Thursday, July 7, 2016

Le Monde

Updated at 18:38

France-Germany: Toni Kroos and Paul Pogba, unlabeled geniuses

Toni Kroos lors du huitième de finale Allemagne-Slovaquie, le 26 juin, à Lille.
Masters to play their respective teams in the tournament, the German and French backgrounds, who meet tonight, continue to turn since the beginning of their careers.
TOPSHOT - Mourners carry the coffin of an Iraqi man, who was killed in a suicide bombing that ripped through Baghdad's busy shopping district of Karrada on July 3, during a funeral procession at the site of the attack on July 6, 2016. The Baghdad bombing claimed by the Islamic State group killed at least 250 people, officials said on July 6, raising the toll of what was already one of the deadliest attacks in Iraq. / AFP / Ahmad al-Rubaye

The terrible lessons of Ramadan blood POST BLOG

Iraq, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Turkey ... The organization Islamic state demonstrates its firepower, and question the effectiveness of the supposed coalition fighting against it.
L'éducation Nationale a détaché deux enseignants pour faire l'école au Centre d'accueil Jules Ferry. Deux pièces en préfabriqué posées au sein du quartier des femmes et enfants accueillent les enfants de 6 à 16 ans cinq jours par semaine, une heure trente le matin et une heure trente l'après-midi. L'accès au centre puis au quartier des femmes est contrôlé. Les jeunes venant de l'extérieur (de la jungle ou bien du CAP-Centre d'Accueil provisoire) sont accompagnés par les médiateurs de l'association "La vie Active" qui gère le Centre Jules Ferry.

Les adolescents, très sérieux et motivés. Certains veulent apprendre le français ou l'anglais, d'autres préfèrent les mathématiques.

Calais: CNCDH request again denouncing Touquet agreements

For the Calais jungle becomes human, he would still hear the state 48 recommendations of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights
François Hollande à l’Elysée, le 4 juillet.

The budget for culture will be a "priority" in 2017, announces François Hollande

Traveling to Arles, the Head of State confirmed that the decree implementing the agreement on the entertainment would be released "later than mid-July with implementation as from 1 August."
A Falcon Heights, le 6 juillet, après la mort d’un homme sur lequel un policier a ouvert le feu devant sa petite amie et un enfant de quatre ans.

Video and social networks, indispensable weapons against police violence in the US

Images of two police violence that led to the death of two men were released the last 48 hours on social networks.
Find out the results of binand the patent in 2016
Find the results of the tray (July 5) and the patent (as of July 6)
Marion Bartoli  en février.

Tennis: Marion Bartoli has "scared for his life"

The European Commission says Spain and Portugal in excessive deficit

Serge Dassault, ici, le 13 mars 2014, est accusé d’avoir dissimulé au fisc jusqu’à 31 millions d’euros sur des comptes au Luxembourg et au Liechtenstein.

hidden accounts: ineligibility suspended sentence and fine, required penalties against Serge Dassault

(From R) Daughter of Sylvie Rocard Anne-Catherine Pelissier, widow of Michel Rocard Sylvie Rocard, French President Francois Hollande, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, French National Assembly speaker Claude Bartolone, former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing, French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault and Minister of Health Marisol Touraine attend the funeral of late former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard at a church in Paris on July 7, 2016. Former French Socialist prime minister Michel Rocard, hailed a "visionary statesman", died on July 2 aged 85. / AFP / POOL / PHILIPPE WOJAZER

Disable tribute to Michel Rocard

Serena Williams a battu Elena Vesnina en demi-finales de Wimbledon, le 7 juillet.

Wimbledon: Serena Williams Angelique Kerber reached the finals

Le 25 juin, à bord du bateau de sauvetage l’« Aquarius », au large de Messine (Sicile).

Migrants, the wretched of the sea

Sur les lieux de l’attentat perpétré à Bagdad, le 3 juillet. L’attaque a fait au moins 292 morts.

Iraq: Baghdad bombing's toll rises again

Sélection de mangas, pour la Japan expo 2016

Japan Expo: Discover 15 new manga DISPLAY DIALOGUE

Nigel Farage, lors de sa campagne en faveur du Brexit, à Clacton-on-Sea (Essex), le 21 juin.

