Thursday, August 18, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 3:54

One day in Rio: Kevin Mayer silver, bronze in sailing and two finals

Kévin Mayer, après sa 2e place au décathlon, le 18 août à Rio.
In the rest of this Thursday program, Christophe Lemaître will challenge Jamaican Usain Bolt in the 200m final.
Omrane, petit garçon syrien d’environ 4 ans, recouvert de poussière et de sang après avoir été secouru des décombres d’un bâtiment touché par un raid aérien à Alep, le 17 août.

In the US, Omran is the "true face" of the war in Syria

Washington joined Thursday at the World emotion generated on social networks by broadcasting pictures of a child wounded by shelling in Aleppo.
Francois Hollande au palais de l’Elysee le 11 août 2016.

François Hollande begins to evoke a nomination in 2017  22

In a book of interviews to be published on August 19, the president says he wants to present in 2017 if there is "a victory of possibility."
Le guitariste Kirk Hammett et le chanteur James Hetfield de Metallica lors d’un concert à Detroit, dans le Michigan en 2013.

Metallica announces the release of his eleventh studio album

"Hardwired ... To self-destruct" is expected in stores on November 18th. The latest installment of the Californian quartet, "Death Magnetic! "Dated back to 2008.
Dessin de Gerhard Haderer, extrait de sa « Vie de Jésus » (Glénat, 2002).

In a strongly Orthodox Greece, no caricature Jesus  5

"The drawings that made scandal" (4/6) .The Austrian cartoonist Gerhard Haderer did not suspect that his drawing would do condemn Greece, in 2005.
L’église de Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, le 27 juillet 2016. AFP / CHARLY TRIBALLEAU

Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray: terrorists were influenced by a French jihadist  6

Sur une plage de Nice, le 17 juillet.

Burkinis banned in Cannes: "They want to be invisible"  250

Un homme utilise l’application UBER, dans les rues de Washington, en mars 2015.

A judge refused to accept the agreement on the status of Uber drivers in the US

L’hôpital de Abs, au Yemen, était géré par l’association Médecins sans frontières. Il a été la cible d’un raid aérien qui a fait 19 morts et 24 blessés, le 15 août.  AFP / STRINGER

In Yemen, MSF evacuated its staff from six hospitals

Twitter assure avoir supprimé 360 000 comptes soutenant le terrorisme depuis mi-2015.

Twitter says you remove terrorist propaganda 235,000 accounts in six months

Me Nathalie Tomasini et Me Janine Bonaggiunta, avocates de Jacqueline Sauvage, le 12 août 2016.

Jacqueline Wild waives appeal his continued imprisonment  26

Le nageur américain Ryan Lochte lors de la finale du 200 m 4 nages individuel le 11 août aux JO de Rio.

Olympics 2016: US swimmers have invented their aggression  8

Le fondateur de Gawker, Nick Denton, le 18 mars 2016.

The site will close

Dans le centre de détention de la prison d’étatSan Quentin State ( Californie) le 1er août 2016.

The United States no longer want to use private prisons

Le 27 janvier 2015, deux enfants traversent  le lac Tchad à bord d’une pirogue, près du village de Nougboua.

When EU bureaucracy hinders the fight against terrorism in the Sahel

Cicilia Abel  et ses enfants, dans le camp pour déplacés de Malkohi (Nigeria), en mai 2015. Menacée par Boko Haram, la famille a été secourue dans la forêt de Sambisa.

On the banks of Lake Chad, in the heart of the madness of Boko Haram  8

Devant une maison inondée à Saint-Amant, en Louisiane, le 18 août.

At least 13 dead in floods in Louisiana

La basketteuse américaine Tina Charles, à Rio, le 16 août.

