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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Grist environmental

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It’s a wonderful life for the solar industry right now

Solar was facing a rough end to 2015 -- until Paris, Wall Street, and Congress gave it a Christmas miracle.

The planet might be telling us that there’s a big change coming

Since we're in the midst of another abrupt climatic shift right now, it just might be the critical time to heed our planet's red flags.

Merry Christmas, everyone! We got ourselves a tepid bath of a planet

We're getting a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Future.

New York’s housing plan will displace longtime residents — so neighborhoods are fighting back

The city boroughs' boards have rejected de Blasio's gentrification-by-another-name housing plan. Will the City Council follow suit?

Who is Lamar Smith, and why won’t he stop bothering NOAA?

Another day, another Republican legislator putting taxpayer dollars toward uncloaking the liberal hoax that is climate change.

How will Midwest farmers prepare for the impact of climate change?

Researchers predict that the Midwest's corn and soybean yields could fall 25 percent by 2050.

This just in: Pretty much all major oil companies are lying liars

It's not just Exxon!

A look at sockeye salmon, Native American nets, and a modern fishery

We take you on board a fishing boat in the San Juan Islands, where local fishermen are bringing back traditional Native American catch methods.

Watch the very worst GOP anti-science moments of 2015

Prepare yourselves for snowballs, witch hunts, and a big measles outbreak.

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This year, these maps made us see the world differently

Migrating coastlines, urban parking sprawl, and rivers running through it: These maps made our days in 2015.

Congress agrees on microbeads ban. Wait, what?

Either we're in the Twilight Zone, or environmental legislation really did just soar through Congress.

What this California department’s racist emails could mean for the communities it’s supposed to protect

Is there a bias problem at the state's Department of Toxic Substances Control? Sure looks that way.

Climate change is coming for the Southwest’s forests

The majority of the Southwest's needleleaf evergreen trees will disappear by 2050, according to a new study.

Want to get bummed about Christmas? Watch this adorable, depressing video

This year's Christmas cards could fill an entire football field that's 10 stories high.

From Shell to urban farms, our readers shared these stories like crazy

Grist readers are a smart and curious bunch.

It’s hard out there for a clean energy startup

Turns out, tens of millions of investor dollars just don't cut it these days.

Could the Paris Agreement mean that half of all coal will go unmined?

A new Bank of America analysis argues that new carbon initiatives could help spell the end of coal, but the story is more complicated.

From Halliburton to Walmart, these big corporations will make money off of climate change

These companies aren't rooting for catastrophic warming -- but they are thinking about the business opportunities that could result.

Elon Musk’s reusable rocket could save more than just money

And this video proves that the technology could work.

The most important landscape in Star Wars ain’t on a map, kid

Star Wars movies have always leaned heavily on nature to get their point across -- but the new one adds a surprising type of landscape to the mix.

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