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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Poland- NY Times


Kacper Pempel/Reuters
News about Poland, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.


  1. DEC. 3, 2014
    Robert Biedron, with his election as mayor of Slusk, Poland, becomes country's second openly gay mayor; his victory is sea change in conservative Poland, where Roman Catholic Church has extensive political power.  MORE
  2. OCT. 25, 2014
    Polish government appeals ruling by European Court of Human Rights that country violated the rights of two terrorism suspects by transferring them to interrogation site in northeast Poland run by Central Intelligence Agency; ruling was first involving a European country that had participated in CIA's 'extraordinary rendition' program.  MORE
  3. OCT. 23, 2014
    Museum of the City of New York opens exhibition of home movies from pre-Holocaust Poland, arranged into montages, triptychs and split screens by Hungarian documentary filmmaker Peter Forgacs; films give glimpses of a Jewish culture in Poland that would, within a few years, no longer exist.  MORE
  4. OCT. 22, 2014
    Museum of the History of Polish Jews, most ambitious cultural institution to rise in Poland since the fall of Communism, will unveil its core collection; museum traces history of Jews in country from their first appearance in the Middle Ages to the present day; unveiling comes amid atmosphere of heightened anti-Semitism in Europe. MORE
  5. OCT. 6, 2014
    More than 280 bodies, in year of sporadic digging, have been pulled from burial pits behind century-old prison in Bialystok, Poland; they are anonymous victims of the Nazis, the Soviets, or the Polish secret police; some worry Poland's far-right parties might want to make use of bodies as heroes to stir nationalist emotions.  MORE


Official Name: Republic of Poland
Capital: Warsaw (Current local time)
Government Type: Republic
Population: 38.5 million
Area: 120,725 square miles; about the size of New Mexico
Languages: Polish
Literacy: Total population: 99.8%; Male: 99.8%; Female: 99.7%
Year of Independence: 1918
Web site: 


Dershowitz Seeks to Bring Close to Polanski Case

Roman Polanski, a film director, wants to have the threat of extradition and jail time lifted, after fleeing the United States before sentencing on a charge of raping a 13-year-old girl in 1977.
December 16, 2014, Tuesday

S.E.C. Seeks to Dismiss Insider Trading Lawsuit Involving Herbalife Shares

The Securities and Exchange Commission said it would not be able to proceed with the lawsuit because the two main witnesses it intended to call to testify are in Poland and had no plans to return to the United States.
December 15, 2014, Monday

Tens of Thousands Protest in Poland Over Results of Local Elections

The leader of Poland’s largest opposition party claimed that the results of last month’s municipal elections had been falsified.
December 14, 2014, Sunday

Afghan Leader Expresses Shock at Torture Revelations

Ashraf Ghani said that the C.I.A. abuses “violated all accepted norms of human rights in the world,” adding his name to the global reaction of shock, anger and cynicism that had swelled over the past 24 hours.
December 11, 2014, Thursday

White House and Republicans Clash Over C.I.A. Torture Report

The Senate’s findings on the government’s use of torture, set for release Tuesday, have spurred clashes over the risk that they will trigger a backlash overseas.
December 9, 2014, Tuesday

A Gay Mayor in Poland? No Big Deal

The victory of a gay candidate amounts to a sea change in conservative Poland, where the Catholic Church wields enormous political power.
December 3, 2014, Wednesday

Where a ‘Vampire’ Threat Hit Close to Home

A new study in the journal PLOS One indicates that it was locals, not immigrants, whose corpses were feared.
December 2, 2014, Tuesday

1914: Russians Dominate in East Poland

From the International Herald Tribune archives: Russians dominate in East Poland in 1914.
November 30, 2014, Sunday

His Nightmares Starred Communists, Not Nazis

The centenary of the Polish-born composer Andrzej Panufnik will be celebrated at Kings Place in London on Sunday by Panufnik’s family and other artists and performers.
November 29, 2014, Saturday

Home of Polish National Opera Shines Again

Under the leadership of Waldemar Dabrowski, Poland's Wielki Theater, is raising its international profile with new collaborations and some avant-garde productions.
November 18, 2014, Tuesday


The Polish Underground
Since Poland joined the European Union in 2004, more than a million Poles, mainly young, have come to Britain.


Lech Walesa: The Shipyard
The former Polish president Lech Walesa explains how he defied Communist rule to help bring down the Iron Curtain. Part 2 of “Three Short Films About Peace.”
Bodies Unearthed at Bialystok Detention Center
Victims of the Nazis,the Soviets and Polish secret police
In Poland, American Football Gains a Toehold
The relationship between America and Poland is a complex and emotional one, and among the ways to view it these days is through the prism of full-contact football.
Obama Strengthens Ties With Poland
President Obama and President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland discussed American support for Eastern European allies ahead of a plan to spend $1 billion in training armed forces on Russia’s borders.
Poland’s ‘Rathole Miners’
Digging coal illegally, often called “rathole mining,” proliferated in the late 1990s in Walbrzych, Poland, after the state abruptly decided to shutter coal plants in the region. It continues today.

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