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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Just to Spite People Like Rand Paul: Remembering Again "Those Union Thugs in Their Cushy Jobs"-- Typical Fire Rescue

Okay, so some cops and firemen have been caught trying to rip off the government with false disability claims..

While I feel obliged to run stories like that, we have to remember just how much the ordinary cops and firefighters etc. are sacrificing --especially in "The Polar Vortex" which makes firefighting hell of course ( try being outside with quick freezing water around houses and fire hydrants and just being out on an kind of patrol or stake out in this kind of weather..

This story is more typical of what our "Union Thugs" are doing

Let people like Rand Paul, who thinks these heroes have no right to collective bargaining or anything, ponder this ( for all the difference it would make to someone like him or Buffoon-Limbaugh)..and remember, how many NYC firefighters would refuse to try and save Rand Paul from a burning building? About zero, that's how many. Yes, he does not deserve them.

Published: December 20, 2013

FDNY Firefighters Rescue Two From Brooklyn Fire

Lt. Ken Michitsch, Lt. Matt Martin, FF Tom Bradley, FF Sean O’Grady and FF Kevin Coursey.
Lt. Ken Michitsch, Lt. Matt Martin, FF Tom Bradley, FF Sean O’Grady and FF Kevin Coursey.
FDNY firefighters from Engine 281, Ladder 147 and Engine 250 rescued two women from a fire on East 8th Street on Dec. 20.

Firefighters were called at around 5:30 a.m. and as they arrived, they saw heavy smoke in the rear of the building and the alleyway.

They were told three children were trapped, so they used portable ladders to quickly enter the building and conduct their search.

As fire was coming down the hallway toward them, firefighters searched the second floor of the building, including the bedroom where they were told the victims might be located.

They then got word the victims might be on the third floor, so they went upstairs located the victims – three young women – in a bathroom where they sought refuge from the extreme heat and smoke.

“It all happened in just a few minutes,” Firefighter Tom Bradley from Ladder 147 said.

Firefighters who responded to the Brooklyn fire, including members of Engine 281, Ladder 147 and Engine 250.
Firefighters who responded to the Brooklyn fire, including members of Engine 281, Ladder 147 and Engine 250.
Firefighter Bradley, along with Lt. Matt Martin and Firefighters Brian Clifford, Sean O’Grady, Kevin Coursey from Ladder 147 and Lt. Ken Michitsch from Engine 250, removed the victims.

They said it was difficult, as there
 was zero visibility in the hallways due to the heavy smoke conditions.

The victims were treated by FDNY EMS members and transported to local hospitals. One of the women died at the hospital. The other two are in critical condition.

“This was a team effort,” Firefighter Bradley said. “In this job, we don’t do anything by ourselves.”

It was noted that the residence did not have working smoke alarms, and the early notification may have helped the women evacuate before it was too late.

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