Thursday, July 28, 2016


Engineers at the Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) have developed graphene-based biofoam sheets that can be laid on dirty or salty dams and ponds to produce clean drinking water, using the power of the sun.   Read more
The Case Remote Air camera controller, which is currently on Indiegogo, promises to bring advanced wireless functionality to a range of Canon and Nikon DSLRs. We recently tried one out to see whether additional Wi-Fi features are worth having.   Read more
The concept of a skyscraper containing a rainforest sounds almost too absurd to entertain, even for Dubai. It's no longer a concept, though, with work on the Rosemont Hotel and Residences having now started. And the development is even more dripping with flamboyance than first reported last year.​   Read more
​​An international team of researchers has calculated the cataclysmic conditions created when an asteroid struck northern Arizona roughly 49,000 years ago by analyzing the structure of microscopic diamonds known as zircons.   Read more
Joining the ranks of off-road camping trailers built to navigate through and shelter in the most rugged slices of Earth, the new Lotus Off Grid brings a little more luxury than most. So you can get away from the everyday world ... without giving up the parts you actually like.   Read more
Single-molecule imaging has revealed that synapses – the tiny junctions that allow neurons to communicate with each other – transmit information across precisely-aligned nanocolumns. The discovery could unlock new secrets to how our brains work and it may improve our understanding of brain diseases.  Read more
In a welcome sacrifice for the good of the planet, a UN International Resource Panel study found that saving the environment may require people work fewer hours in the future. A growing middle class has led to a rapid pace of raw material extraction around the globe.  Read more
Homebrewing alcohol can be fun and cheap, but for what it saves in cash it can drain in time and effort. Alchema aims to simplify the process with the help of​ a user-friendly smart cider homebrewer and an app that provides clear instructions, recipes, and tips for creating your own concoctions.   Read more
If you tell someone their house looks like a shed, it isn't usually taken as a compliment, but Rural Design's Tinhouse was designed that way. Located in a rural plot in Scotland's Isle of Skye, the appealing home echoes the modest agricultural buildings that dot the area.  Read more
Supernovae, the massive explosions that mark the death of a star, are a headline event in astronomy, so for one of these to play an encore is particularly exciting. Scientists have found a superluminous supernova (SLSN) that appears to have exploded twice in quick succession.  Read more
A clever swimming technique used by hammerhead sharks has surprised marine biologists, who discovered that the species spend much of their time swimming sideways to conserve energy. ​   Read more
Twenty years ago, the famous Dolly the sheep, the first large mammal successfully cloned from an adult cell, was born. Now four of her cloned​ offspring (twin sisters?) are providing science with a better understanding of the cloning process and showing that clones can live to a healthy old age.   Read more
Why does Jupiter's upper atmosphere sizzle away at extraordinarily high temperatures when it is so far away from the Sun? Scientists have come across evidence suggesting the enigmatic Great Red Spot may be acting as the provider of this mysterious and powerful energy source. ​   Read more
Beyond the well-known Mylar emergency blanket, there's a small market of light, portable emergency gear designed to fend off hypothermia. The XeroVest from Delaware-based XeroGear packs small and light and inflates into form, relying on air pockets and heat reflective design.  Read more
Few cars can come close to matching the Lotus Elise for race car thrills on the road. It would seem, however, the Elise wasn't racy enough for some. Why else would Lotus feel the need to roll out the new Elise Race 250, a car tailor made for track work and amateur racing?   Read more
The Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) unmanned sub hunter has completed its first round of sea trials, during which main contractor Leidos​ says it met or surpassed its performance goals.   Read more
As air pollution becomes a bigger concern in communities around the globe, ways to detect it are beginning to proliferate. Now, a designer out of New York City has released a line of shirts that change to solid black when they are contaminated by pollutants. But they're not cheap.   Read more
​Last year, a team of amateur astronomers noticed something a little strange about the star system AR Scorpii. After getting in touch with university researchers, the system was soon studied by multiple telescopes. What they found was a binary system exhibiting never-before-seen behavior.   Read more
Those of a certain age and a certain bent can’t fail to look at this depiction of a space station without a sense of 70s nostalgia. Easy to mistake as speculative fiction, such images are the fruit of the collective brains of NASA, Princeton and Stanford. Here’s some of what they came up with …   Read more
​It’s generally assumed that great apes aren’t capable of controlling their voices, and that our ability to do so couldn’t have originated from them. A study turns that notion on its head, with evidence gathered from an adolescent orangutan indicating that the species is able to learn new sounds.   Read more
Not so long ago, the idea of a fully electric heavy truck simply wouldn't have been entertained. Today, however, Mercedes-Benz has unveiled the 26-tonne (28.7-ton) electrically powered Urban eTruck, which points to a future of zero emission, noise-free large truck deliveries.   Read more
​Over the years, we've seen a number of robots inspired by the animals kingdom. Inspired by the movement of snakes, an Israeli research team has now developed a bot that's said to be the first in the world to produce pure wave motion using a single motor.   Read more
​A new hydrogel patch could provide a more targeted, triple-therapy approach to treating tumors. With benefits to using the patch both before and after tumor removal, and with tests of laboratory mice showing extremely positive results, the patch could have a big impact on cancer treatment.   Read more
Chinese electronics company Xiaomi has a finger in drones, phones and bikes, and now it's decided to try its hand at laptops. The Mi Notebook Air certainly looks like a good first effort, with a beautiful metal exterior and specs that belie its budget price tag.   Read more
​Hearing a zombie nearby, and being able to tell it’s behind you and to the left, can mean the difference between life and death in a game. Sennheiser’s new gaming headset, the PC 373D, is designed to give you that advantage, adding a customizable equalizer and wrapping it in a luxurious package.   Read more
​As cars get more complicated, cutting people out of a crash involves navigating a web of airbags and high-voltage components. Mercedes is aiming to make life easier for emergency services with the Rescue Assist App, which provides AR imagery indicating where danger may lurk beneath a car's skin. ​   Read more
​We've been hearing a lot about the Hyperloop lately, but we haven't heard much about where its parts will be made. That changed today, as parent company Hyperloop One announced the opening of the "First Hyperloop Manufacturing Plant in the World."   Read more
Automaker Smart is to begin trialling a service that allows parcels to be delivered to the trunk of a car. "Smart Ready to Drop" is the first innovation from the carmaker's "smart lab" think tank, aimed at "accelerating the development and implementation of creative urban mobility projects."   Read more
Let's face it, cloud storage can get pricey no matter how good the bargain. That's why Zoolz offers a smarter way to purchase cloud backup based on tiered solutions meant to suit your particular needs. With this lifetime of Cold Storage, you'll have an extremely affordable place to safely store data that rarely gets revisited. This isn't for your mission critical data that needs instant access--this is an extremely affordable solution for those files you want to stow away safely for life.   Read more

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