Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 5:40

Earthquake in Italy: nearly 160 dead and many missing  5

Rescuers walk through rubble following the earthquake in Amatrice, central Italy, August 24, 2016. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
A final review of the Civil Protection reported 159 dead killed in the quake recorded about 3 am 30 southeast of Norcia, in Umbria.
A Marea, dans la province d’Alep, le 1er septembre 2015.

Damascus and EI guilty of chemical attacks in Syria, says UN

A report, concluded after a year of investigation, was made public Wednesday. Responsibilities in six of the nine cases remain undetermined.
Des combattantes des FARC, le 22 août 2016.

After 52 years of civil war, a peace agreement with the FARC

The Colombian government and the Marxist guerrillas reached Wednesday to seal a deal after nearly four years of tough negotiations.
Image artistique montrant la planète Proxima b en orbite autour de l’étoile naine rouge Proxima du Centaure, étoile la plus proche du Système solaire.

Alpha Centauri, a trisolaire system that inspires masters of anticipation

Science fiction writers have often been inspired by our neighbor Proxima Centauri, where an exoplanet that could support life has been discovered.
Michel Butor, le 5 décembre 1964, à Paris.

The writer Michel Butor, figure of the Nouveau Roman, died

Insatiable curiosity, he is best known for "The Change" Prix Renaudot in 1957, whose narrative style has marked the history of the French novel.
Une femme vêtue d’une tunique et d’un turban bleu est contrôlée et se voit infliger une amende sur la plage de la promenade des Anglais, à Nice, le 23 août.

Outrage at pictures of a veiled woman controlled on the beach in Nice  48

Les services de la marque Apple ont rapporté 19,9 milliards de dollars (17,6 milliards d’euros) en 2015, pour représenter 8,5 % des ventes.

Apple: the five challenges facing Tim Cook

Le 27 août 2014 dans une agende Pôle emploi d’Armentières.

The number of unemployed decreased by 0.5% in July  10

Les forces de sécurité afghanes interviennent à la suite d’une attaque sur le campus de l’université américaine d’Afghanistan à Kaboul, le 24 août.

deadly attack against the American University of Afghanistan in Kabul

Des tanks turcs à la frontière avec la Syrie, le 24 août.

Syrian rebels backed by Ankara announce they have recaptured the town of Djarabulus  23

Le vice-président américain Joe Biden et le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan le 24 août à Ankara.

Turkey: Biden apologizes to Erdogan for not coming sooner after the failed putsch

Des dizaines de milliers de militaires sud-coréens et américains ont entamé lundi des manœuvres simulant une attaque nord-coréenne, auxquelles Pyongyang a répliqué par des menaces de frappe nucléaire préventive.

With a missile, North Korea wants a par with the nuclear powers

François-Marie Banier, le 23 mai 2016.

Bettencourt Case: François-Marie Banier sentenced to four years suspended sentence  thirty

La nageuse russe Ioulia Efimova aux Jeux de Rio.

Olympics 2016: for the Russian swimmer Efimova, "it was not a competition but a cold war"  5

Entre 2007 et 2014, 14 322 femmes enceintes ont été exposées au valproate de sodium, la substance active de l’antiépileptique Dépakine.

More than 14 000 pregnant women were exposed to the Depakine between 2007 and 2014

En période de canicule, il est recommandé de s’hydrater, de limiter les activités physiques, d’aérer autant que possible les habitations la nuit et d’éviter de sortir aux heures les plus chaudes.

Heatwave: 37 departments in amber alert, pollution peak on Thursday in Paris

Nicolas Sarkozy lors de son interview sur TF1 à Paris le 24 août 2016.

Sarkozy leading the charge against the Burkini

Le temple Dhammayangyi dans la poussière provoquée par la secousse qui a fait trembler le site de Bagan le 24 août.

Earthquake in Myanmar: at least three dead and many pagodas in Bagan damaged

Fessenheim est la plus ancienne centrale nucléaire de France, en service depuis 1977.

