Tuesday, December 6, 2016



Sign the Petition Immediately to Tell Your Congress Members to Oppose Medicare PrivatizationThe petition to members of Congress says the following:
Oppose any efforts to privatize or undermine Medicare benefits for millions of people. We need to strengthen and expand Medicare, not cut it.
Sign the Petition Immediately ›
Donald Trump hasn’t even taken office but Republicans already are talking about finally moving on their plans to cut Medicare benefits for millions of people.
This past week, House Speaker Paul Ryan—whose budget plan has included cuts to Medicare benefits for years now—made it clear that he is ready to pursue options to privatize Medicare.
Even more concerning is President-elect Trump’s nomination of Rep. Tom Price—who wants to destroy Medicare—for health and human services secretary. Trump’s decision to nominate Price is a major warning sign that he might be backing away from his promise during the election to protect Medicare.
Sign the petition immediately to tell your members of Congress to oppose any efforts by Paul Ryan and the forthcoming Trump administration to cut Medicare benefits.
The petition to your members of Congress says the following:
Oppose any efforts to privatize or undermine Medicare benefits for millions of people. We need to strengthen and expand Medicare, not cut it.
Speaker Ryan and other extreme Republicans in Congress have been dreaming about an opportunity to destroy Medicare benefits for years now. Now that they control the House, Senate and White House, they think they have a path to gut this important program.
They’re going to pursue this extreme agenda despite the fact that polls have shown most Americans oppose cutting Medicare. But there’s already mounting pressure against this plan—and it’s working.
Because of people like you taking a stand, in the past couple of weeks Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), John McCain (R-Ariz.), and other Republicans senators have expressed reluctance to going after Medicare.
Let’s keep the pressure on. Click here to sign the petition immediately to demand your members of Congress oppose any attacks on Medicare benefits.
In Solidarity,
Damon Silvers
Director of Policy, AFL-CIO

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