Olympics 2016: Black Lives Matter for American basketball players, but not in Rio

This picture taken on August 14, 2016 shows the creek where a violent fight happened the day before, leaving four wounded in Sisco on the French Mediterranean island of Corsica. About 500 people participated on August 14, 2016 in a rally in Bastia in a tense atmosphere after a violent brawl between members of Corsica and North African communities that left at least four wounded in Sisco. A minor girl who witnessed the confrontation explained the fight happened after a group of youngsters insulted tourists who were photographing women bathing in burkini. / AFP / PASCAL POCHARD-CASABIANCA

Brawl Sisco, Corsica: the trial of five men postponed to September 15  27

People opposed to a project on a radioactive waste storage in Bure destroy destroy a wall erected by the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (ANDRA) to protect the area of the construction site and reading "A life without borders, a world without nuclear power" during a protest on August 14, 2016, in Bure. Hundreds of protestors arrived on August 14 at the fringe of the Lejuc wood with sticks and pickaxes to knock down a part of the wall installed by the ANDRA. The battle against the creation of the radioactive waste storage might last for some time. / AFP / FRANCOIS NASCIMBENI

crossfire of legal actions around the radioactive storage Bure  5

Jean d’Ormesson à l'époque de son élection à l'Académie française, en 1973.

Jean d'Ormesson 4/6: the writer of the ladies


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The largest aircraft in the world makes its maiden flight
A strange creature is filmed to 900 m depth
Turkey: suddenly surveillance images State missed made ​​public
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Rio 2016 Olympic Games

France's right back Alexandra Lacrabere celebrates a goal during the women's semifinal handball match Netherlands vs France for the Rio 2016 Olympics Games at the Future Arena in Rio on August 18, 2016. / AFP / afp / Roberto SCHMIDT

2016 Olympics - Handball (F): a first Olympic final for the Blue

After a breathless match, the French handball players qualified for the final of the Olympics with their success against the Netherlands, vice-world champions, 24-23.
La basketteuse américaine Tina Charles, à Rio, le 16 août.
Olympics 2016: Black Lives Matter for American basketball players, but not in Rio
Kévin Mayer, après sa 2e place au décathlon, le 18 août à Rio.
One day in Rio: Kevin Mayer silver, bronze in sailing and two finals
Izzat Artykov, médaillé de bronze, est le premier exclu des Jeux de Rio.
OJ 2016: a first medalist weightlifter Kyrgyz excluded for doping


Francois Hollande et Manuel Valls au palis de l’Elysée le 11 août 2016.

"Revelations of the five-year" when the PS embellishes the balance Francois Hollande  88

A pamphlet distributed by the Socialist Party for two months boast the record of François Hollande, the prices of several false information.
Les quais de Seine à Paris pendant « Paris plage 2016  ».
The questions (not so) beasts that you ask about the clothes in summer  16
Le podium du beach-volley féminin, le 18 août.
Olympics: those countries where women are better than men
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Derrière une mystérieuse fuite de données se cache sans doute un bras de fer entre services de renseignement.

Spy tools of NSA of the elite unit released by pirates  6

Behind a mysterious data leakage visibly hides a standoff between intelligence services.
Twitter assure avoir supprimé 360 000 comptes soutenant le terrorisme depuis mi-2015.
Twitter says you remove terrorist propaganda 235,000 accounts in six months
To address that Chrome OS, Google competition that Windows software?  9
North Korea, its dictatorship, its beautiful beaches, youtubeurs complacent  5
Scènes d’émeute urbaine à Bamako, le 17 août 2016.
In Bamako, the arrest of a blogger protest turned into a riot
Le Kirby no funwari pankeki, ou « pancake moëlleux » de Kirby, nouvelle spécialité de Nintendo.
Nintendo Japan inaugurates its first restaurant chain, Kirby Café
La pièce de théâtre « Harry Potter and the Cursed Child » est sur les planches de Londres depuis le 30 juillet.
JK Rowling announces three new collections of Harry Potter
Les réseaux sociaux ne parviennent par à endiguer les messages de haine qui pullulent sur leurs plates-formes.
Twitter's moderation policy again under fire from critics  8
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large Formats

#CeuxQuiFont: It gives children key to understanding the religions
La convention démocrate à Philadelphie.
On the road to the White House: a 360 ° immersion
Ouvriers de l'ONF en débroussaillage sur une parcelle de la forêt Domaniale de Verdun. Douamont, Meuse, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, 09.05.2016
Verdun trees, moved Climate
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • Gabon. Presidential Ping at the head of an anti-Bongo forehead
  • Infographics.A 100 meters imaginary between the best riders in the world
  • Astronomy.A star taken from life before, during and after the explosion nova
  • Between Robert Ménard and "Midi Libre" is a real cockfight
  • Melanie (2), in search of affection
  • New Order launches (in turn) their own beer brand
  • Catholics out of favor with President Hollande?
  • The power he drives you crazy?
  • Burkini: how to adapt pools (or not)


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Condo: Know before you sign the sales agreement

You buy a property? Before signing the sale agreement and pursuant to the Alur law, you must receive the documents on your future condo.

