Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 11:04 p.m.

Primary EELV: Cécile Duflot eliminated, Yannick Jadot and Michèle Rivasi qualified  58

Le député européen Yannick Jadot après l’annonce des résultats.
Environmentalists are familiar twists and prove: the two elected representatives from civil society have ruled the former housing minister, yet favorite.
This handout image received September 18, 2008 courtesy of the US Geological Survey shows a mosaic of the Valles Marineris hemisphere of Mars projected into point perspective, a view similar to that which one would see from a spacecraft. The distance is 2500 kilometers from the surface of the planet, with the scale being .6km/pixel. The mosaic is composed of 102 Viking Orbiter images of Mars. The center of the scene (lat -8, long 78) shows the entire Valles Marineris canyon system, over 2000 kilometers long and up to 8 kilometers deep, extending form Noctis Labyrinthus, the arcuate system of graben to the west, to the chaotic terrain to the east. Many huge ancient river channels begin from the chaotic terrain from north-central canyons and run north. The three Tharsis volcanoes (dark red spots), each about 25 kilometers high, are visible to the west. South of Valles Marineris is very ancient terrain covered by many impact craters. AFP PHOTO/HO/USGS = RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE = GETTY OUT = / AFP PHOTO / USGS / HO

ExoMars mission is still uncertainty about the fate of Schiaparelli  5

ESA teams are still waiting to find out if their lander, Schiaparelli, managed to land on Mars.
Les avions de campagne de Donald Trump et Hillary Clinton à Las Vegas, mardi 18 octobre.

Trump third-Clinton debate: the pawns are placed

This head to head will be held Wednesday night at 3 am, Paris time, in a difficult climate for Donald Trump.
Vladimir Poutine, François Hollande, Petro Porochenko et Angela Merkel, lors de pourparlers sur la crise ukrainienne à Minsk, le 11 février 2015.

Syria: Putin to Berlin to explain Merkel and Hollande  11

The three leaders also need to discuss the Ukraine to try to revive the Minsk peace agreements.
Un jeune capucin brésilien utilise un fragment de pierre comme marteau pour produire de la poussière de quartz qu’il léchera.

The mysterious "hewn stone" of Brazilian monkeys  5

Capuchin happen by accident sharp shards which they do nothing but these fragments have questions about the origin of the first tools.
Six des huit prévenus, mercredi 19 octobre, devant la cour d’appel d’Amiens.

Two years suspended sentence required against former employees of Goodyear  18

John le Carré, en 2001.

John le Carré network

A l’issue d’un travail de plusieurs mois, la mission d’information du Sénat examinant l’intérêt et les formes possibles de mise en place d’un revenu de base en France a publié un long rapport sur le sujet.

basic income, "such reform will not happen in a term of five years"

Manifestation devant les locaux d’iTélé mercredi 19 octobre à Boulogne-Billancourt.

At the general meeting of i-TV: "It's true, there are among you I do not like" 14

Eduardo Cunha au Congrès, à Brasilia, le 15 octobre 2015.

Eduardo Cunha, the architect of the impeachment Dilma Rousseff, was arrested

Après le bombardement d’un bâtiment dans lequel se tenait une cérémonie funéraire, le 8 octobre 2016, dans la capitale, Sanaa.

Yemen: "The pressure on Saudi Arabia is increasing"

Paris' palyers celebrate after scoring during the French L1 football match between Nancy (ASNL) and Paris (PSG) on October 15, 2016, at Marcel Picot stadium in Tomblaine, eastern France. / AFP / JEAN-CHRISTOPHE VERHAEGEN

Champions League: Paris SG dominates FC Basel 3-0 LIVE

Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet le 8 mars sur TF1.

Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet reaches out to Bayrou  11

Lycée professionnel Hélène-Boucher, à Tremblay-en-France (Seine-Saint-Denis).

A series of violence on the outskirts and in the Ile-de-France high schools  55

Des policiers et experts légistes travaillent sur la scène du crime près du cadavre d’Adrien Anigo, le 5 septembre 2013, à Marseille.

In Marseille, the permeability between classic banditry and the cities

La rame accidentée à Eckwersheim, au lendemain de l’accident du 14 novembre 2015.

Derailment TGV: three employees indicted for manslaughter

 The intox Eric Ciotti on self-defense police  28

A picture taken on January 27, 2015 shows France's flags and an european flag displayed on the facaede of Paris' 18th district town hall. From L Freedom, equality, fraternity (Liberte-egalite-fraternite) written on the facaede. AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN

The mayor of Paris exfiltrate a conference on Islamism BLOG POST

Un centre d’expédition de CDiscount à Cestas, en 2012.

