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Saturday, June 14, 2014

FDNY- Interview

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[Share]Published: June 13, 2014

Get to Know: Keith Schneider, Director of the Medical Equipment Unit

Keith Schneider, Director of the Medical Equipment Unit
Keith Schneider, Director of the Medical Equipment Unit
Get to Know: Keith Schneider, Director of the Medical Equipment Unit
Name: Keith Schneider
Title/Rank: Director of the Medical Equipment Unit, Bureau of Technical Services
Work Location: Medical Equipment Unit, Queens
Tenure with the Department: 13 years
Job Description: Manages all medical equipment utilized by the FDNY (fire and EMS) throughout NYC.
What do you like most about your coworkers? I have about 13 employees under me. They come to work every day with the 110-percent attitude. It’s a family environment. No matter what goes on any given day of the week, disaster or non-disaster, if I’m here or not here, I know for a fact that by the end of the day the work is done. That’s their work ethic. I could never ask to be in charge of a better unit because they make me look so good.
What’s a significant FDNY-related memory you have? We were very active in the field during Hurricane Sandy. We responded to Bellevue Hospital when they lost power and their main oxygen system went down because the generator wasn’t working. We had to provide onsite ventilators and oxygen hookups for all of their critical patients until they were able to evacuate them. So from the NICU [Neonatal Intensive Care Unit] to all the adults on ventilators and didn’t have oxygen at that time, we were able to provide that for them until they were evacuated from the hospital.
What’s your favorite thing to do in New York City? I like to take my kids to Times Square, we try to plan trips to see some of the more kid-friendly plays and go to all the toy stores and look around.
What do you do in your spare time? Coach sports or other activities with the kids, and I volunteer on an ambulance.
Who is your hero? My father, because of the role he played – and continues to play – in my life. He was able to teach me how to be a great parent, and also how to succeed and achieve my goals. And he clearly taught me the exact management skills he used, and continues to use, through his career that I’ve been able to use in my career. It’s brought me to where I am now.

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