Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Firefighter Nation NOW

Fire Fighter Nation NOW | View online | October 3, 2016 |  Forward to a Friend
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October 3, 2016

Take some time this week to watch to our coverage of the Cardiovascular and Chemical Exposure Project brought to us by the Illinois Fire Services Institute, UL FSRI and NIOSH. Register HERE and watch each part.

Bill Carey, Online News/Blog Manager

Trial Begins in Fatal Maine “Death Trap” Fire 

$subtitles.get($x)An apartment house where six people died in a fire had been neglected during foreclosure and lacked alternative exits, allowing several bedrooms to become "death traps" when the blaze spread upstairs, a prosecutor said Monday to open the homeowner's manslaughter trial.(AP Photo/David Sharp photo) 

Webcast: Cardiovascular and Chemical Exposure Project 

$subtitles.get($x)Watch all three live experiments, concluding with a roundtable discussion 

Community Risk Reduction 

$subtitles.get($x)It's important for people to know what it means. First, CRR is not actually a name of something; it is a process. (Cary Ulrich photo) 

Smoke Alarms 

$subtitles.get($x)Nuisance alarms and photoelectric and multicriteria alarm solutions 

FirefighterNation Member Video: Mastic Fire 

A squatter was burned in a fire at a vacant house. (Thomas Lambui video image). See More Member Videos Here

FirefighterNation Member Photos 

$subtitles.get($x)Cottleville Fire Prot. Dist A-Shift went to Ronald McDonald House at Mercy Hospital St. Louis to prepare dinner for the families. (Brian Gettemeier photo) See More Member Photos

HazMat Guys Nation Roundtable 

$subtitles.get($x)HazMat news, events and more. Read More from Fire EMS Blogs
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