Friday, July 15, 2016

Rio Times

Rio’s International Airport Ready to Welcome Heads of State

Rio’s International Airport Ready to Welcome Heads of State
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – Rio de Janeiro’s Tom Jobim International Airport has been prepared to welcome up to three heads of states every twenty minutes, during the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, but according to local media not many dignitaries are confirming their presence. According to daily Folha de […]

Brazil’s Petrobras Allowed to Halt Oil Production in 16 Platforms

Brazil’s Petrobras Allowed to Halt Oil Production in 16 Platforms
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – The ANP (National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel Agency) in Brazil has authorized oil giant, Petrobras to interrupt its oil production in sixteen platforms and fourteen concessions due to the decline of international oil prices, the devaluation of the Brazilian real and the loss of […]

Coro Come Culinary Fair Returns to Rio on July 17th

Coro Come Culinary Fair Returns to Rio on July 17th
By Chesney Hearst, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The culinary and cultural event Coro Come returns for its ninth edition on Sunday, July 17th with food vendors and live entertainment. After successful editions in Aterro do Flamengo and Praça Saens Pena in Tijuca, this edition will take place in Praça Marechal in […]

Visa Exemption for Rio Olympics Completes 45 Days

Visa Exemption for Rio Olympics Completes 45 Days
By Nelson Belen, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Friday, July 15th, not only marks exactly three weeks before the start of the most watched sports event in the world on August 5th, it also marks 45 days since the visa exemption for tourists from the United States, Canada, Japan and Australia was enacted. […]

Rodrigo Maia Elected in Brazil as President of the Chamber

Rodrigo Maia Elected in Brazil as President of the Chamber
By Jay Forte, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – In the early morning hours of July 14th, Rodrigo Maia was elected president of the Chamber of Deputies, defeating congressman Roger Rosso by a vote of 285 to 170. Maia (DEM-RJ) takes on the position after the resignation of former president of the house Eduardo […]

Brazil Household Consumption Intent Drops 21 Percent

Brazil Household Consumption Intent Drops 21 Percent
By Jay Forte, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC) reported yesterday, July 13th, that the Consumer Intention of Families was stable from June to July this year. However, compared to July 2015, there is a 21 percent decrease in the consumption intention of […]

Australia Olympic House to Open in Rio’s Centro on August 6th

Australia Olympic House to Open in Rio’s Centro on August 6th
By Nelson Belen, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Inside of one month to the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, on Wednesday July 13th, government officials announced that the event space of the Rio de Janeiro Bolsa de Valores (Stock Exchange) will be occupied by the Australia Olympic House, whose aim will be to promote […]

Brazil’s Health Minister Updates Foreign Officials on Zika Virus

Brazil’s Health Minister Updates Foreign Officials on Zika Virus
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – Less than a month before the start of the 2016 Olympics, Brazilian government officials are still trying to dissipate fears of the contagion of Zika virus in Rio de Janeiro. Health Minister, Ricardo Barros, met with over sixty ambassadors and country representatives on Tuesday (July […]

Retail Sales in Brazil Decline in May, Down 7.3% for Year

Retail Sales in Brazil Decline in May, Down 7.3% for Year
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – Not even the strong appeal of Mother’s Day helped retail sales results in Brazil, according to the country’s official statistics bureau, IBGE. In May, according to the bureau, retail volumes fell by one percent in comparison to April and the accumulated decline in the first […]

CCBB-Rio to Host Exhibition of Post-Impressionist Works

CCBB-Rio to Host Exhibition of Post-Impressionist Works
By Chesney Hearst, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Featuring works by masters Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Georges Seurat, among others, the exhibition “O triunfo da cor O pós-impressionismo: obras-primas do Musée d´Orsay e do Musée de l´Orangerie” (“The triumph of Post-Impressionism color: Masterpieces of the Musée d’Orsay and the […]


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