The Brexit symbol of aggressiveness antisystem  5

Tony Blair, alors premier ministre britannique, et George W. Bush, président des Etats-Unis lors du sommet du G8 à Heiligendamm, en Allemagne, le 7 juin 2007.

Editorial: damnation of Tony Blair  18

A person walks past France Telecom employees demonstrating on October 7, 2009 in Strasbourg, eastern France, after unions called for two days of strikes and protests. France Telecom's deputy chief executive Louis-Pierre Wenes, architect of a modernisation drive at the former state monopoly that is blamed for a wave of staff suicides, resigned on October 5, 2009. The former state monopoly which employs 100,000 people in France and trades internationally as Orange has undergone major restructuring, which unions say have left workers stressed and demoralized. AFP PHOTO FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP PHOTO / FREDERICK FLORIN

Suicides in France Telecom: the threatened leaders prosecuted for harassment  93

Le canot ramène les premiers migrants transbordés.

The Mediterranean on a boat, ten hours in hell  14

Marcel Gauchet et Michèle Riot-Sarcey.

Is the French intellectual debate in ruins?  61

L'évolution des positions des députés socialistes depuis le début du quinquennat.

 After the Labour Law and 49.3, which are the most rebellious of PS? DISPLAY DIALOGUE

Yukiya Arashiro et Jan Barta ont été les deux seuls échappés de l’étape.

Tour de France: Mark Cavendish won the sprint yet

Six gérants britanniques ont suspendu les rachats de parts sur certains fonds immobiliers depuis lundi

Brexit Why UK property falters  6

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The newspaper dated July 8

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Euro 2016

Toni Kroos lors du huitième de finale Allemagne-Slovaquie, le 26 juin, à Lille.

France-Germany: Toni Kroos and Paul Pogba, unlabeled geniuses

Masters to play their respective teams in the tournament, the German and French backgrounds, who meet tonight, continue to turn since the beginning of their careers.
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Tour de France

Greg Van Avermaet, mercredi 6 juillet.

Musette Tour, Episode 6: should never sprinter in Montauban POST BLOG

One has the feeling that the Tour de France began in earnest Wednesday on the road so unpleasant - for runners - and so beautiful - for followers - of Auvergne.
Le peloton s’attaque à une étape de transition avant de rallier les Pyrénées. / AFP / KENZO TRIBOUILLARD
Tour de France: Follow Step 6 Live LIVE
Adam Hansen, coureur de l’équipe Lotto-Soudal, sur la ligne de départ de la troisième étape du Tour de France, le 4 juillet, à Granville (Manche).
Tour de France: Adam Hansen, insatiable


Arpajon-sur-Cere - Montauban
1Mr. CAVENDISH04h 43 '48' '
2Mr. KITTEL+ 00 '00' '
3D. MC LAY+ 00 '00' '
4A. KRISTOFF+ 00 '00' '
5C. LAPORTE+ 00 '00' '
6P. Sagan+ 00 '00' '
7D. GROENEWEGEN+ 00 '00' '
8E. THEUNS+ 00 '00' '
9B. COQUARD+ 00 '00' '
10S. ARCHBOLD+ 00 '00' '
1G. VAN AVERMAET30h 18 '38' '
2J. ALAPHILIPPE+ 05 '11' '
3A. VALVERDE+ 05 '13' '
5C. FROOME+ 05 '17' '
6W. BARGUIL+ 05 '17' '
7N. QUINTANA+ 05 '17' '
8P. ROLLAND+ 05 '17' '
9F. ARU+ 05 '17' '
10D. MARTIN+ 05 '17' '
1T. OF GENDT13 pts
3J. Stuyven5 pts
4A. GRIVKO5 pts
5J. BARTA4 pts
6Y. Arashiro3 pts
7P. VOSS2 pts
8R. MAJKA2 pts
9Mr. IRIZAR1 pts
10A. FONSECA1 pts
1Mr. CAVENDISH204 pts
2Mr. KITTEL182 pts
3P. Sagan175 pts
4B. COQUARD112 pts
5A. GREIPEL89 pts
6A. KRISTOFF74 pts
8E. THEUNS64 pts
9Mr. MATTHEWS57 pts
1J. ALAPHILIPPE30h 23 '49' '
2W. BARGUIL+ 00 '06' '
3W. KELDERMAN+ 00 '06' '
4A. YATES+ 00 '06' '
5L. Meintjes+ 00 '17' '
6P. KONRAD+ 05 '35' '