CDiscount warned by the CNIL

A la Maison blanche, le 1er mai 2011. Le président Barack Obama, e vice-président Joe Biden, et la secrétaire d’Etat Hillary Clinton assistent en direct à l’opération mené contre Ben Laden, au Pakistan.

The rise of Hillary Clinton (3/3): first line, finally  10

Dans la « jungle » de Calais, le 19 octobre, où est placardé l’avis d’évacuation.

Calais: 80 migrants leave the "jungle" to study at the University of Lille

A year after November 13, what the attacks have changed in your life?Share your experience


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The newspaper dated October 20

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with La Centrale
  • General insurance agent M / F AlbertvilleALLIANZ FRANCE
  • Territorial chief engineerCNFPT
  • Vice President / German E / eFRANCO GERMAN UNIVERSITY


Jewish worshippers perform the annual Cohanim prayer (priest's blessing) during Sukkot holiday, or the feast of the Tabernacles, at the Western Wall in the old city of Jerusalem on October 19, 2016. 
 Thousands of Jews gathered at the Western Wall in Jerusalem for a holiday blessing, a day after UNESCO adopted a resolution that Israel says omits Judaism's connection to the site.

In Jerusalem, thousands of Jews gathered to pray at the Wailing Wall
Comprendre les élections américaines en 4 minutes
Understanding the US elections in 4 minutes
Vue d’artiste de la mission ExoMars.
The challenges of the ExoMars mission summarized in 3 minutes
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L’accord CETA a été conclu entre l’Union européenne et le Canada.

All understand the CETA, the "cousin" of transatlantic treaty  10

The trade agreement between Europe and Canada is blocked by the veto of the Walloon parliament.Its formal signing is scheduled for 27 October.
The intox Eric Ciotti on self-defense police  28
Le Bulletin du réseau Sentinelles du 29 janvier établit, pour la semaine du 20 au 26 janvier, un taux d'incidence des cas de diarrhée aiguë vus en consultation de médecine générale à 261 cas pour 100 000 habitants, soit 167 500 nouveaux cas.
Gastroenteritis returns with three months ahead
How the battle against the Islamic State she organized around Mosul? DISPLAY DIALOGUE
Meeting de Valérie Pécresse pour les élections régionales à Nogent sur Marne le 27 septembre 2015. Nicolas Sarkozy, Président des Républicains, François Fillon et Bruno Le Maire
Subjects who meet (almost) all candidates for the primary right  13
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US elections
Barack Obama, le 18 octobre à la Maison Blanche, à Washington.

US President Barack Obama leads Donald Trump  5

The US president has denounced the attitude of the Republican candidate, advising her to "try to defend his opinions to get the votes."
Kamala Harris (à g.) et Loretta Sanchez, lors d’un débat à Los Angeles, le 5 octobre.
US election: California Republican candidate without a duel8
ne supportrice de la candidate démocrate, Hillary Clinton, le 18 octobre, à Los Angeles.
Hillary Clinton to conquer land republican
A la Maison blanche, le 1er mai 2011. Le président Barack Obama, e vice-président Joe Biden, et la secrétaire d’Etat Hillary Clinton assistent en direct à l’opération mené contre Ben Laden, au Pakistan.
The rise of Hillary Clinton (3/3): first line, finally10
Le gouverneur Bill Clinton lors d'une interview dans sa maison de Little Rock avec sa femme Hillary Clinton et leur fille Chelsea, en 1982.
The rise of Hillary Clinton (1/3): the conversion to politics14
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Le député européen Yannick Jadot après l’annonce des résultats.

Primary EELV: Cécile Duflot eliminated, Yannick Jadot and Michèle Rivasi qualified  58

Environmentalists are familiar twists and prove: the two elected representatives from civil society have ruled the former housing minister, yet favorite.
Benoît Hamon, candidat à la primaire de la gauche et favorable à un revenu universel, à Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), le 28 août.
Right, left: to each his universal income  10
Meeting de Nicolas Sarkozy au Zénith de Paris, le 9 octobre.
Nicolas Sarkozy caught in the trap of primary  82
A picture taken on January 27, 2015 shows France's flags and an european flag displayed on the facaede of Paris' 18th district town hall. From L Freedom, equality, fraternity (Liberte-egalite-fraternite) written on the facaede. AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN
The mayor of Paris exfiltrate a conference on Islamism BLOG POST
François Hollane, à la Maison de l’Amérique latine, à Paris, le 18 octobre 2016.
François Hollande still in turmoil  51
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet le 8 mars sur TF1.
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet reaches out to Bayrou  11
Michèle Rivasi en 2014 à Grenoble.
Michèle Rivasi, the surprise of the green primary  6
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large Formats

Près de deux cents SDF ont élu domicile au bois à l’orée de Paris. Malgré la dureté de la vie et les contraintes liées au lieu, ils s’approprient l’espace et tentent de se reconstruire un chez-eux, sous l’œil attentif de la mairie.
The Bois de Vincennes, the seasons pass, the people remain
Plusieurs fois détruite par des tremblements de terre, la coupole de la mosquée Shah Cheragh, à Chiraz a été restaurée dans les années 1950 et soutenue par une coque d’acier.
Iran, bewitching and REM
« Gunnm, Mars Chronicles », de Yukito Kishiro.
BD: "Gunnm, Mars Chronicles," Yukito Kishiro
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Une image de Gally, le personnage principal de la série culte « Gunnm ».