EDF and the government reached an agreement to 400 million euros to close Fessenheim  11

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) and French President Francois Hollande hold a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington November 24, 2015. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)

The day ... Obama dropped Holland  65

 No, Slobodan Milosevic has not been "laundered" by the International Criminal Court


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The newspaper dated August 25

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  • Electromécanicien of maintennace H / FINTERIM MENWAY


This aerial photo shows the historical part of the town of Amatrice, central Italy, after an earthquake, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016. The magnitude 6 quake struck at 3:36 a.m. (0136 GMT) and was felt across a broad swath of central Italy, including Rome where residents of the capital felt a long swaying followed by aftershocks. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
A drone is filming a city devastated by the earthquake in Italy
This artist’s impression shows the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Solar System. The double star Alpha Centauri AB also appears in the image between the planet and Proxima itself. Proxima b is a little more massive than the Earth and orbits in the habitable zone around Proxima Centauri, where the temperature is suitable for liquid water to exist on its surface.
Proxima b: do we finally discovered a habitable exoplanet?
FILE PHOTO - An underwater test-firing of a strategic submarine ballistic missile is seen in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on April 24, 2016. KCNA/File Photo via REUTERS. ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. EDITORIAL USE ONLY. REUTERS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THIS IMAGE. SOUTH KOREA OUT. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
A new missile from North Korea worries neighbors
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Rio 2016 Olympic Games

Shinzo Abe déguisé en Mario Bros

2016 Olympics: Tokyo takes the Olympic relay

After Rio, the sports world has entered the 32nd Olympiad leading to the Games to be held from July 24 to August 9, 2020 in the Japanese capital.
Rachele Bruni n’a pas hésité à faire son coming out après son titre olympique dans l’épreuve du 10 km en eau libre.
2016 Olympics: Games of coming out  14
French President Francois Hollande (R) reacts with France's Olympic and World judo champion Teddy Riner at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, August 23, 2016.  REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes
2016 Olympics: French athletes cheered at the airport and received at the Elysee PORTFOLIO
Le champion olympique de judo  Teddy Riner lors de son arrivée à l’aéroport de Roissy le 23 août 2016.
Olympics: French medals Rio business card for Paris 2024


Deux mille ans de séismes en Italie.

Two thousand years of earthquakes in the Italian peninsula

The earthquake of Wednesday, August 25 in the area of ​​Norcia, Umbria, was the most violent since the L'Aquila that struck Abruzzo in 2009.
Indicted, the candidate Sarkozy is unlikely to be tried until 2017  14
No, Slobodan Milosevic has not been "laundered" by the International Criminal Court
Recherche de survivants au milieu des décombres après le tremblement de terre en Amatrice (centre de l’Italie), mercredi 24 août.
Earthquake in Italy: your questions answered
Un hôtel de luxe parisien, en août 2016.
Paris and Ile-de-France recorded a decline of one million tourists this first half  13
Le sauteur à la perche Thiago Braz da Silva, le 15 août, l’un des sept médaillés d’or brésiliens aux Jeux de Rio 2016.
Olympics: Brazil was less efficient than other organizing countries
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Les  franchises de Nintendo telles que Mario ont fédéré une communauté de fan qui se laisse séduire par des projets de fan-game.

"Pokémon Uranium", "AM2R", "Dragon Ball vs Street Fighter" ... die hard fans of games

Willing to invest in major projects to relive the experience of their favorite video game, the developers of "fan games" are often stopped by publishers.
Oracle est depuis quelques années en conflit avec Google, pour une affaire de copyright.
Oracle IT giant Google finance an anti-organization
Les possesseurs de « Battlefield 1 » devront attendre cinq mois et payer pour jouer avec l’armée française.
The French army in paying option in a game about World War
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#CeuxQuiFont: It gives children key to understanding the religions
La convention démocrate à Philadelphie.
On the road to the White House: a 360 ° immersion
Ouvriers de l'ONF en débroussaillage sur une parcelle de la forêt Domaniale de Verdun. Douamont, Meuse, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, 09.05.2016
Verdun trees, moved Climate
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Les forces de sécurité afghanes interviennent à la suite d’une attaque sur le campus de l’université américaine d’Afghanistan à Kaboul, le 24 août.

