Friday, June 24, 2016

Times of India- Gibraltar and Brexit etc.

Brexit: Spain says 'closer to' controlling Gibraltar

AFP | 
The Spanish city of La Linea de la Concepcion (rear), and the top of the Rock, a monolithic limestone promontory, are seen next to the construction (R) of Cape Vantage, in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar, south of Spain. (Reuters Photo) The Spanish city of La Linea de la Concepcion (rear), and the top of the Rock, a monolithic limestone promonto... Read More
MADRID: Spain said Friday it was closer to bringing Gibraltar under its control after Britain voted to leave the European Union, prompting London to jump in to ease concerns in the overseas territory.

The tiny rocky outcrop on Spain's southern tip has long been the subject of an acrimonious sovereignty row between London and Madrid, which wants Gibraltar back after it was ceded to Britain in 1713.

"Our formula... is British-Spanish co-sovereignty for a determined period of time, which after that time has elapsed, will head towards the restitution of Gibraltar to Spanish sovereignty," Spain's acting Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo told Spanish radio.

"The Spanish flag is much closer to the Rock."

But Britain's Minister for Europe David Lidington sought to ease concerns in the 33,000-strong territory.

"I want to be absolutely clear. The United Kingdom will continue to stand beside Gibraltar," he said in a statement.

"We will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass under the sovereignty of another state against your wishes."

Spain's conservative government, which has been in place since 2011 and is expected to win elections Sunday -- albeit without an absolute majority -- has been particularly vocal about its desire to see Gibraltar come back into its fold.

The Rock is now worried that it will be at the mercy of Madrid without the protection of the EU, which has had to intervene in the past to ease rows between the two, particularly over the flashpoint border crossing.

Margallo said the issue of Gibraltar was no longer within the remit of the European Union, after Britons voted to leave the bloc in Thursday's referendum.

"It is now a bilateral issue that will be negotiated exclusively between the United Kingdom and Spain," he said.

The idea of joint-sovereignty is not new, and such a proposal was etched out between Britain and Spain in 2001 and 2002. But it was binned after Gibraltarians rejected it in a November 2002 referendum.

Gibraltarians also turned out en masse to vote in the referendum Thursday, and 96 percent of those who cast their ballot voted to remain in the European Union.

Margallo said that a solution would still have to be found if Gibraltar wanted to keep its access to the EU's single market, which it relies on to a large extent for its thriving economy.

In a tweet, Gibraltar's Chief Minister Fabian Picardo called for calm.

"We have surpassed greater challenges. It is time for unity, for calm & for rational thinking. Together & united we will continue to prosper," he said.

But they were not the only ones to wake up in shock to the result.

Spanish workers on the other side of the border, many of whom depend on jobs in Gibraltar for their livelihood, reacted with "a lot of concern and fear."

The border town of La Linea de la Concepcion is of particular concern.

Unemployment in this 72,000-strong city stands at 40 percent, one of the worst-hit places in Spain, and the majority of those who work do so over the border.

Juan Jose Uceda of the Association of Spanish Workers in Gibraltar said the grouping feared that the "work situation for thousands of Spaniards and foreigners working in Gibraltar will become more difficult."

They fear that the crucial land border crossing to Gibraltar could be affected as it has been in the past.

In one particularly belligerent row over disputed waters, Spanish authorities upped border checks in 2013, creating hours-long logjams and forcing the European Commission to wade in and ease the crisis.

Top Comment

This referendum has split English Society and UK will have tough time, leave aside "Ruling the World". As a nation, UK has lost out in a big way.Sudhir Mhetre

But Spain's acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy sought to ease their concerns in a televised address.

"With regards to Spanish citizens working in Gibraltar... their rights have not changed," he said.

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