Sunday, August 28, 2016

Der Spiegel

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Center-Right DisputeMerkel to Delay Announcement of Chancellery Candidacy

Center-Right Dispute: Merkel to Delay Announcement of Chancellery Candidacy
Chancellor Merkel has decided to push back her announcement as to whether she intends to run for a fourth term as chancellor, DER SPIEGEL has learned. The delay is the product of an unresolved dispute with her Bavarian sister party, the CSU. more...

Tragedy and DestructionItalian Quake Is a Test for Goverment in Rome

Tragedy and Destruction: Italian Quake Is a Test for Goverment in Rome
This week's devastating earthquake in Italy, with more than 260 deaths, will be a leadership test for Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The state's failures after the 2009 catastrophe in L'Aquila have not been forgotten. By Fiona Ehlers and Walter Mayr more... Comment ]

Republicans Against TrumpBush Advisor Wolfowitz Says He'll Likely Vote for Clinton

Republicans Against Trump: Bush Advisor Wolfowitz Says He'll Likely Vote for Clinton
In an interview, Paul Wolfowitz, 72, an advisor to former President Bush, discusses the dangers of a Donald Trump presidency, why he will likely vote for the Democrat's candidate this year and mistakes made during the Iraq war. Interview Conducted By Gordon Repinski more...Comment ]

Interactive GlobeHow Germans Travel

Interactive Globe: How Germans Travel
What are Germans' top travel destinations? And what countries spend the most money on their vacation trips? Test your knowledge with our interactive globe.  more...

Two Weeks in SeptemberThe Makings of Merkel's Decision to Accept Refugees

Two Weeks in September: The Makings of Merkel's Decision to Accept Refugees
A year has passed since the dramatic decision by Angela Merkel to take in hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. What drove her to make the decision and what price will the country pay for it? A look back at 14 days that changed German history. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

World Risk IndexThe Human Factor in Natural Disasters

World Risk Index: The Human Factor in Natural Disasters
How vulnerable is your country to natural disasters? The 2016 World Risk Index is now out and it shows that infrastructure is a key factor in the ability to withstand events like hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis. By Axel Bojanowski more... Comment ]

Burqa Ban DebateFull Veils Already Mostly Prohibited in Germany

Burqa Ban Debate: Full Veils Already Mostly Prohibited in Germany
Some conservative German politicians would like to see a ban on burqas and other veils. Doing so, however, would likely violate the constitution -- and there are plenty of practical rules already in place. By Jan Friedmann, Dietmar Hipp and Conny Neumann more... Comment ]

Fear UnveiledWhy Banning the Burqa Makes No Sense

Fear Unveiled: Why Banning the Burqa Makes No Sense
Calls in Germany to ban the burqa are misguided and the move would do little to liberate Muslim women. The fight for emancipation must come from inside the religion. A SPIEGEL Editorial by Christiane Hoffmannmore... Comment ]

Interview with Libya's Prime Minister'We Will Not Become Like Somalia'

Interview with Libya's Prime Minister: 'We Will Not Become Like Somalia'
Since March, Fayez Sarraj has been the prime minister of Libya, a country torn by civil war. Now he is tasked with surmounting the country's political divisions and leading the fight against the Islamic State and a network of human-traffickers transporting tens of thousands of migrants to Europe. Interview Conducted By Klaus Brinkbäumer and Susanne Koelbl more... Comment ]

Dieselgate in EuropeHow Officials Ignored Years of Emissions Evidence

Dieselgate in Europe: How Officials Ignored Years of Emissions Evidence
When American authorities revealed that Volkswagen used software to trick pollution tests, it spurred widespread outrage. Documents obtained by SPIEGEL show that European officials knew about the deception for years -- but didn't act on it.  By Markus Becker and Gerald Traufettermore... Comment ]

Helping Hands on HolidayHow To Avoid the Pitfalls of Voluntourism

Helping Hands on Holiday: How To Avoid the Pitfalls of Voluntourism
Volunteering in exotic places during vacation is a growing segment of the international travel market. But experts warn that meaning well can sometimes do more harm than good, particularly when children are involved. By Dan Archer more... Comment ]

'Paradise Lost'How To Help Our Oceans Before It's Too Late

'Paradise Lost': How To Help Our Oceans Before It's Too Late
In the past 50 years, Earth's oceans have been depleted and acidified to alarming degrees. Sylvia Earle, a longtime marine scientist, explains her plan to save at least a small part of them -- along with our planet. Interview Conducted By Philip Bethge more... Comment ]
Photo Galleries
Brazil's Woes Overshadow OlympicsThe Summer that Changed GermanyNatural Disasters Around the World
Too Much of a Good Thing
Italy's Deadly Earthquake'Leave Nothing But Footprints''A Minefield'

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