Saturday, July 27, 2013

Abercrombie and Fitch has changed....

When I was young I always associated Abercrombie and Fitch with upscale hiking clothes, to say nothing of neat Safari jackets and even Pith helmets.

But times change...wondered what the commotion in the lobby was about..turned out to be a male model naked to the waist in designer jeans! Guess this place has changed a lot!

 Well, way back when this place was something else as I let's see what Yelp says it is now--
Yikes, a lot of real naysayers for this place...I usually don't run an article if the reviews are this negative, but I just report on these places because they are famous..

You can go there and check it out for yourself..they have another store downtown too...

I am not going to run the Yelp reviews because some of them are abusive. Suggest if you are interested you take a look for yourself and see what you think.

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