Extrait de la vidéo diffusée en direct juste après qu'un policier de Falcon Heights ait ouvert le feu sur le passager d'une voiture.
United State: on 'Facebook Live', the companion of a man shot by police broadcasts the live stage
France-Germany: what to know before the game in one minute
Ce spécimen appartient à la famille des « Aphyonidae » qui vit dans les abysses. Il a été observé vivant pour la première fois.
A translucent observed live fish for the first time in the abyss
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Contrôle d'identité dans les rues de Lyon, en 2008.

How Holland renounced the anti-controls to receipts BLOG POST facies

The speech of the Socialist majority has changed dramatically since the presidential campaign.
Le Français Olivier Giroud, le 3 juillet après la victoire contre l’Islande (5-2).
Euro 2016: France-Germany before, Study strengths and weaknesses of the teams  6
Neo-Nazi, KKK, pro-Trump: intox in series on the policeman who killed Alton Sterling Louisiana
L'évolution des positions des députés socialistes depuis le début du quinquennat.
After the Labour Law and 49.3, which are the most rebellious of PS? DISPLAY DIALOGUE
A demonstrator holds a banner with an image of a knife thrust in the French Labour law code during a demonstration against plans to reform French labour laws in Paris, France, July 5, 2016 as the labour reform bill comes back for its second lower-house hearing. REUTERS/Regis Duvignau
Quiz: Do you know what it finally is in the labor law?
"McDonald's provides school meals": the story of a hoax taken seriously
La grande mosquée de Paris, le 17 juin 2015.
The very discreet Ramadan Night of the Town Hall of Paris  31
A picture taken on October 31, 2013 shows the facade of the D5 renovated building at Fleury-Merogis Prison. AFP PHOTO / ERIC FEFERBERG
No, Abdeslam Salah does not have a jail for treatment  35
Tour de France: what is the best time to take a nap?
Florian Phillipot sur BFM-TV dimanche 3 juillet 2016.
"No economic effect" in Brexit: bad faith Florian Philippot  67
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Each week, find the essential news "techno" by signing up for the newsletter Pixels.
Cette fausse messagerie redirige vers un appel surtaxé en 8090 (0,15€/min).

Premium number scam: What parade?

The relative success of the list "Bloctel", which registered a month more than 1.8 million subscribers, must not forget the scourge of scam to premium rate numbers.
Illustration d’Endless Space.
Sega buys Amplitude, the video game studio behind the "Endless Space"
Sélection de mangas, pour la Japan expo 2016
Japan Expo: Discover 15 new manga DISPLAY DIALOGUE
« La fraude consiste en particulier à simuler de fausses visualisations de publicités ou encore à faire générer des clics par des robots. En 2015, cette fraude s’est chiffrée à 1,3 milliard de dollars aux Etats-Unis, et il est certain que les chiffres de 2016 seront bien supérieurs. »
We must "rethink the standards of mobile advertising and impose a true ethics to this sector"
Alvaroas explique aux marques comment communiquer avec des youtubeurs.
Ahead of the Japan Expo, the largest awkward unpacking three youtubeurs
A Falcon Heights, le 6 juillet, après la mort d’un homme sur lequel un policier a ouvert le feu devant sa petite amie et un enfant de quatre ans.
Video and social networks, indispensable weapons against police violence in the US
Un joueur affronte un Tartard avec son Pikachu sur « Pokemon Go ».
"Pokemon Go", the augmented reality game already very intrusive
Max, héroïne d’une aventure à la fois fantastique, intimiste et mélancolique.
"Life is Strange", the French video game that moved the players around the world
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US elections

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The machine ignites Calais
Sélection de mangas, pour la Japan expo 2016
Japan Expo: Discover 15 new manga
Video 360: Hellfest as if you were there
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In a group sites Worldwide

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  • Theresa May or Andrea Leadsom? The next British prime minister will be a woman
  • Deemed too skinny, Marion Bartoli is disqualified twice senior lady Wimbledon
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  • Young Catholics in 2016: our exclusive study
  • Generation "catho ++"
  • Why football is a team sport, in spite of himself


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My successful real estate project

Content designed & proposed by CREDIT AGRICOLE e-property

real estate gain: how well sell his property

How to value the qualities of a home for sale? By rearranging: the real estate gain can indeed play a little updating!