Japan in Hollywood "Gunnm" manga cyberpunk cult DISPLAY DIALOGUE

Glénat reissues, Wednesday, October 19, one of the first manga published in France in the mid 1990s cult So Hollywood has decided to adapt it into feature film.
Au Japon, la VR Zone : Project I Can permettait jusqu’en octobre d’essayer les expériences atypiques de l’industrie nippone.
In Japan, the frenzy of virtual reality  6
Julian Assange, fondateur et rédacteur en chef de WikiLeaks, lors d’une video-conférence, le 4 octobre.
Why WikiLeaks argues Trump?
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Players Exclusives


Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, le 18 octobre 2016 à Moscou.

Putin expected in Berlin on the Ukrainian issue, a meeting for nothing?  9

Russia and Ukraine have already expressed their skepticism about the outcome of Wednesday night's meeting. The Minsk process has stalled.
Justin Trudeau le 24 août à Ottawa.
Canada: Justin Trudeau celebrates one year of "positive policy" in power
A la Maison blanche, le 1er mai 2011. Le président Barack Obama, e vice-président Joe Biden, et la secrétaire d’Etat Hillary Clinton assistent en direct à l’opération mené contre Ben Laden, au Pakistan.
The rise of Hillary Clinton (3/3): first line, finally  10
Un hélicoptère survole une base militaire de Qayyarah, à 60 kilomètres au sud de Mossoul, centre logistique de l’offensive pour reprendre la ville irakienne.
Aleppo and Mosul, a misleading comparison  15
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Manifestation de policiers, place de l’Etoile, à Paris, lundi 17 octobre.

Under pressure, the police say their ras-le-bol  21

In Paris and Marseille, spontaneous rallies were held to protest working conditions.
A l’école élémentaire Abbe de l'Epée, à Marseille, en 2013.
An umpteenth plan to improve the replacement of absent teachers  85
Des policiers et experts légistes travaillent sur la scène du crime près du cadavre d’Adrien Anigo, le 5 septembre 2013, à Marseille.
In Marseille, the permeability between classic banditry and the cities
Dans la « jungle » de Calais, le 19 octobre, où est placardé l’avis d’évacuation.
Calais: 80 migrants leave the "jungle" to study at the University of Lille
En 2008, à Paris.
The maternity Bluets threatened with suspension
The interior minister announced a "full consultation" with police
La rame accidentée à Eckwersheim, au lendemain de l’accident du 14 novembre 2015.
Derailment TGV: three employees indicted for manslaughter
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • Economy. Wallonia she has the right to block the Ceta?
  • Iraq.Mosul fall, but after?
  • Soccer.PSG FC Basel: Tremble, Swiss, Cavani is back!
  • Survey Anatrella system
  • Emmanuel Macron: "No religion is a problem"
  • Calais close ... and after?
  • A iTV, "anger, mistrust and fear" of employees
  • Bob Lind (2), dark night, white snow
  • "Stone of Evil", as troubling as successful


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Figures from the green immobiler

Nantes, a smart city in power

Eco-neighborhoods, intelligent management of energy consumption, mobile applications ... For several years, projects developed in Nantes and its suburbs lead the city to smart city status.

Interview with Thomas Gunzig, Belgian writer and columnist

Author of over twenty books, Thomas Gunzig is also a very popular figure in Belgium for his morning chronic high dose of good humor and humor on RTBF


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Vernissage à l’issue du séminaire de création artisitique « Improbable 2016 »  de la Chaire Entrepreneuriat de l’ESCP.

From art to teach students entrepreneurship

Students of entrepreneurship option from ESCP in Paris Wednesday organized a festival to test their business ideas, matured at the end of a seminar of artistic creation.
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M mag

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The World Festival

Le champion d'échec et homme politique russe, Garry Kasparov, discute avec le public à l'Opéra Bastille, lors de la troisième édition du Monde Festival,  le 17 septembre 2016.