Deadly attack against the American University of Afghanistan in Kabul

The offensive started on Wednesday ended in Thursday morning. Police said that two attackers were killed.
Zsolt Bayer, le 14 mars 2016 à Budapest.
Outcry in Hungary after decorating a racist and antisemitic journalist
Des tanks turcs à la frontière avec la Syrie, le 24 août.
Syrian rebels backed by Ankara announce they have recaptured the town of Djarabulus  23
Des dizaines de milliers de militaires sud-coréens et américains ont entamé lundi des manœuvres simulant une attaque nord-coréenne, auxquelles Pyongyang a répliqué par des menaces de frappe nucléaire préventive.
With a missile, North Korea wants a par with the nuclear powers
Une image de vidéosurveillance montrant Jeremy Corbyn dans le train entre Londres et Newcastle, le 11 août 2016.
Jeremy Corbyn and the curious case of the train 11 h 11  6
Rescuers walk through rubble following the earthquake in Amatrice, central Italy, August 24, 2016. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
Earthquake in Italy: nearly 160 dead and many missing  5
Un soldat sud-coréen regarde la télévision nationale, qui parle du lancement de missile nord-coréen survenu le 24 août.
Unsuccessful consultations with the UN on the new shooting North Korean missile
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • Michel Butor, figure of the Nouveau Roman, died
  • Khaled, my dear Bakhta
  • Guillaume Zeller leaves the direction of iTV
  • Primary, a contest taped puppies
  • Bakers reinvest villages
  • St. Bartholomew, massacre and many mysteries
  • Italy. Earthquake in the center of the country, "half the village disappeared"
  • Syria.The Turkish army launched a major operation against the Kurds and against Daech
  • Asia.Seoul and its allies should they feel threatened by Pyongyang?


Rentrée des classes : sécurité.

Back to school: the school frontline facing the terrorist threat  13

Tighter controls at the entrance of establishments, safety drills, crisis units, mobile patrols: the government wants "a return under protection."
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content partners


Action Logement (1% logement): aids for employees

Discover lending Action Housing, who succeeded in 2010 to 1% housing. Who is affected by this loan, what are its characteristics?

Condo: Know before you sign the sales agreement

You buy a property? Before signing the sale agreement and pursuant to the Alur law, you must receive the documents on your future condo.

Share property in joint ownership

How to manage property in joint ownership? What is happening when you sell? The key to understanding


Le sous-marin de la classe Scorpène « Kalivari » lors de sa croisière d’essai par la marine indienne au large de Bombay le 1er mai.

French investigating a massive flight of DCNS data Scorpene submarine  thirty

This will determine the nature of disclosed documents, but also assess the harm to customers, as well as responsibilities, said the manufacturer.
Présentation de la  Renault Captur au salon automobile de Genève le 5 mars 2013.
Car pollution: the State would have protected Renault  33
Les services de la marque Apple ont rapporté 19,9 milliards de dollars (17,6 milliards d’euros) en 2015, pour représenter 8,5 % des ventes.
Apple: the five challenges facing Tim Cook
A l’aéroport de Marseille-Provence, le premier jour de grève des hôtesses et stewards, le 27 juillet.
Air France can it still be saved?  29
Véronique Cayla en octobre 2011.
Arte: a resolutely European return  5
A l’aéroport Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle, dans le nord de Paris, en 2012.
To a tax on airline tickets to finance the CDG Express?
Guillaume Zeller leaves i-Tele
Le 27 août 2014 dans une agende Pôle emploi d’Armentières.
The number of unemployed decreased by 0.5% in July  10
European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Marianne Thyssen talks during a news conference at the EC in Brussels, Belgium, August 24, 2016. REUTERS/Eric Vidal
Brussels flies to the rescue of the Greek National Statistics Office
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Des sauveteurs cherchent dans les décombres d’Arquata del Tronto, après le seisme d’une magnitude de 6,2 qui a frappé le centre de l’Italie mercredi 24 septembre.

