Tuesday, December 27, 2016

FF Nation

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December 26, 2016

As 2016 draws to a close, look through some of this month's FireRescue Magazine and FirefighterNation.comfeatures
Bill Carey, Online News/Blog Manager

Goodbye 2016 

$subtitles.get($x)We lost some fire buildings and acreage to fire; we saw dramatic rescues before our very eyes; we suffered line-of-duty deaths and significant injuries; and we discovered new threats to our health and safety, as well as ways to reduce these risks (some of them being very simple solutions). 

Good for Goodness Sake 

$subtitles.get($x)A large percentage of these individuals reside in the company officer ranks. They do things daily that create our organization’s relationship with the community. 

Eliminating Irrelevant SOPs 

$subtitles.get($x)SOPs should be an ever changing, living document. (Photo by Scott LaPrade.) 

Therapy in Disaster Recovery 

$subtitles.get($x)Recovery from disaster has evolved from a position of almost wishful thinking and hope for a return to normalcy to an understanding that recovery must be an integrated, whole systems approach. (Photo by John Cetrino.) 

Trusted Voices: Bobby Halton and Lou Amabili 

$subtitles.get($x)Fire Engineering Editor-in-Chief Bobby Halton talks to Lou Amabeli about the latter's myriad contributions to both the volunteer fire service and the U.S. fire service overall. 
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