Share property in joint ownership

How to manage property in joint ownership? What is happening when you sell? The key to understanding

Malraux Act: Food and tax exemption of real estate

The Malraux law favors property restoration and allows for good investments in the historic center of large cities.


Des étudiants manifestent pour une baisse du coût de l’université à Hunter College, à New York, en novembre 2015.

Should we be afraid of US household debt?

Although he jumped in the first quarter, household debt is not like that of 2007-2008.
Un homme utilise l’application UBER, dans les rues de Washington, en mars 2015.
A judge refused to accept the agreement on the status of Uber drivers in the US
Le fondateur de Gawker, Nick Denton, le 18 mars 2016.
The site will close
Denis Pennel.
Young people want to undertake "not suffer the work"
Un extrait du code informatique de Duqu 2.
Making the "code" to work immediately  5
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Le chasseur américain Josh Bowmar pose près de son trophée, dans une forêt de l’Alberta en mai.

An American hunter kills a bear with a spear, video shocks the Canada POST BLOG

Alberta's provincial authorities have promised to ban this practice "archaic" in the fall.
Après le passage de Blue Cut Fire en Californie le 17 août.
No truce Climate  27
Devant une maison inondée à Saint-Amant, en Louisiane, le 18 août.
At least 13 dead in floods in Louisiana
A strange creature is filmed to 900 m depth VIDEO
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Thierry Mandon, secrétaire d’Etat à l’enseignement supérieur et à la recherche.

Featured in master: the court ruled in a student refused M2

The administrative court ordered on August 2, at the University of Bordeaux to allow a student to continue his studies and to include it in the second year of finance master.
Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa.
"The emigration of talent promotes growth '
Three reading ideas for revising your English POST BLOG
Denis Pennel.
Young people want to undertake "not suffer the work"
Un extrait du code informatique de Duqu 2.
Making the "code" to work immediately  5
A student takes a nap on a desk during his lunch break in a classroom in Hefei, Anhui Province June 2, 2012. The National College Entrance Exam, or "Gaokao", is held in June every year. Picture taken June 2, 2012. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA - Tags: SOCIETY EDUCATION) - RTR330PN
Doing nothing at work, a form of resistance  35
Achat de fournitures scolaires dans un supermarché pour la rentrée des classes 2013  à Pontivy
School: the price war slightly benefits families
Mara Goyet: "Attention is a bulwark against desolation"
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The World Festival

Marie Rose Moro: "We must believe in our teens to enable them to invent the future"

summer series "Re-enchanting the world" (2/6). French youth is not limited to nihilism jihadists. Do not break his hopes by telling him that "it was better before" says the child psychiatrist.
Simon Laisney (D) et Paul Citron (G) sur l'un des toits de l'ancien hôpital Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, à Paris. Derrière eux, la tour Montparnasse : "Il existe l'équivalent de 44 tours Montparnasse de bureaux vacants, à Paris".
#CeuxQuiFont: They breathe new life into empty buildings DISPLAY DIALOGUE
Joan Baez
Joan Baez: "Silence is essential to me"


Les deux premiers primates dont le génome a été modifié grâce à Cripsr-Cas9 sont ces deux petits macaques, nés dans un laboratoire chinois en 2013.

Handle live far?

Genetic modification of animals and plants grows in the laboratory.That of man seems more than ever at hand.
Le bâtiment de l’Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire (CERN).
CERN is justified: there is no human sacrifice among us  20
La kératine est le constituant principal du cheveu.
Microscopic: Diving at the heart of a hair VIDEO
Map of temperature anomalies in the earth's surface in 2016.
Climate: New record heat in July BLOG POST
Bricks, plastic and robots: a visit to the Lego factory  14
« Le sommeil de la raison engendre des monstres »
"Distinguishing unbalanced jihadist is inoperative"  18
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Le 27 janvier 2015, deux enfants traversent  le lac Tchad à bord d’une pirogue, près du village de Nougboua.

