Andrew Leung That's why the Red Cross T1 will have another Home Fire Campaign day coming soon in the VN area.
LikeReply23 hrs
Patricia Tyler Filkins Thank you LAFD for your service! Sad
For the loss of life and prayers for the injured Firefighters! Get well soon! Heroes ALL.
LikeReply13 hrs
Lawrence Kreger
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[LAFD ALERT] Hiker in Distress 02/27/2016
‪#‎HikerinDistress‬; 9:02AM; Runyon Canyon Park;‪#‎HollywoodHills‬; F hiker apparent ankle fracture; LAFD copter will hoist and transport; NFD (No Further Details); FS 76; Batt 5; ‪#‎WestBureau‬; Council District 4; CH: 7; 17; Brian Humphrey
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Lawrence Kreger
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[LAFD ALERT] Update Structure Fire Corrected Address and 3 FF Injuries 02/27/2016
Update Corrected Address and 3 FF Injuries ‪#‎StructureFire‬; 5:48AM; 14011 W Archwood St;‪#‎VanNuys‬; Address updated. 3 FF received non-life threatening injuries. 2 transported with 2nd burns, 1 released at scene. Deceased is adult male, appears to have recently moved in and not squatter. Smoke alarms present but not yet known if functional. The Smoke Alarm Field Education (S.A.F.E.) program scheduled for 9:00AM to canvass neighborhood and provide free smoke alarms to those needing them. ; FS 39; Batt 10; ‪#‎ValleyBureau‬; Council District 6; Margaret Stewart
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Lawrence Kreger
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[LAFD ALERT] Structure Fire 02/27/2016
‪#‎StructureFire‬; 4:06AM; 14015 W Archwood St;‪#‎NorthHollywood‬; 1 story single family dwelling fully involved with fire.; FS 39; Batt 10; ‪#‎ValleyBureau‬; Council District 6; E239 E39 T39 RA839 RA81 E102 E289 T89 BC10 ; CH9; 18; Margaret Stewart
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Lawrence Kreger
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[LAFD ALERT] Traffic Collision 02/27/2016
‪#‎TrafficCollision‬; 3:55AM; SB 5 FY x Colorado Bl;‪#‎EagleRock‬; 5 Car collision with 3 patients transported (condition unk) and 1 deceased on scene. ? = CHP #642 NFD; FS 56; Batt 5; ‪#‎WestBureau‬; Council District 4; E235 T35 RA56 E35 E56 RA35 RA76 EM14 BC5 T35 E235 ; CH4; 17; Margaret Stewart
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Lawrence Kreger
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[LAFD ALERT] Traffic Collision 02/26/2016
‪#‎TrafficCollision‬; 9:47PM; 3037 N Eagle Rock Bl;‪#‎GlassellPark‬/AtwaterVillage; Traffic collision requiring physical extrication of trapped victim (gender/age/condition?); FS 50; Batt 2; ‪#‎CentralBureau‬; Council District 13; BC2 E201 E44 EM1 HR56 RA1 RA56 T1 ; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
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