Monday, December 26, 2011

Spooky Doorway

Something about this SPC Doorway strikes me as so spooky...let me see if I can find out if there is any clue what SPC is on internet...

No, all it wants to give me for SPC is St. Paul's Chapel and that certainly isn't it.

WAIT,  someone has just informed me that is a security company...that makes sense, it has the eerie watchful look of that ( once did some work for a security agency whose logo was a large eye-- reminded me both of the old CBS eye and also of Orwell's "1984") ( By the way, son of founder of the company, who was a college graduate, had no idea of what I was talking about when I told him of the Orwell idea-- he had never heard of "1984" ( this happened about 1986, as I remember).... as I was to find out later, and evidenced all the time by such humorous bits as Jay Leno's "Jaywalking," there are all sorts of "educated" people in our society now who are clueless about all sorts of cultural references everyone who was educated used to take for granted-- in fact, many of them do not know the simplest facts about, say, American history ( Michele Bachmann being a glaring example).

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