When EU bureaucracy hinders the fight against terrorism in the Sahel

The European Union has promised to finance the fight against Boko Haram, but the countries of the Lake Chad Basin will see coming.
Scènes d’émeute urbaine à Bamako, le 17 août 2016.
In Bamako, the arrest of a blogger protest turned into a riot
Khadija Khattab, journaliste de la télévision d’Etat égyptienne (ERTU).
Egypt: public service announcers forced regime  8
Cicilia Abel  et ses enfants, dans le camp pour déplacés de Malkohi (Nigeria), en mai 2015. Menacée par Boko Haram, la famille a été secourue dans la forêt de Sambisa.
On the banks of Lake Chad, in the heart of the madness of Boko Haram  8
A la voirie municipale à Yaoundé, Elvis et son ami en août 2016.
In Cameroon, it manufactures pavers "green" from plastic waste
When EU bureaucracy hinders the fight against terrorism in the Sahel
"Distinguishing unbalanced jihadist is inoperative"
See The World Africa
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Money & Investing

Achat de fournitures scolaires dans un supermarché pour la rentrée des classes 2013  à Pontivy

School: the price war slightly benefits families

The cost of school for a student entering the sixth record for the first time a small decrease this year.
DEMYSTIFYING FINANCEThe second message that Donald Trump address me


Un extrait du code informatique de Duqu 2.

Making the "code" to work immediately  5

Mastering IT development can boost his CV. Companies appreciate the operational skills of candidates from different areas.
Denis Pennel.
Young people want to undertake "not suffer the work"
Evolution des offres APEC (en cumul douze mois).
Signs of improvement for the employment of executives
The unemployment rate fell by 0.3 points in the second quarter, according to INSEE  33
Au pôle emploi de  Marseille en février 2015.
The plan "500,000 training" begins to take shape  7
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  • VIEWPOINTWhat role for Muslim elites of France?
    To fire against the threat of Islamist terrorism practitioners Muslim citizens or not, having made their way into French society commit
  • VIEWPOINT"Without primary of the entire left, we run disaster"
    Gérard Filoche, member of the national office of the PS, François Hollande considers that there is no chance for 2017. The only choice is that of a primary of all the left to nominate a single candidate and inclusive, capable of carry
    Gérard Filoche (member of the national office of the Socialist Party)
  • VIEWPOINT"To fight against radical Islamism; print the release of the body"
    The critic William Marx believes that wearing the burkini should be a freedom just like nudism. Protect this freedom while helping to advance the republican ideal in the direction of a modern, liberal and uninhibited.
    William Marx (professor of literature compared to the University of Paris Nanterre, essayist, critic)
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News in potatoes Blog Martin Vidberg

  • L'AIR DU TEMPS By Micael Austerity
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chef Simon

filet mignon recipe

Filet mignon recipe

The perfect alchemy. Mignon of veal tenderloin (about 800 g) is bigger than the pork tenderloin (400 to 500 g). So there are 2 to 3 people for the pork tenderloin and 4 people for mignon of veal fillet.See also the Club: The tenderloin of pork or veal is ...
Poach and peel - Braising brown Given the price sweetbreads ...
Stuffed cabbage
Stuffed cabbage
Remembering Glaude There are certainly countless ways to decline the stuffed cabbage ...
Pepper sauce
Pepper sauce
Cooking jump - Cute flaming veal fillet (about 800 g) is bigger than the ...
Rice pilaf
Rice pilaf
Also called rice foie Unfairly called rice in fat because it is ...
Chili cone carneThe classic of classics recipes tex mex. The chili is the dish ...
Confit of duckconfit duck legs in the oven This is a quick and simple recipe thighs ...
Financial RecipeLarge or small financial almond and hazelnut butter. With silicone molds ...
Crepe recipefor neutral pancakes! A pancake recipe for Candlemas ... and everything ...
Galette recipe KingsCake with almond cream or frangipane. This is the pastry ...


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