Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Firefighter Nation NOW

Fire Fighter Nation NOW | View online | November 14, 2016 |  Forward to a Friend
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November 14, 2016

Watch 'Cardiovascular and Chemical Exposure Project' to learn the facts about what is being absorbed into your skin during fires. Register now to see this educational series sponsored by our friends at Globe HERE.

Do you know someone who should be recognized for their contributions to education and training in the fire service? Nominate them for the Fire Engineering/ISFSI George D. Post Instructor of the Year Award. Details HERE.
Bill Carey, Online News/Blog Manager

Safety and Health: Communication 

$subtitles.get($x)Will people who are not firefighters ever be able to understand what goes on at work? 

LODD Report: Montana Safety Officer Sudden Death 

$subtitles.get($x)The SO/I had multiple medical problems but reported no cardiac signs or symptoms prior to this incident. 

St Louis Abandoned Building Fire 

$subtitles.get($x)St. Louis firefighters with a fire threatening an exposure. 

Firefighting and Demolition Continue at New York Steel Plant 

$subtitles.get($x)Authorities say fire crews are still dousing hotspots five days after a blaze destroyed a large section of a former steel mill site outside Buffalo. (AP Photo/Carolyn Thompson) 

FirefighterNation Discussion: Election Drama in the Firehouse 

$subtitles.get($x)He tells you that in his view talking about forcibly deporting illegal aliens or banning immigration based on religion bothers him. 

Seeking Better Answers 

$subtitles.get($x)If we can trust that the information is reliable, we can act on it with some certainty. Conversely, acting on information when we lack all the intangibles can prove disastrous. 
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