Michel Serres, Boualem Sansal, Vandana Shiva ... all the debates of the World Video Festival

Find all discussions filmed during the World Festival which was held from 16 to 19 September at the Opera Bastille, the Palais Garnier and the Bouffes du Nord Theatre.
Patrick Boucheron et Alain Finkielkraut à l’Opéra Garnier à Paris, dans le cadre du Monde Festival, le 18 septembre 2016.
Patrick Boucheron and Alain Finkielkraut: any liability for intellectuals VIDEO?  5
Le philosophe et académicien Michel Serres participe à une discussion publique avec le journaliste du « Monde », Nicolas Truong, le 17 septembre 2016 dans l'amphithéâtre de l'Opéra Bastille lors de la troisième saison du Monde Festival.
The World Festival Video: conversation with Michel Serres VIDEO
Birgitta Jonsdottir dans les locaux du « Monde », le 17 septembre.
For the founder of the Icelandic Pirate Party, "it is still possible to hack the system"  9
La violoncelliste Sonia Wieder-Atherton près du parc de Belleville à Paris, le 5 septembre 2016.
Sonia Wieder-Atherton plays an excerpt from the "Odyssey for cello and choir imaginary" VIDEO


Engineers stand in the main control room of the European Space Agency (ESA) prior to the expected landing of the decent modul Schiaparelli of European-Russian ExoMars 2016 mission at the ESA space operation center (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany, on October 19, 2016. The ExoMars 2016 mission has entered the orbit around the Red Planet and the landing unit Schiaparelli will descend to the surface of Mars. / AFP / THOMAS KIENZLE

Follow live the arrival of Schiaparelli LIVE on March planet

A vehicle of the European Space Agency and its Russian counterpart Roscosmos, is en route to land on the Red Planet.
L’Institut Pasteur à Paris.
Players of the virus at the Pasteur Institute  6
Au Pérou, les hôpitaux respectent les coutumes des populations indiennes comme l’accouchement vertical.
The revolution of vertical childbirth VIDEO
This handout image received September 18, 2008 courtesy of the US Geological Survey shows a mosaic of the Valles Marineris hemisphere of Mars projected into point perspective, a view similar to that which one would see from a spacecraft. The distance is 2500 kilometers from the surface of the planet, with the scale being .6km/pixel. The mosaic is composed of 102 Viking Orbiter images of Mars. The center of the scene (lat -8, long 78) shows the entire Valles Marineris canyon system, over 2000 kilometers long and up to 8 kilometers deep, extending form Noctis Labyrinthus, the arcuate system of graben to the west, to the chaotic terrain to the east. Many huge ancient river channels begin from the chaotic terrain from north-central canyons and run north. The three Tharsis volcanoes (dark red spots), each about 25 kilometers high, are visible to the west. South of Valles Marineris is very ancient terrain covered by many impact craters. AFP PHOTO/HO/USGS = RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE = GETTY OUT = / AFP PHOTO / USGS / HO
ExoMars mission is still uncertainty about the fate of Schiaparelli  5
Un jeune capucin brésilien utilise un fragment de pierre comme marteau pour produire de la poussière de quartz qu’il léchera.
The mysterious "hewn stone" of Brazilian monkeys  5
Vue d’artiste de la sonde TGO et son module atterrisseur, Schiaparelli, au moment de la séparation le 16 octobre
With ExoMars, Europe approaches the Red Planet
L’enclos des girafes au Parc zoologique de Paris à Vincennes.
The Paris Zoo plays pedagogues
En octobre 2014, une explosion au décollage de la fusée avait interrompu les vols.
NASA takeoff images (successful) Antares rocket VIDEO
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Money & Investing

Une œuvre de Rosemarie Trockel exposée à la FIAC au Grand Palais à Paris en octobre 2012.

The market for French art halftone

The number of collectors in France is very far from that achieved in the United States. However, the galleries show a steady influx of new buyers hexagonal rather young.
DEMYSTIFYING FINANCEThe main challenges of the Presidency of Hillary Clinton


Senators recommend experimenting basic income

A Senate fact-finding mission recommended the payment for three years, an income of 500 euros to a sample of at least 20 000 to 30 000 people aged 18 to 65 years.
  • Consultant (e) recruitment Senior (H / F)TRIANGLE INTERIM - 69000
  • Machinist adjuster in 3 * 8 H / FPAGE PERSONNEL - 33600
  • Vice President / German E / eFRANCO GERMAN UNIVERSITY
  • Territorial chief engineerCNFPT
  • Director General of ServicesUNIVERSITY OF BREST
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Sans titre, 2001, mannequin en cire, cheveux naturels, 150 x 60 x 40 cm.

The imp Cattelan resurfaced

After several years of absence, the provocative Italian artist exhibited his works sometimes wacky sometimes chilling at the Monnaie de Paris.
Elfriede Jelinek, en 1996.
Life dematerialized Nobel Elfriede Jelinek
John le Carré, en 2001.
John le Carré network
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