Thursday, August 4, 2016

Gizmodo Australia

What You Need To Know If You Are Planning To Avoid The Census 

Former statistician Bill McLennan has said that the 2016 Census is, “without doubt […] the most significant invasion of privacy ever perpetrated on Australians by the ABS”. There are number of concerning changes to the 2016 Census which have lead to talks of boycotts, lobby group Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA) says. Here is a rundown of what the EFA has flagged as a potential problem, what your rights and obligations are, and what can happen if you make up answers or avoid the collector.

Samsung's New Galaxy Note7 Is Here: Everything You Need To Know 

As is tradition for the second half of each year in recent memory, Samsung has a new best phone ever. The brand new, much-rumouredGalaxy Note7 inherits everything that made the smaller Galaxy S7great, but adds another biometric security feature with infrared iris scanning, and an even more refined curved glass design that bridges the gap between a flat screen and the previous Edge models. It’s a beautiful piece of hardware, and Samsung is adding some widely requested software and hardware tweaks that make the Note7 — on paper, at least — just about the most powerful phone of 2016.

How To Make Your Windows Look Any Way You Want 

After a spending a couple of years with it, the standard Windows desktop can get pretty boring. If you’re looking for something a little more exciting, Rainmeter is a tool that will help you get there. It’s been helping PC users customise, tweak, tailor and enhance their desktops for years. The cool thing is that it walks you through the process every step of the way.

A Brief History Of Suicide Squad Being The Worst Place To Work, Ever (Part Two) 

Back in June, I wrote about the weird, horrible things that had happened during the filming of Suicide Squad, mostly due to star Jared Leto and director David Ayer being weirdos. I was certain that I had chronicled all of the madness that was inflicted upon the cast. But I was wrong. So, so wrong.

Samsung Accidentally Invented The Apple Watch 

We get it Samsung, it’s hard playing second fiddle to Apple. You owe them a billion dollars from a four-year-old patent lawsuit, because the Samsung Galaxy was a lot like the iPhone. Another time you got a smartwatch to market, and then Apple descended from the clouds of Cupertino to declare to the world that it has revolutionised mobile electronics with the creation of a truly revolutionary smartwatch, and everyone lost their damned minds. That’s a rough life you got there buddy.

Why Amish Children Rarely Get Asthma 

For years, scientists have known that growing up on a farm protects children from asthma, but the reasons for this weren’t entirely clear. A fascinating comparative analysis of Amish and Hutterite farming communities has finally uncovered the specific aspects of farm life that are responsible for this built-in immune protection.

The Greens Say Fines For Not Providing Your Name In The Census Must Be Scrapped 

The Greens have put a call out for Minister Michael McCormack to direct the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to rule out fines for people that don’t want to include their name and address details when completing their census forms, stating the ABS’ response to privacy concerns has been “wholly inadequate”.
If the ABS refuse to push census day back, they need to guarantee they will not fine people who choose to protect their own privacy, Australian Greens Co-Deputy Leader and Communications spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said.

See Superman Get Ready To Take Flight On Supergirl 

Another Autobot joins Transformers: The Last Knight. Brent Spiner probably won’t be in Star Trek: DiscoverySleepy Hollow gets a new villain. Plus, Steven Moffat on Peter Capaldi’s Doctor Who future, Legends of Tomorrow‘s Justice Society gets a swanky emblem and more Thor: Ragnarok snaps from Mark Ruffalo. Spoilers now!

Tinder For Threesomes Got Totally Boned, Moves On 

Tinder recently went to war with 3nder, an app designed to help users find some three-person fun. Tinder’s primary complaint was the similarity between the two names — 3nder, evidently, was just too close to Tinder. 3nder disputed this at the time, but now, in what appears to be an effort to duck the thorny legal issues, 3nder has rebranded as “Feeld”.

Marissa Mayer: You, Too, Can Work 130 Hours A Week If You Plan When To Take A Crap 

According to Marissa Mayer, who was Google’s 20th employee and its first female engineer, the key to success at the search giant was hard work. Specifically, the kind of hard work that required strategically planned trips to the toilet.

Lucasfilm Is In Talks To Potentially Make A Live-Action Star Wars TV Show 

Lucasfilm’s plans to bring the galaxy far, far away to live action TV have waxed and waned over the years — Lucas himself famously had the long-in-gestation Star Wars Underworld, but after the Disney acquisition, hopes of it coming to TV were quashed pretty rapidly. This is Star Wars, though: Now there’s a new hope.

A Nostalgic Virus Is Infecting Windows Machines 

They don’t make them like this any more.

The Sneaky Reason US Coastlines Are Becoming More Polluted 

When we think of coastal pollution, we tend to picture dirty water and garbage drifting down river into the sea. But deep underground, our filth reaches the beach by a more secretive route: Groundwater channels. A first-of-its-kind mapping analysis has now revealed that a fifth of US coastlines are susceptible to pollution from below the surface. And the problem goes both ways.

This Guy Fighting An Excavator Is An Inspiration To Us All 

Video: You know who wins when an angry dude fights an excavator at a construction site? All of us watching the battle unfold from the sidelines, because it gives us the chance to stop and think about the excavators we’re all dealing with — metaphorically.

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