Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Fund Appeal- Friends of Firefighters

The public calls it PTSD.
NYC firefighters don't call it anything.
Firefighters at a job

Dear Friend,

Firefighters experience things that no human being is meant to endure; this burden weighs on them and their families every day. Used to being the ones who help others, it is difficult for them to seek help or even recognize the emotional and physical drain they themselves experience. That’s when Friends of Firefighters steps in. But we can't do it without your help; there's still time to make your 2015 contribution.

One example is a firefighter who described his hesitancy in seeking help for his anxiety before hearing about Friends of Firefighters from another firefighter: 

"I didn't realize it, but years of unknown stress were building up inside me. Between the traumas I had seen on the job, the long hours, and years of hearing the jarring sound of the tones, I had become an anxious person. My wife could see it, but I just brushed it off. The thought of counseling never even crossed my mind until a fellow firefighter mentioned Friends of Firefighters and how they changed his life. Now, between the counseling and wellness services they've provided me, I feel back to my old self."
Friends of Firefighters has earned the trust of the FDNY (Fire Department of New York) community. We are the only non-profit that provides free confidential services to active and retired FDNY firefighters and their families. However, our critical work is made possible entirely due to the support of generous donors.

We have entrusted New York City firefighters to protect our city, our homes and offices, our families, and ourselves. That incredible responsibility comes with a huge toll.

At this time of giving we ask you, on behalf of those who run in when everyone else runs out, to assist our Bravest and their families by making as generous a gift as possible to Friends of Firefighters today. Contributions to Friends of Firefighters dated by December 31, 2015 count towards tax benefits for the year 2015. Thank you to those of you who have already included us in your year-end giving. 

Donate Now
Or mail your contribution to 199 Van Brunt Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Checks should be made out to Friends of Firefighters

With best holiday and New Year wishes,

 NC Signature transparent

Nancy Carbone, Founder & Executive Director 

Friends of Firefighters is dedicated to addressing the physical, mental health and wellness needs of New York City's firefighters. Our ongoing mission is to provide long-term support and services through confidential counseling, wellness services, and other assistance required by firefighters and their families. If you or a family member would like to know more about our services,contact us.

199 Van Brunt Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231
t: 718.643.0980   f: 718.643.1240
e: info@friendsoffirefighters.org   w: www.friendsoffirefighters.org

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Friends of Firefighters is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Upon request, a copy of our most recent financial report may be obtained by writing to us at 199 Van Brunt Street, NY 11231 or by writing to the NYS Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau, at 120 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10271.

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