Monday, October 24, 2016

New Atlas

As bases go, few come can come close to the McLaren Technology Center for drama. The building was opened in 2004, and serves as the base for all the company's operations. It also wouldn't look out of place in a James Bond film. New Atlas, guided by Amanda McLaren, took a look around.  Read more
Tiny house builders can't make their house too wide or it will be very difficult to transport. Too small and the result is a cramped shoebox. Zero Squared aims to offer the best of both worlds with a tiny house that expands in width at the push of a button to offer more living space when parked.   Read more
Not content with the fleet of cars it showed off last week, Ford has expanded its SEMA lineup to include a pack of hotted-up hot-hatches. Along with a faster Fiesta, the Blue Oval's stand will include four Focuses with bolder bodies, more powerful motors and bigger stereos to wow the crowds.   Read more
Australia's Motorclassica is not yet known in the same context as the world's two largest classic automotive shows, Retromobile in Paris and Techno Classica in Germany. Judging from our experiences at the event which finished yesterday, it soon will be.  Read more
Bluefield Houseboats aims to offer the kind of living experience you'd usually expect from a high-end house or apartment, but on the water. To this end, the firm uses prefabricated construction, energy-efficient design, and home automation technology in its high-end houseboats.   Read more
Silicon Valley-based battery and drivetrain company Atieva has rebranded itself as Lucid Motors, and is looking to go into large scale production of a luxury, high performance, autonomous-capable electric car within two years.   Read more
New research has prompted a rethink of the accepted idea that the universe's expansion is accelerating. An Oxford team found that the evidence for accelerated expansion doesn’t meet the certainty standards required by physicists to declare a discovery.  Read more
A new process developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison)​ could see homes powered by footsteps on energy-harvesting flooring for around the same price as conventional flooring.   Read more
Engineers from Duke University have developed a way to create acoustic “holograms” that promise to be as magical as visual holograms – all by placing an array of 3D-printed acoustic building blocks in front of a sound wave.  Read more
If a 31-m (102-ft) long Lego model of the Severn Bridge doesn't do it for you, then what about a 17-m (56-ft) tall Lego model of the Burj Khalifa? The world's tallest building has been faithfully reconstructed at Legoland Dubai.   Read more
When a hawk folds its wings, it plummets to the earth in a controlled high-speed dive. Not exactly the kind of scenario we’d imagine being ideal for modern aircraft. But wing folding can have advantages and NASA wants to make it happen.   Read more
There are a wide variety of sports performance trackers out there, along with a number of devices that can call for help if you get into trouble. The all-new Phipal does both, using the same sensor set to track your performance and identify emergencies and send out an alert if need be.   Read more
Images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) indicate the unmanned the Schiaparelli spacecraft exploded on impact with the Martian surface after falling from as high as 13,000 ft (4,000 m) and striking the ground at 300 km/h (186 mph).   Read more
Intelligent driving can yield big fuel consumption improvements and the 2016 MPG Marathon emphasizes that. The winner was a 1.6 liter diesel Mazda 2 1.6d Sport Nav which delivered 88.87 mpg (6.9% better than manufacturer's claims) and a 5.0-liter V8 Ford Mustang returned 36.6 mpg (75% improvement).   Read more
​There are already processes that allow materials to become superomniphobic – repellant to liquids including oils. Wouldn't it be easier, however, if there was just a superomniphobic tape one could apply? Well, now there is.   Read more
Powering flexible electronics is a huge challenge in itself, with rigid lithium-ion batteries unable to bend in-tune with the devices without breaking. Researchers have developed a battery claimed to mitigate these risks, with the ability to "self-heal" in the event of a rupture. ​   Read more
​​If you don't like the thought of bugs crawling all over you, then you might not like one possible direction in which the field of wearable electronics is heading. Scientists recently showcased their new Rovables robots, which are tiny devices that roam up and down a person's clothing.   Read more
A new wheelchair has been designed to make life easier for individuals living with disabilities in developing regions. The SafariSeat, from London-based Uji, is aimed at being affordable, easy to repair with inexpensive parts, and able to be manufactured and repaired locally.   Read more
One recently published study indicates that wrist-based heart rate monitoring may not be as reliable as hoped. Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic’s Heart and Vascular Institute found that four leading devices were of inconsistent accuracy, and that accuracy drops during workouts.   Read more
Scientists have uncovered the remains of a new towering long-necked dinosaur species in outback Australia, a discovery that also enlightens the debate about how these creatures migrated across the globe many millions of years ago.​   Read more
SEMA plays host to some incredible, full-on concept cars every year, but Chevrolet has decided to keep its offerings low-key. It'll be taking on the world's biggest aftermarket trade show with warmed-over versions of the Malibu and Cruze kitted out with a set of parts from Chevrolet's own catalogue.   Read more
As work begins on Britain's next generation of nuclear ballistic missile submarines, the first in the class has been given an historic name: Dreadnought – the ninth vessel to carry the name in over 450 years.   Read more
While self-driving vehicles will be revolutionary, having self-driving vehicles communicate with one another and with road infrastructure will take that revolution to the Nth degree. In a UK-first, a cross-company collaborative demonstration of these technologies working together has taken place.   Read more
A whole lot of computing power is packed into VoCore 2, an open source linux computer and full functional wireless router that is smaller than a coin. The applications of this tiny computer are virtually endless; use as a VPN gateway to secure your network, an airplay music streaming station, a private cloud to store your data, and much more.   Read more

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