Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Atlas

Before 2016 gets rolled over by the tide of time, join us as we toast the most mind-boggling, world-changing, amazing advancements scientists made around the globe this year.   Read more
Rather than looking like science projects with crazy add-ons, self-driving test vehicles are starting to look regular. Unlike its predecessor, the self-driving Ford Fusion doesn't need a roof-mounted unit to understand the world around it – instead, all the cameras and sensors are neatly integrated.   Read more
Panoramic Interests has designed a self-contained stackable tiny apartment that it it feels could be a viable home for the homeless. MicroPAD modular dwellings comprise a floorspace of just 160 sq ft (14 sq m), but include a kitchenette, sleeping area, and bathroom.   Read more
Self-healing is an increasingly common ability in the world of new materials. Now, researchers have developed a stretchy, transparent material that can not only repair itself, but act as an ionic conductor, opening the possibility for self-healing artificial muscles.   Read more
From Sunday, drivers in California will only be able to use their phones in hands-free mode. However, a new study out of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Australia suggests the law doesn't go far enough because hands-free operation isn't any safer.   Read more
​In the wake of Peter Cushing's digital resurrection in "Star Wars: Rogue One" debate is once again raging around the ethics of re-purposing the images of long dead actors. How do we deal with the murky legal and ethical waters surrounding this discomforting territory?   Read more
Vera Rubin, the astronomer whose work first confirmed the existence of dark matter, has passed away at the age of 88. Along with that groundbreaking discovery, Rubin has a legacy of scientific achievements and awards, and was a strong advocate for women in science.   Read more
Google Daydream View is “intriguing, but not yet ready for primetime” and lags behind its (only) mobile VR headset competitor, the Samsung Gear VR. But gaps between these rivals should tighten over the next year and Daydream could even come out on top, thanks to a few key advantages.  Read more
A new study has revealed what the impacts of human-wildlife conflict mean for the outlook of the cheetah, estimating the animal has conceded 91 percent of its traditional range and that just 7,100 remain as a result, prompting calls for urgent action to save it from the brink of extinction. ​​   Read more
At the upcoming CES convention, Samsung will unveil products from its Creative Lab (C-Lab) division, which include a smart tag for children's toys and two consumer skincare devices.   Read more
Pint-sized hardware devices have been available for quite a while now, but players still need to get hands on to produce sounds. Gecho users can choose to physically interact with the tiny synth-in-a-box, or can leave it to make melodies from what's picked up from the world around it.​   Read more
The Suzuki Swift has always been good enough to take it up to the bigger kids in the playground. More than 5.3 million have been sold, making it a seriously important car for the brand. Now there's a new one, with a fresh face and more tech. ​   Read more
Expand your smartphone's camera capabilities with these five camera lenses, offering a brand new horizon of functionality. Take more unique and creative photos by simply clipping one of these lenses to your phone's camera. Want a few different looks? No problem, the lenses are easily removed and switched! Time to grab some more Instagram followers...   Read more

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