free Leopoldo López

Bring in the CIA

Andrés Federman

Bring in the CIA

By Santiago Del Carril

By Elaine Kurtenbach

• World Trade

Argentine farmers look forward to a new dawn

• On Sunday

Old habits die hard

Grupo ámbito    ámbito financiero    Docsalud     Premium        El Ciudadano    El Tribuno    Management
Director: Orlando Mario Vignatti - Edition No. 4384 - This publication is a property of NEFIR S.A. -RNPI Nº 5177376 - Issn 1852 - 9224 - Te. 4349-1500 - San Juan 141 , (C1063ACY) CABA 

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