Friday, November 29, 2013

Egyptian Blogger in Trouble Over Protest- from the BBC

Egyptian blogger Alaa Abdul Fattah arrested over protest

Egyptian pro-democracy activist and opponent of Egypt's ruling Muslim Brotherhood, Alaa Abd Fattah, arrives at the general prosecutor office in Cairo holding his son on March 26, 2013, to turn himself in for questioning, a day after an order for his arrest Alaa Abdel Fattah (centre) was questioned earlier this year after protests against the Muslim Brotherhood
Police in Egypt have arrested a prominent activist accused of calling for protests in defiance of a new law restricting demonstrations. 

The blogger Alaa Abdul Fattah took part in a rally outside the upper house of parliament on Tuesday.
Protesters were calling for the repeal of a new law that bans unauthorised demonstrations.
Mr Abdul Fattah played a leading role in the 2011 revolt against Hosni Mubarak.

"It's an honour to hold responsibility for people's rallies in defiance to legalising the return of the rule of Hosni Mubarak...”
Alaa Abdel Fattah Egyptian activist
The pro-democracy campaigner was previously detained under Mr Mubarak's government and questioned over demonstrations against the Muslim Brotherhood earlier this year.

Prior notification
  His family said he was arrested on Thursday night at his home in Cairo.

His father, prominent lawyer Ahmed Seif al-Islam, told the Associated Press that his son's wife was beaten during the raid and that authorities seized laptops from the house.

Egypt's new legislation, signed by the interim President Adly Mansour, bans protests that do not have prior police notification.

Activists say the new law appears stricter than those in place during the rule of Hosni Mubarak, who was forced to step down in 2011 after mass protests.

Prosecutors announced on Wednesday that arrest warrants had been issued for Mr Abdul Fattah along with Ahmed Maher, head of the 6 April youth movement.

They said investigations showed the pair had "incited" people to "violate the protest law" by demonstrating outside the Shura Council building.

Mr Abdul Fattah said he did not deny the charge.

"It's an honour to hold responsibility for people's rallies in defiance to legalising the return of the rule of Hosni Mubarak, the long-time president ousted in Egypt's 2011 revolution," he said.

Egyptian protesters chant slogans during a protest in Talaat Harb Square in Cairo, Egypt, against the issuance of a new law regulating demonstrations, Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013.  
Protests against the legislations continued in Cairo on Thursday
Another 24 activists detained at the protest were remanded in custody for four days on suspicion of various charges.

Heavy prison sentences
  Critics say the law effectively replaces the recently expired state of emergency that was declared in mid-August, after hundreds of people were killed when security forces cleared two sit-ins in Cairo by supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi.

Many people believe the new law is aimed mainly at supporters of Mr Morsi and his now-banned Muslim Brotherhood.

Mr Morsi was deposed by the military in July after mass protests.

The legislation requires organisers of any public gathering, demonstration or meeting of more than 10 people to inform the interior ministry three days in advance, and gives it the right to prohibit any deemed a threat to security and public order, "disrupt citizens' interests" or "obstruct justice".

Police are allowed to forcibly disperse unruly demonstrators and heavy prison sentences are imposed for those who violate the law, including seven years for the use of violence at a protest, one year for covering the face during a protest, and one year for protesting outside a place of worship.

Anyone attending an unauthorised protest can be fined $1,500 (£925).

Interim Prime Minister Hazem Beblawi has defended the move, saying: "It is not a law that limits the right to demonstrate, but it aims to protect the right of protesters."

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