Sunday, June 16, 2013

More Beaux Arts influence in official buildings

I believe this one is the Customs Court Building down near City Hall, on edge of Foley Square area where so many court buildings are ( civil, criminal, you name it) -- those buildings favor either modern or neo-classical design though/)

NOTE: Just checked this...old Customs Court has for some time been International Court of Trade and is over at Foley Square indeed in very Mies influenced glass what this building is now remains a mystery. I don't think it is luxury housing though...which is such a trend everywhere Downtown...

 I was called once for jury duty  in some building way over on the Western edge of this area I had never seen going in was very heavy even then, this was before September 11-- since some people had been known to bring weapons into the court rooms and cause havoc... 

Now, of course, most public offices operate with much heightened security. We'll know it  is getting bad when they have metal detectors at the public library...

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