Seven years after the earthquake in L'Aquila, Italy why she still trembles?

The earthquake that struck Wednesday Botte was caused by "stretching" of the Apennine mountain range, says seismologist Pascal Bernard.
Le temple Dhammayangyi dans la poussière provoquée par la secousse qui a fait trembler le site de Bagan le 24 août.
Earthquake in Myanmar: at least three dead and many pagodas in Bagan damaged
Le président américain, Barack Obama,  le 23 août, avec deux habitants de Bâton-Rouge touchés par les inondations.
Barack Obama went to the bedside of flood victims in Louisiana
Recherche de survivants au milieu des décombres après le tremblement de terre en Amatrice (centre de l’Italie), mercredi 24 août.
Earthquake in Italy: your questions answered
Projet d’aménagement des voies sur berge.
Controversy around the pedestrianization of the bank on routes to Paris  87
Un chambre d’hopitâl endommagée après des bombardements aériens dans la ville de Meles en Syrie, le 6 août 2016.
The war has reduced the life expectancy of 5 years in Syria
Des équipes de secours à Amatrice. En arrière-plan, le campanile de l’église Saint-Augustin, le 24 août.
In Italy, the city of Amatrice "disappeared three quarters"
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M mag

Image tirée de la série « Domesticated », de la photographe américaine Amy Stein.

When the wild animal explores human jungle

The summer time, "M" questioned our relationship with animals. The philosopher Florence Burgat and American photographer Amy Stein became interested in the phenomenon of wild animals who venture into our "civilized" world.
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Rentrée des classes à l’Ecole européenne de Strasbourg, en septembre 2015.

School holidays 2016 and 2017: the official dates of zones A, B and C  7

The holidays are completed, it's time to think about the following.And to see that the Toussaint holidays begin Wednesday, October 19 ...
Manifestation d’avocats contre la réforme de l’aide juridictionnelle en octobre 2015 à Paris.
Increased competition, fee income down ... Blues Young Lawyers  29
Rentrée des classes : sécurité.
Back to school: the school frontline facing the terrorist threat  13
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The World Festival

Rencontres internationales de cerfs-volants de Berck (Pas-de-Calais), en 2015.

How to fight against pessimism?  6

In times of crisis, how to re-enchant the world? Psychoanalyst, director, philosopher, teacher or economist, they draw new horizons.
Joan Baez
Joan Baez: "Silence is essential to me"
Simon Laisney (D) et Paul Citron (G) sur l'un des toits de l'ancien hôpital Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, à Paris. Derrière eux, la tour Montparnasse : "Il existe l'équivalent de 44 tours Montparnasse de bureaux vacants, à Paris".
#CeuxQuiFont: They breathe new life into empty buildings DISPLAY DIALOGUE


Vue d’artiste de la surface de la planète Proxima b, qui tourne autour de la naine rouge Proxima Centauri, l’étoile la plus proche du système solaire. On devine aussi les étoiles Alpha Centauri A et B, qui complètent le système stellaire du Centaure.

Proxima b: discovery of the nearest extrasolar planet to Earth  6

Detected through European instruments, it is located in an area that allows the presence of liquid water on its surface, a potential cradle for life.
This artist’s impression shows the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Solar System. The double star Alpha Centauri AB also appears in the image between the planet and Proxima itself. Proxima b is a little more massive than the Earth and orbits in the habitable zone around Proxima Centauri, where the temperature is suitable for liquid water to exist on its surface.
Proxima b: do we finally discovered a habitable exoplanet VIDEO?
Image artistique montrant la planète Proxima b en orbite autour de l’étoile naine rouge Proxima du Centaure, étoile la plus proche du Système solaire.
Alpha Centauri, a trisolaire system that inspires masters of anticipation
Vue de l’International Space Station, le 29 mai 2011.
The ISS laboratory of private space companies
Détail d’un épi de maïs.
Microscopic: Diving at the heart of a kernel of corn VIDEO
« Deus Ex: Mankind Divided », développé par Eidos Montréal et édité par Square Enix.
Video Games "" Deus Ex: Mankind Divided "describes a world where transhumanism turns into a nightmare"
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Money & Investing

Jour de rentrée scolaire. La liste des fournitures scolaires demandées a tendance à s’allonger, et elles s’ajoutent au matériel de sport ou encore aux outils liés au numérique tels que les clés USB, souligne la Confédération syndicale des familles.

