Sunday, September 11, 2016

EMS 1: September 11

September 11, 2016|View as webpage
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Dear EMS1 Member,
Today we remember the lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001 when nearly 3,000 people were killed at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We also honor and offer our support to the many responders who have died since or are struggling with 9/11-related illness.

In this special newsletter, through a range of perspectives, we highlight the significance of 9/11 to the EMS professionals who responded that day. Greg Santa Maria’s “As if it were yesterday” is a reflection on his work as a NYC paramedic during and after the attacks, and of his memories of the Twin Towers, which stand, in his mind, "always there, but sometimes just out of sight, looming just around the next corner of my thoughts."

USAR paramedic Steve Kanarian and Dr. John Pryor write poignantly about the medical response in the earliest hours, the chilling realization of the incredible loss of life and what they found in the rubble.

For the many EMTs and paramedics who have joined EMS since 9/11, Editorial Advisor Art Hsieh discusses top lessons for EMS on the 15th anniversary. As important as it is that we never forget, it is more important that we never stop learning from the things we remember.
— Greg Friese, MS, NRP, EMS1 Editor-in-Chief
'As if it were yesterday': A 9/11 paramedic looks back
Sept. 11: 4 top lessons for EMS as we remember
What I found among the rubble
9/11 remembered: A son in harm's way: The most profound loss on that fateful day in 2001 was the loss of family
A reflection on tragedy and triumph:The changes that began on 9/12 have stretched into weeks, months and years
Public health and medical disaster responses: The untold story of 9/11
EMS1 community reflects on 9/11 meaning, memories
John Pryor and 9/11: 'They're all dead'
Study: 9/11 EMS responders suffer from depression, digestive problems
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