Translation from English

Monday, December 8, 2014

MY VIDEO: Blizzard last January in Kips Bay

It was FREEZING here today and right now I have the space heater on...

But tomorrow we get something worse, a "wintry mix" Nor'easter that will last all day.

Not the kind of weather to be out in unless you feel you have to be ( and I have been out in all kinds of weather to record them with videos....just because they were there).

I have Latin sounding music on the track here, and it is funny, just around the corner on Manhattan Avenue there is a bodega at 100th Street and from some place there on the worst wintry days you here this tropical music blasting out...

This year I feel we will have a snowfall fairly soon. I will trek into Central Park for that one, going from the high rises and tenements here into whacko Park planner Olmsted's big triumph of design over nature..

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