The rising cost of school and university revenues well above inflation  9

According to the Confederation of families, the cost of school in 2016 increased by 1.99% when inflation stagnated at 0.2%.
DEMYSTIFYING FINANCEJoseph Stiglitz, US herald of the anti-Euro criticism


Le 27 août 2014 dans une agende Pôle emploi d’Armentières.

The number of unemployed decreased by 0.5% in July  10

In July, the number of job seekers Class A in France totaled 3,506,000 people.
Manifestation d’avocats contre la réforme de l’aide juridictionnelle en octobre 2015 à Paris.
Increased competition, fee income down ... Blues Young Lawyers  29
Un drapeau suisse sur le pont du Mont-Blanc, au-dessus du lac Leman, à Genève, le 21 mars 2014.
Which European universities lead to better wages?  7
Selon une étude menée par l’institut CSA en 2014, 54% des colocataires sont des actifs (Photo: salle de bain d'un appartement en colocation en 2007).
Carine, Ulysses, Nicolas and others addicted to roommate
Internships: how to survive in the corporate world?
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  • Customer Advisor (m / f)DHL EXPRESS - 93350
  • GeneralTOULOUSE METROPOLEAdministrator
the bank
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Michel Butor, le 5 décembre 1964, à Paris.

The writer Michel Butor, figure of the Nouveau Roman, died

Insatiable curiosity, he is best known for "The Change" Prix Renaudot in 1957, whose narrative style has marked the history of the French novel.
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  • VIEWPOINTSylvie Brunel: "Let us stop raids against hospitals a weapon of war"
    Preventing combatants to be treated, terrorizing civilians and scare away the NGOs, only witnessed the violence of the fighting: it is a military strategy that is implemented and which the West is complicit.
  • VIEWPOINTDenis MacShane: "Britain needs a Winston Churchill"
    According to former British Minister for Europe and former Labour MP, Britain is not ready to leave the European Union, for several reasons.
    Dr Denis MacShane (former British Minister for Europe, former Labour MP)
  • VIEWPOINT"It is time to take stock of Marisol Touraine"
    The health reform initiated by Marisol Touraine does not fulfill its promises, so much that the break with the practitioners is now complete, said Dr. Jerome Marty, president of the French Union for a free medicine
    Jérôme Marty (doctor and president of the French Union for a free medicine)
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chef Simon

Lemon meringue pie

Lemon meringue pie

Lemon meringue tart or not! Or lemon tarts. Classic Dressage pie with meringue pocket or in modern tart version with a thin layer of meringue and just smoothed colored torch or even without meringue with some grated zest décor.
Crepe batter
Crepe batter
For neutral pancakes! A pancake recipe for Candlemas ... and everything ...
mayonnaise recipe
mayonnaise recipe
The egg yolk and without mustard. For this demonstration, the eggs out of the ...
Salmon Gravlax
Salmon Gravlax
Dried salmon salt and spices Salmon is a migratory fish that ...
Brussels sprouts cooking
Brussels sprouts cooking
Cooked English and sautéed in butter Brussels sprouts often accompany ...
Caramel porkAccording to the recipe Sunnath The original recipe Sunnath is realized with ...
Tarte tatin recipeA tart apples overturned the history of the Tatin tart, everybody ...
Bearnaise sauceBéarnaise sauce served hot or warm.Hollandaise sauce as the ...
Poule au potMaking a white chicken stock You enter the temple of the sacred. I do not speak ...
Sabayonserved ice cold / lukewarm Jacques "or" Bernadette "come see I managed my Sabayon" ...


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