Translation from English

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

France 24- How the French see France


France in English: the latest news, features and video.
    François Hollande at the inauguration of France's Museum of the History of Immigration

    Hollande hails benefits of immigration in swipe at Sarkozy


    Paris bans UberPOP as taxi drivers stage protest 


    Police raids dismantle French jihadist network


    Is France’s far-right flirting with the gay vote?

    A French postcard from the FIrst World War showing a soldier in bed with a prostitute

    France’s military brothels: Hidden history of the First World War


    Fitch downgrades France’s credit rating to 'AA'


    Explosion rocks French Cultural Centre in Gaza 


    Video: Proposed French law stops short of euthanasia

    ‏People attempt to help an injured man outside the Lycée Esteqlal in Kabul following a suicide bomb attack

    Suicide bomber attacks French school in Afghanistan

    • DEBATE
      Taliban School Massacre: At Least 140 Dead in Peshawar Assault (part 2)
    • DEBATE
      Taliban School Massacre: At Least 140 Dead in Peshawar Assault (part 1)
      French whisky
      'Terror grips Sydney'
      Men are stupider than women: Science says so!
    • DEBATE
      Hollande's immigration bet: Is France ready to accept its immigrants? (part 1)
    • DEBATE
      Hollande's immigration bet: Is France ready to accept its immigrants? (part 2)
      Christmas, luxury and philanthropy 
    • DEBATE
      Freer than before? After the Arab Spring (part 2)
    • DEBATE
      Freer than before? After the Arab Spring
      The story behind Serge Lazarevic's release
      'One death, two very different explanations'
      Caring for the terminally ill: What could change?
      Brazil releases its own 'torture report'
      Marine Le Pen says torture can be 'useful', then backtracks
    • DEBATE
      Deal or no deal? French hostage Serge Lazarevic freed after 3-year ordeal
    • DEBATE
      Nobel cause: Malala and the fight to educate girls
      A new generation of games
    • DEBATE
      Licence to torture: Will report on interrogation methods put US on defensive? (p...
      Last French hostage freed
    • DEBATE
      Licence to torture: Will report on interrogation methods put US on defensive?
    • Focus - Video: Denmark ‘rehabilitates’ returning jihadists

      Focus - Video: Denmark ‘rehabilitates’ returning jihadists

      There is no way you can "rehabilitate" a "jihadi"!. They will just go underground. Send them back to "sand land"... 
      from steve12, 6 hours 50 minutes ago
    • Asia-pacific - Sydney café hostage-taker has long criminal record

      Asia-pacific - Sydney café hostage-taker has long criminal record

      My dear Barcelona, It is because we live in a democracy and a man is innocent until proved guilty that this man was walking free. This is what I think, if we hold the moral high ground then we run the risk of being killed for most of us do not wish to be forced to believe in a god we are TOLD to believe in under threat of death. We must fight fire with fire (I find it hard to write this) but we must. We run the risk of loseing our humanity, our gifts of tolerance, understanding and love for our fellow man. I live in France and I have Muslim friends and they are not like the terrorists we see on the news they are good, kind and responsible. I do not know the answers.
      from ozharley, 14 hours 41 minutes ago
    • Asia-pacific - Sydney café hostage-taker has long criminal record

      Asia-pacific - Sydney café hostage-taker has long criminal record

      What I don't understand about this case is this: This man has multiple judicial charges pending; of sexual assault, accessory to murder of his wife. (Possibly hate crimes for the letters to soldiers families sent...this not clear in the article.) With MULTIPLE charges of such gravity, why was he permitted to be walking free on the streets?
      from Barcelona Observer, 18 hours 20 minutes ago
    • Europe - Paris taxi drivers stage protest against Uber

      Europe - Paris taxi drivers stage protest against Uber 

      Yes Hollande is sensitive to the fears of the petite bourgeois. But to the working class he turns a deaf ear.
      from Babeouf, 1 day 9 hours 15 minutes ago
    • Middle east - Israeli airstrike in Syria targeted 'terrorist' weapons delivery

      Middle east - Israeli airstrike in Syria targeted 'terrorist' weapons delivery

      Definition of Sovereign country. Definition of Firm policy.Have any Israel right to airstrike over any country without sufficient causes. This sign (air airstrike)may be treated as a ???.No thanks to Israel.
      from rathindra nath chattopadhyay, 1 day 17 hours 5 minutes ago
    • Americas - US Senate approves $1.1 trillion spending bill

      Americas - US Senate approves $1.1 trillion spending bill

      This spending bill is a huge giveaway to the ultra wealthy. But, of course, that's who owns the Congress.
      from Pikku83, 1 day 17 hours 25 minutes ago
    • Europe - Paris taxis set to block traffic in Uber protests

      Europe - Paris taxis set to block traffic in Uber protests

      Use the Metro to the airport. it is so much easier.
      from xxxaaaxxx, 1 day 18 hours 4 minutes ago
    • Americas - CIA chief defends interrogations but regrets 'abhorrent' abuses

      Americas - CIA chief defends interrogations but regrets 'abhorrent' abuses

      There is NO excuse for PHYSICAL and MENTAL TORTURE, at all…
      from milanzm, 2 days 18 hours 50 minutes ago
    • France - Paris presents reforms to boost France's economy

      France - Paris presents reforms to boost France's economy

      If the Socialist Party does not do make changes with a scalpel the far-right will do it with a chain-saw...jt...
      from Joey Tranchina, 2 days 18 hours 50 minutes ago
    • Europe - EU court orders France to pay thousands to Somali pirates

      Europe - EU court orders France to pay thousands to Somali pirates

      This is ridiculous. This court is wrong. Somali pirates should have been killed. 
      from GTR5, 4 days 16 hours 30 minutes ago
    • France - French academics protest 'ruinous' budget cuts

      France - French academics protest 'ruinous' budget cuts

      French academics protest 'ruinous' budget cuts No! the title should read "French taxpayers welcome budget cuts."
      from JohnM, 4 days 17 hours 7 minutes ago
    • Americas - US Senate report condemns CIA’s brutal interrogation program

      Americas - US Senate report condemns CIA’s brutal interrogation program

      Yes its bad day for the European quislings that follow the US line come what may. Still here is the question lots of people are asking. Should the US tortures be put on trial? You see if they are the extensive European involvement in torture program is likely to be revealed.
      from Babeouf, 4 days 17 hours 19 minutes ago

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