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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Why New Yorkers' Con Ed Bills Jumped This Month ( My Bill Doubled What it Ordinarily Be)

I knew there had to be a reason why my Con Ed bill was so high this month...writing to a friend in Vermont about it, and explaining what I THOUGHT had happened, ( full of side thoughts)  he wrote back referring to my "high baroque style" in explaining it all and asking if I wanted a loan...

No,  G.G. old pal, but thanks for asking

Why Your Con Ed Bill Spiked This Month

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

00:00 / 00:00
WNYC reporter Ilya Marritz explains why some people's Con Ed bills are much higher than they were at this time last year, and what the frigid temperatures have to do with it.


Ilya Marritz
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Comments [19]

Mrs Preston from Manhattan
Con Ed is very creative with their myriad of explanations for gouging their customers this month. The told me it was because the bad weather prevented them from reading our meters in my building. Of course, as usual, such a thing never results in a lower bill. Mine was ridiculously inflated. I can't afford to loan Con Ed $50 this month. And, I might add, interest-free! I'll be requesting an extension, until they can actually read my meter. Otherwise, I want interest paid on the overage for the total time it's in their pockets! Enough is enough!
Feb. 19 2014 08:01 PM
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S. Katz from Brooklyn
My bill went up by almost $30 this month. I sit with practically every light turned off during the day. The only electricity I use is one lamp and my computer. I called Con Ed and the representative told me about the raise in rates and how they're getting a lot of complaints. She said she saw that I don't use a lot of electricity and also explained that they "guess" at how much I will use. If they charge too much then the following month the bill will reflect it. This has happened to me before but it's a pain that I have to pay for what they think I might use. Even though the following months' bill might be less that doesn't help me if I'm short of funds this month because of their "guess."
Feb. 19 2014 07:51 PM
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HJDuffy from Yonkers
The supply charge for the kilowatt hours went from 8.975 to 17.942 from Jan. to Feb.! How can Edison explain
that increase in one month? My electricity charge went up $24 in a month and my usage in my home doesn't change. I turn off lights when exiting a room and do not use space heaters or other heating equipment. I'm considering exiting the automatic payments from my bank.
Feb. 19 2014 07:47 PM
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Dave from Brooklyn
My bill more than doubled...that 22% increase figure is pretty insulting.
Feb. 19 2014 07:06 PM
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Jack from Jersey City
I put a Nest thermostat in last summer and it has really helped me control the heating bill this year by managing the temps from my iphone and computer. Later, i installed 4 ecobee internet thermostats at our church and we are seeing big reductions in use there too. Nest works for boilers and gas/oil furnaces but wont help if you have a shared system. Same with ecobee. Of the two ecobee is about $100 less and does the same thing but lacks the cool factor of the Nest.
Conservation is the only answer, cutting down the waste and better managing usage is mandatory to controlling costs.
Feb. 19 2014 06:39 PM
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Bill from Nyc
Please look I to the salaries. One example: A maintenance man who sweeps floor after 20 yrs on the jobs earns 120,000 while a normal company in NYC pays $40,000! A lineman supervisor after 15 yrs earns $170,000 with overtime !
Feb. 19 2014 06:38 PM
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Gahan from Manhattan
Indeed, the severe winter is pushing up energy prices all over the Eastern US. We are very lucky that we have not experienced shortages of natural gas, electricity or oil, just higher costs.
In the future we may not be so lucky. President Obama's war on coal and all carbon based energy will leave us short on Mega Watts and BTU's when the cold and heat hit hard again. Renewables can only offer a tiny fraction of our ever growing needs.
Feb. 19 2014 06:33 PM
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Tuck smith from Nyc
My bill doubled because the per unit cost doubled. Everyone I know experienced a doubling too.
Is con ed making up that 20% number?
Feb. 19 2014 06:19 PM
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