Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mark Levine

Lawrence --

New Yorkers don’t back down from a fight.  We don’t compromise our values when the going gets tough.  And we don’t abandon our own, no matter the circumstances.

These are qualities we are going to rely on now more than ever.

The results of last week’s elections dealt a blow to much that we hold dear. Protections for our most vulnerable, safeguards for our planet, decency in public discourse--all are likely to be severely challenged in the years ahead.

But that will not stop New York City from acting on behalf of its residents and its values. We will use every power at our disposal to stand up to attacks on immigrants, to protect those facing loss of health insurance, and to defend women’s reproductive rights.

Every one of us has a role to play in this effort. Â

One way you can make an immediate impact is by supporting one of the many nonprofit organizations working to protect the rights of all New Yorkers, including: Planned Parenthood-NYNew York Civil Liberties UnionAnti-Defamation League-NYNew York Immigration CoalitionMuslim Community NetworkLGBT Center, and the National Organization for Women-NY.

I also invite you to join me tomorrow night for a Community Conversation on the implications of the election. The event will feature experts on immigration, constitutional law, and domestic policy to help address your questions and concerns about what comes next. There will also be an in-depth discussion on how we move forward together as a community.

We have much work ahead of us.  But when New Yorkers come together there’s no challenge we can’t overcome.

Council Member Mark Levine

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