Saturday, September 24, 2016

Sheepshead Bites

Senator Martin Golden Going After Dollar Vans With A Vengance

By Sean Egan on Sep 22, 2016 04:28 pm
Photo via Caribcandy/Instagram.The first month of Senator Martin Golden’s “war on dollar vans” is going well, according to Golden’s office. 120 summonses have been issued to dollar vans in the past 28 days for various violations, but mostly for illegally picking up passengers who hailed them from the sidewalk, according to Golden’s office. Other violations included obstructing [...]

Brighton Beach Murder Suspect Claims To Have Demons In His Head That Made Him Kill His Ex-Girlfriend’s Lover

By Sean Egan on Sep 22, 2016 02:05 pm
Brooklyn Supreme Court. Photo by Ron Coleman.A man who is on trial for the murder of his ex-girlfriend’s lover confessed to detectives that there was a demon inside of his head during the killing. Mikhail Chernyaev allegedly confessed to an NYPD detective that he took the life of Charles Butler, 47, in the Brighton Beach home of his ex-girlfriend, Anna Lioznov, [...]

Catching Up With District 47 City Council Member Mark Treyger

By Hannah Frishberg on Sep 22, 2016 10:35 am
IMG_7231.jpgWe were able to catch up with Council Member Mark Treyger today, chatting with the District 47 Council Member about everything from the upcoming elections this November to his neighborhood’s old movie theaters over eggs at Tom’s in Coney Island (Treyger had the oatmeal). Treyger, who is running for reelection next year, represents a large [...]

City Council Prepares To Take On Idling & Public Health Impacts

By Sarah Crean on Sep 22, 2016 10:00 am
Screen-Shot-2016-09-20-at-4.59.06-PM.pngThis coming Tuesday, City Council members will discuss how to combat what seems like an unsolvable problem — pollution generated by idling cars and trucks. The Council’s Environmental Protection committee will conduct an oversight hearing Tuesday regarding enforcement of the City’s anti-idling regulations. The committee will also discuss two pending pieces of legislation designed to [...]

Morning Mug: “You And I Are All As Much Continuous With The Physical Universe As A Wave Is Continuous With The Ocean.” — Alan Watts

By Sean Egan on Sep 22, 2016 09:33 am
Photo by Angela Friedman.Morning Mug is our daily showcase of photographs from our readers. If you have a photograph that you’d like to see featured, send it to Also, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and sign up for our daily newsletter.

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