Bridging loan: terms, conditions and time.

Already the owner, you want to buy a home by selling yours, but you have not reduced your loan. Is the bridge loan for you?

Buy a second home: costs and gain

How to finance the purchase of a second home? What are the charges to be expected? What are the tax treatment of the capital gain?


L'éducation Nationale a détaché deux enseignants pour faire l'école au Centre d'accueil Jules Ferry. Deux pièces en préfabriqué posées au sein du quartier des femmes et enfants accueillent les enfants de 6 à 16 ans cinq jours par semaine, une heure trente le matin et une heure trente l'après-midi. L'accès au centre puis au quartier des femmes est contrôlé. Les jeunes venant de l'extérieur (de la jungle ou bien du CAP-Centre d'Accueil provisoire) sont accompagnés par les médiateurs de l'association "La vie Active" qui gère le Centre Jules Ferry.

Les adolescents, très sérieux et motivés. Certains veulent apprendre le français ou l'anglais, d'autres préfèrent les mathématiques.

Calais: CNCDH request again denouncing Touquet agreements

For the Calais jungle becomes human, he would still hear the state 48 recommendations of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights
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« Nous voulons que Paris devienne le premier centre financier d’Europe », a déclaré le premier ministre, Manuel Valls, à l’occasion du Forum international de Paris Europlace, le 6 juillet.

Paris strives to break his image of hostile ground in finance  11

Manuel Valls announced Wednesday measures to enhance the attractiveness of the Paris.
Le site de Redeyef, en Tunisie, est bloqué depuis huit mois.
Tunisia sick of its phosphate
George Blagden (Louis XIV), lors du tournage de la série « Versailles » saison 2.
The challenge of international French series
AB InBev (qui possède notamment les marques Leffe et Stella Artois) espère finaliser l’acquisition de SABMiller au second semestre 2016.
Acquisitions, growth driver in the food industry
Six gérants britanniques ont suspendu les rachats de parts sur certains fonds immobiliers depuis lundi
Brexit Why UK property falters  6
Le ministre allemand des finances, Wolfgang Schäuble, a présenté le budget 2017 de l’Allemagne à Berlin, mercredi 6 juillet.
Germany plans to balance budgets through 2020  7
French Food group Danone Chairman of the Board of Directors Franck Riboud (R) and CEO Emmanuel Faber chat before the group's annual shareholders' meeting in Paris on April 29, 2015. AFP PHOTO / ERIC PIERMONT / AFP / ERIC PIERMONT
Danone gets a hold of the American WhiteWave specializing in organic dairy
Lancé en 2011, WeChat, dont Tencent est la maison-mère, s’est imposé pour devenir la première application mobile en Chine, avec plus d’un milliard de comptes.
E-reputation: "The bots are capable of the best and the worst"
le premier ministre éthiopien Hailemariam Desalegn en juin 2016.
Growth slowed in Ethiopia
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Mangroves dans les Sundarbans près de Khulna, en 2009.

Unesco called to the rescue to protect the largest mangrove forest in the world

India and Bangladesh are planning to build a giant plant of 1320 megawatt coal, 14 km from this forest buffer against hurricanes.
Le site industriel Alteo ne déverse plus de boues rouges dans la Méditerranée mais continue d’y envoyer des effluents liquides trop polluants.
The alumina Gardanne plant continues to pollute the marine park of the Creeks  5
La ministre marocaine de l’environnement Hakima El Haite lors du 7e dialogue de Petersberg, à Berlin, le 4 juillet 2016.
"Morocco is not a dustbin!"Ecological consciousness is affirmed in the kingdom
"McDonald's provides school meals": the story of a hoax taken seriously
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M mag

Sur la civière, Patrick Battiston, après le choc violent avec le gardien allemand Shumacher. A ses côtés, Platini lui prend le bras.

