Sunday, December 25, 2011

New Bus Service...fooey

City bus lines in some cases have done changeover to new system which is a pain..called "Select Service'"--have to buy pass at machine at bus stop with Metrocard. Bug fine if they catch you boarding without the pass!

I don't think this is an improvement on the old bus service at all..

Let us see if there is something on the internet

Most people seem on the whole to approve of the service but one review notes some drawbacks:

Bus bunching proved to be the biggest complaint, causing waits of up to 20 minutes at times and waits of less than one minute at others.
Many times it was local M15 buses blocking the way for the faster SBS. Still, with fewer stops and a (mostly) respected dedicated lane, it was a faster bus trip up and down the east side than I’ve had before. Half an hour each—less time than it took me to write this, which I started at about 50th street on my cell phone next to confused passengers still wondering what to do with the paper receipt they were told to keep as proof of sidewalk payment. One person suggested there be recycling bins for the new paper waste.

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