Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Warsaw Voice

The Warsaw Voice

Hundreds of thousands of young Catholics from around the world flocked to Poland in late July for this year’s celebration of World Youth Day (WYD).
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Mercure - The 6 Friends Theory - Casting call
October 7, 2016
The Sejm, lower house voted down the citizen-authored bill which envisaged implementing a total ban on abortion during the vote on Thursday, with 352 votes for rejecting the bill, 58 against and 18 abstentions.
September 4, 2016
Hundreds of thousands of young Catholics from around the world flocked to Poland in late July for this year’s celebration of...
September 4, 2016
Dzień dobry. Thank you, President Duda, for welcoming me today. This is my third visit to Poland as President. I’ve got very...
September 4, 2016
Jaguar Land Rover investing $1.6 billion in Slovakia; the world’s first Hyperloop futuristic high-speed railway on the drawi...
September 4, 2016
There is a positive outlook of stable growth for the Polish hospitality market, as the country’s hotels continue to attract ...
September 4, 2016
Britain’s departure from the European Union may affect Poland’s agriculture, though its actual impact is hard to predi...
September 4, 2016
More than 3,000 prominent politicians, financiers, businessmen and academics from across the world, accompanied by crowds of journ...
September 4, 2016
The 31st summer Olympic Games ended in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Aug. 21. For 16 days, more than 11,000 athletes from over 200 cou...
July 13, 2016
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Good Neighborly Relations and Friendly Cooperation between th...
July 13, 2016
When a united Germany and a postcommunist Poland signed their Treaty of Good Neighborly Relations and Friendly Cooperation 25 year...
July 13, 2016
So it’s happened. EU citizens have cast their ballots in 57 referendums concerning the European community since 1972. In two...
July 13, 2016
While traveling to Lithuania and Latvia lately, I was able to talk to local politicians and regular citizens. I could clearly see ...
July 13, 2016
A Polish think thank has unveiled a concept for building a territorial defense system in the country. The idea is based on several...
Poland’s Sejm lower house Thursday passed the ratification act on the free trade agreement between EU and Canada (CETA) by a...
Polish primary market shows first signs of recovery, the daily Parkiet writes.The IPOs of video game producer PlayWay and garden w...
Polish parliament’s justice and human rights committee Wednesday rejected the citizen-initiated draft bill envisaging a tota...
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