France-Germany in Seville, we learned immorality  39

There are injuries which there is no cure. For lovers of football, the pain of this semi-final France-Germany is still there, intact, 34 years later.
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The World Festival

Back in 2016, an innovative program to transform laboratory class

The association wants to transform Savanturiers research lab class where students construct their own knowledge.
Nolwenn Guillou, institutrice, dans la médiathèque toute neuve de l'école Le Blé en Herbe à Trébédan dans le Morbihan.
#CeuxQuiFont: In Cotes-school Trébédan recreates social INTERACTIVE VISUAL link
Create a local currency: how it works?
Create a local currency to revitalize the city VIDEO


La comète de Halley lors de son passage de 1986.

What disturbs Halley's Comet? BLOG POST

The trajectory of the most famous comet undergoes outbursts and settlements under the influence of Venus and Jupiter.
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La ministre marocaine de l’environnement Hakima El Haite lors du 7e dialogue de Petersberg, à Berlin, le 4 juillet 2016.

"Morocco is not a dustbin!"Ecological consciousness is affirmed in the kingdom

Back on the controversy triggered by the revelation of import by Rabat 2 500 tonnes of waste from Italy.
Des crânes humains de victimes du génocide, exposés au Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre. Les effets personnels retrouvés à côté des corps sont aussi là, en l’occurence des crucifix.
Rwandan genocide: two former mayors lifers in Paris
Des policiers burundais arrêtent deux hommes dans la banlieue de Bujumbura, le 10 janvier 2016.
Burundi: the National Intelligence Service multiplies torture
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Money & Investing

Jurisprudence. Argent, famille, immobilier… Toutes les semaines, nous analysons les derniers arrêts de la Cour de cassation et leurs conséquences.

Retirement: benefits for mothers again in court

Jurisprudence. Money, family, real estate ... Every week we analyze the recent judgments of the Court of Cassation and their consequences.
DEMYSTIFYING FINANCEItaly collapses as politicians grapple on Brexit.


Dans un lycée nantais.

Budget: 7 billion euros extra for security, justice, education and employment  13

In the last budget the five year period before the presidential election, state spending should be on the rise in 2017.
Devant le siège de la Caisse nationale d'allocations familiales (CNAF).
Fraud to benefits increased in 2015  11
A person walks past France Telecom employees demonstrating on October 7, 2009 in Strasbourg, eastern France, after unions called for two days of strikes and protests. France Telecom's deputy chief executive Louis-Pierre Wenes, architect of a modernisation drive at the former state monopoly that is blamed for a wave of staff suicides, resigned on October 5, 2009. The former state monopoly which employs 100,000 people in France and trades internationally as Orange has undergone major restructuring, which unions say have left workers stressed and demoralized. AFP PHOTO FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP PHOTO / FREDERICK FLORIN
Suicides in France Telecom: the threatened leaders prosecuted for harassment  93
L’usine Continental à Clairoix en 2009.
Allowances paid to former employees of Continental are maintained
A demonstrator holds a banner with an image of a knife thrust in the French Labour law code during a demonstration against plans to reform French labour laws in Paris, France, July 5, 2016 as the labour reform bill comes back for its second lower-house hearing. REUTERS/Regis Duvignau
Quiz: Do you know what it finally is in the labor law?
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La Troupe de la Comédie-Française, lundi 4 juillet, au festival d’Avignon, pour jouer « Les Damnés ».

Avignon: the "Damned" demented, demonic

Ivo van Hove has dazzled and paralyzed the courtyard of the Papal Palace adapting masterly film by Luchino Visconti, with the troupe of the Comedie-French.
Louvre médiéval, la forteresse de Philippe Auguste, dégagée lors des fouilles préventives à la construction de la Pyramide, musée du Louvre 2016.
Mission transmission renovated the Louvre
Guilda, travesti, extrait d’une série de trois photographies, New York, États- Unis, vers 1950.
Arles: ID photos by Sébastien Lifshitz
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Blanquette of VealBlanquette old, discussed and argued.Blanquette old "is ...
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